POLITICS If Connecticut's Attorney General Joe Lieberman unseats U.S. Sen. Lowell Weicker Jr. in November, he will become the first Orthodox Jew in the Senate. KIMBERLY LIFTON Staff Writer W ith a full-time job and countless hours on the campaign trail, Joe Lieberman fully under- stands the meaning of Shabbat rest. "I look forward to my Shabbos nap during this campaign," says Lieberman, the Connecticut attorney general who hopes to unseat veteran Republican Sen. Lowell Weicker Jr. in November. "Being observant does give added perspective. No matter how important politics are, other things — like family and religion — are more important!' Political analysts say a Lieber- man victory would make the 46-year- old Democrat the first Orthodox Jew in the U.S. Senate. Congress now in- cludes 35 Jewish representatives and senators. "It's (being an Orthodox Jew) not the big campaign issue," Lieberman explains. "Yet it would create a small piece of history. "I guess you could say I threw my yarmulke into the ring," he says. He doesn't wear a kippah every day, yet Lieberman davens twice a day and wears tsitsit. He is shomer Shabbat, and stresses he has never compromised religious beliefs to benefit his political career. His strong Orthodox background did, however, help him choose the political arena. Lieberman was raised in Stam- ford, Conn., where he belonged to an Orthodox congregation and attended Hebrew school. "I absorbed everything my parents and rabbis taught me about Judaism being a foundation for com- passion, justice and community ser- vice, " he says. "Politics seemed a natural and appropriate setting to further those teachings!' If he wins a seat in the U.S. Senate, Lieberman says he will con- tinue his religious observances, and at the same time, successfully serve the people of Connecticut. He boasts of a good attendance record during his 10-year stint as a state senator — even though he observes all Jewish holidays and never drives or works on Shabbat. As majority leader in the state senate for six years, he set the legislative calen- dar and avoided such scheduling conflicts. As a U.S. senator, Lieberman says he would be willing to make some compromises if a political situation was critical to the quality of life in Connecticut or the world. If crucial, Lieberman says, he could spend Shab- bat in the Capitol office, walk to the Senate chambers and vote by voice. He has discussed the matter with several rabbis, who agree that an obligation to the public would make such an act acceptable by Jewish standards. "In those special cases it would be my responsibility to the United States to represent them at that critical hour," he says. Lieberman calls himself the "peo- ple's lawyer" and is making a pitch as a crusader for consumers and the average citizen. Weicker — who became known as a maverick liberal when serving as a member of the Senate Watergate hearings — bills himself a defender of constitutional freedoms. Religion is not the basis of Lieber- man's campaign, but he talks about it openly and hopes the public will understand. "The fact that I've been observant consistently helps people to respect my beliefs!' Lieberman says, adding, "I feel more effective the other six days of the week when I take that one, special day off!' Lieberman knowingly missed the 1988 Connecticut Democratic Con- vention because it fell on Shabbat. In fact, he prepared a pre-recorded accep- tance speech for his supporters while he observed Shabbat with his wife, Hadassah, and their children. In 1982, during a heated battle for the state's first full-time attorney general position, Lieberman missed the Saturday state convention. And in 1986, during his re- election bid, Lieberman again miss- ed the convention, which always is held on Shabbat. Despite his absences, he secured his party's nomination each time. Lieberman's supporters include individual Jews, Jewish religious leaders, entrepreneurs, lawyers and politicians. Yet he says he has failed to secure campaign funds from pro- Israel political action committees. THEDETROIT:JEWISH NEWS 77