Finding A Method Sam Lerner feels good about his Jewish Family Service efforts to keep children living in their own homes, and having JFS treat the child rather than sending the child to a private psychiatrist or to a state hospital. Lerner became aware of the ad- vantages of working directly with children from his experience as head of a child guidance clinic and in helping reorganize the Juvenile Division of the Wayne County Pro- bate Court. "I also became aware that family agencies, like JFS were not treatment oriented when it came to chidren," explains Lerner. "I wanted to change this approach when I became director 26 years ago." Lerner is retiring this year. Gradually, a group therapy pro- gram evolved, and when JFS planned its headquarters on Greenfield Road, two play therapy rooms were included. "I feel strongly that children and their parents be treated simultaneously," says Lerner. "It's tough to separate a child and a family; and it's expensive. And then it's tough to reunite them as a family?' A Family Therapy Institue evolved at JFS. The program of- fered many options: counseling parents alone, observing parents interacting with their children and working with them together, treating the youngsters individual- ly, and working with a group of parents that had similar problems. JFS also started a special group program for mothers with toddlers, teaching nutrition and care of the toddler as well as the mother. Homemaker services were provided. "This program grew from a handful of women with one social worker to over 30 women with Continued on Page 27 home from the office. Spiegel thinks abuse may occur in families like this because it's impossi- ble to keep up with the image of the perfect Jewish family. "As long as we pretend child abuse doesn't exist, we allow it to con- tinue," she says. "And you won't find studies for what you don't want to ex- ist. In the shtetls and ghettos, the community knew what was going on because living conditions were crowd- ed; you could hear everything if you couldn't see it. "But when the children of im- migrant parents moved to suburbia, they isolated themselves even more, and the isolation was made worse by the myth of the perfect Jewish fami- ly. For the sake of shalom bayit, peace in the home, anger is suppressed for the good of the family!" Like other communities across the country, the Detroit Jewish com- munity is just beginning to deal with the problem. Jewish Family Service of Detroit recently received a $137,000 grant from the Skillman Foundation to establish a program for people like Karen S. The grant will provide families with group treatment, paren- ting classes and therapy to eliminate long-term placement of children and perpetuation of abuse and neglect patterns into succeeding generations. The program is starting with about 30 families of pre-schol children. JFS is seeking referrals from the juvenile court system, synagogues, agencies, schools and hospitals in addition to its own client candidates. Participants are not re- quired to be Jewish. This past winter and spring, Marilyn Wineman of JFS visited synagogues, schools, family practi- tioners, rabbis, social workers and pediatricians, letting them know about the program. "It's been interesting," said Wineman. "When I approach a group and talk about children at risk, first reactions are usually, 'It can't happen here, not in this school or synagogue. Jews don't do that; other people do that! Then, after I've explained the program and the kinds of families that we'd like to see as part of the pro- gram, I see some heads nodding as they visualize the faces of one family or another that might be part of the program. Jewish faces!' "I'm not sure whether there's more child abuse in the Jewish com- munity or it's simply surfacing because of the tremendous amount of coverage given to the subject by the Sam Lerner media," explains Margaret Weiner, director of professional services at Jewish Family Service. "I do, however, have three good reasons which might explain the increase of incidence for the general population and the Jewish community as well. "First, there's been a definite in- crease in substance abuse, and where there's alcohol or drugs, there's a big- ger likelihood for child abuse. Second- ly, there are more single-parent families and single parents bear much stress, often with little support. The anger, the resentment, the over- whelmingness of the situation lead to a greater incidence of child abuse and neglect. And finally, the tremendous increase in the number of step- parenting families, with all their frustrations and disappointed expec- tations and fears, is another probable cause for more child abuse and neglect." Gladys Cohen, counseling chair- man of Northville High School, ex- plains that parents often act irra- tionally, particularly if either is an alcoholic. "Divorce plays havoc on lives and often elicits abuse," says Cohen. "One of my students, a 16-year-old boy, was kicked out of the house because his father, a successful Jewish profes- sional, said the boy studied too much and his seriousness depressed him. Then there was a girl whose mother grabbed her hair and cut it with a kit- chen shears because she said her daughter stole a beer from the fami- ly refrigerator. The mother said she was careful not to hurt her daughter with the scissors:' Cohen says the school is often the first place to notice that something may be wrong by recognizing changes in attendance, behavior and grades. "Admittedly, it's still hard to know what goes on beyond closed doors:' says Cohen. "But whatever the route, parents have to be consistent in their behavior. That's sometimes very dif- ficult, especially when teenagers have different values and today's lifestyle has changed dramatically. For in- stance, how do you tell your daughter to behave on a date when as a single parent your girlfriend has been your weekend houseguest for the past six months? "Kids only do what we want them to do because they allow us to control them. The problems arise, especially with teenagers, when they decide not to be controlled, and as parents, we have trouble figuring out what to do." Child abuse is not just a modern phenomenon. Once normal child rear- THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 25