s lit () o fte` Families Trace Names To Inquisition Era By Betty Provizer Starkman Henriques/Henriquesz is a noted Sephardic (Spanish- Portuguese) family found in the United States, England, Holland and Jamaica. They are all related to some degree and originated in Spain, where some had intermarried with the Spanish royal family. During the Spanish Inquisition, which began in 1492, many members of the family fled to other countries. Others were burned and tortured to death, while some became secret or crypto-Jews (Marranos) and continued to live in Spain. As late as 1646 Manuel Henriquez, was burned to death by the Inquisition (which had followed the crypto-Jews to the new world) in Lima, Peru. 'A History of the Marranos" by Cecil Roth has much information about this family who is related to: Costa, Mendes, Warburg, De Sola, Gomez, Lopez, Levy, Judah and Nathan families. The Leo Baeck Institute, 129 E. 73rd St., N.Y. 10021, has an Henriques family tree. It is believed that the 15th Century Marrano family, Enriques, are the ancestors of the Henriques. Magnus/Magnes is a surname derived from a physical characteristic. It means tall in Hungarian. In Hebrew, a tall man adopted Tamir as a family name. In Italian/Spanish it became Grande/Grandes. Langer, Grosser and Hoch were adopted by tall people in the Yiddish/German. Asch/Ash is another name for geographic origin. It is an acronym for Eisenstadt, Austria, which had a large Jewish population prior to World War Two. Sholom Asch, the famous Yiddish-English author, was born in Kutno, Poland, and was a childhood friend of my late grandfather. Upon a recent visit to Kutna we found an Asch Street and a plaque upon Asch's place of birth. Sachar as a family name came Soviet Jewish Family Needs Letter of Support One way to learn about Jewish life around the world is to write to a Jewish family in another country. What is daily life like in the pen pal's country? What is Jewish life like? How are the holidays celebrated? To help our readers learn about Jews around the world, L'Chayim is making available addresses of Jewish families in communities abroad. Cost of an international air mail letter is 45 cents per half ounce. This month, the address of a Russian Jewish refusenik has been made available by the Soviet Jewry Committee of the Jewish Community Council. Before writing, please read these special rules for corresponding with Russian Jews: Letters should be personal, warm, sympathetic and should ask about birthdays, anniversaries and family events. Cards should be exchanged on these occasions and on the Jewish holidays as well. Avoid any anti-Soviet material and refrain from mentioning names of Soviet Jewry rescue organizations. Russian, Yiddish, Hebrew or English may be used. The standard way of addressing a letter to the Soviet Union is the reverse of the American way:USSR, Name of from the Slavonic noun "sugar." Sachars had an ancestor who was a dealer in sugar. Feldbaum as a surname was adopted from a Yiddish landscape description — field of trees. Reichman/Reich was a much coveted Ashkenazic surname meaning rich or rich man. Some of the Reich/Reichman families changed their names in the United States to Rich/Richman/Richards. The Hebrew biblical matronymic, Rachel, ws another source of these names. Other variations include: Reichelson (son of Rachel), Reichstein and Reichenheim. The Genealogical Computerized Family Finder (available at the Midrasha Library) lists persons seeking Reichman family. According to Benzion Kaganoff, the source of the name Brandeis was a geographical location — Brandeis in Bohemia. German Jews first settled there in 1440. This was The Nadgornyis have a son, Boris, 30. The family received its first visa refusal in 1982. No reason was given for the refusal. Letters of support may be sent as follows: USSR, RSFSR, Moscow 129010, Bol. Spasskaya 32-171, Nadgornyi, Eduard. Next Month The single-parent Jewish family will be the focus of what promises to be a very special September L'Chayim. Also included will be your favorite features, including the Yiddish and Hebrew lessons, What's In A Name, The Market Bag and — of course — Sefer Safari and an array of puzzles and games. Betty Starkman is the past president and founder of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Michigan. Answers To Puzzle, Matching Quiz 0 N 1 IF AISITI I H R D A YIOIFIA T OINIEI P P 0 C R 4 S T El 4 IJ O NIALL T A IT IE N C B K 7 B 6 ITIHIRIE1E ARIEIPIL A CIHI N 0 L S Y Republic, Name of City, Address, Addressee (last name first). This month's pen pals are Eduard and Nina Nadgornyi of Moscow. Nadgornyi is a physicist. As a result of his 1981 application to emigrate, he was dismissed as a department head at the Solid State Physics Institute of the Academy of Sciences, where he was a co- founder of a laboratory. In addition, he was expelled from four scientific councils and relegated to work as a laboratory technician. Other measures include the denial of his right to publish, the stripping of his title as Soviet Scientist and exclusion from his own research facilities. In response to Western protest, Nadgornyi was temporarily assigned the post of acting senior researcher, but he is still barred from research facilities as well as contact with his colleagues. a family who lived in Poland and descended from the famous Maharal of Prague, Rabbi Judah Lowe (1529-1609). Among the famous physicians, rabbis and soldiers of this clan was United States Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis. 8 DEIIHAF I U V 9 YI El RI P I R E H Answers to Matching Quiz 1.F 2.H 3.0 4.E 5.L 6.K 7.J 8.D 9.0 10.A 11.I 12.B This quiz was created by Patricia A. Milner, assistant administrator, Jewish Federation Apartments. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS L-7