1UP FRONT I YOU'RE COVERED Rabbi Aft Continued from Page 5 With Our New T-Shirt! United Synagogue Youth, B'nai B'rith Youth Organiza- tion and Reform youth groups. He plans to identify pro- spective students through campus programming and weekend study retreats. Aft, 33, ordained as a Reconstructionist rabbi, comes to UHS from Tucson, Arizona, where he served as rabbi and education/youth director for the Conservative Congregation Anshei Israel. During summers, Aft has served as staff rabbi for the B'nai B'rith Youth Organiza- tion Kallah Program. There, he taught high school students ways to explore Jewish identity. Though he is Reconstruc- tionist, he has worked in both Conservative and Reform set- tings and views himself as a middle-of-the-road rabbi. He calls himself a liberal conservative. He says Ofra Fisher's plan for the high school — approv- ed by the UHS board last January — will emphasize specialized programming such as teaching the history Rabbi Bruce Aft of Zionism and the rise of the state of Israel. Born in Chicago, Rabbi Aft has had a myriad of related education jobs. Such positions include special projects coor- dinator for the Board of Jewish Education of Metropolitan Chicago, the ex- ecutive director for the Midwest region of the Reconstructionist Congrega- tions and Chavurot, and rab- binical positions for several congregations. OPINION 1 Anti-Semitism Continued from Page 7 Subscribe Today To The Jewish News And Receive Our New T-Shirt With Our Compliments! From the West Bank to West Bloomfield — and all points in between — The Jewish News covers your world. And now with our new T-shirt, we cover our new subscribers, too. It's durable, comfortable, easy to care for and attractive. And it comes in an array of adult and children's sizes. But most important, your new subscription will mean 52 information- packed weeks of The Jewish News, plus our special supplements, delivered every Friday to your mailbox. r A great newspaper and a complimentary T-shirt await you for our low subscription rates. Just fill out the coupon below and return it to us. We'll fit you to a T! Jewish News T-Shirt Offer Please clip coupon and mail to: Yes! Start me on a subscription to The Jewish News for the period and amount circled below. Please send me the T-shirt. JEWISH NEWS T-SHIRT 20300 Civic Center Dr. Southfield, Mich. 48076-4138 NAME This offer is for new subscriptions only. Cur- rent subscribers may order the T-shirt for $4.75. Allow four weeks delivery. ADDRESS CITY (Circle One) (Circle One) ZIP 1 year: $26 2 years: $46 Out of State: $33 Enclosed $ ADULT EX. LG. ADULT LARGE ADULT MED. CHILD LARGE CHILD MED. CHILD SMALL J L 12 STATE FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1988 of Israel was actually debated at the Democratic convention. For the first time, this argu- ment has been made respec- table by having one of the ma- jor parties discuss it openly and on national television. By agreement and after hard lob- bying by the Jewish groups, a vote on it was averted, but the Rev. Jesse Jackson has said that he would have won on the issue by 70 percent. Whether that is sensible or not, whether that is a solu- tion or not, I do not know. You don't know either. I think a decision of that kind should be made by the Israelis in Israel who are best able to judge whether it is dangerous or not. It is cowardly to sit safe in Detroit or Kansas Ci- ty or Los Angeles or New York and tell the Israelis they must risk their lives because we think it is the thing to do. What can we do? Michigan was carried by Jackson. Michigan has a Jewish senator, Carl Levin. Surely the Jewish community has access to him at the highest level. Will he disavow the anti-Semitic rumblings in his own party? Can he not, among others, exert some pressure on candidate Michael Dukakis and the real head of the Democratic Party, Jesse Jackson? What does it take to make a Jew angry? Unless the real leaders of the Democrats, Dukakis and Jackson, repudiate these statements, come down four- square on the American prin- ciples against this kind of pre- judice, then Jews should not support the Democratic Par- ty. There are all sorts of divi- sions in the Jewish communi- ty — Reform, Conservative, Orthodox — Democrat and The community should pressure Carl Levin to pressure Dukakis. Republican — Zionists and Peace Now — but on one sub- ject all Jews are united. We must oppose anti-Semitism no matter where it is and we must protect Israel. In the 1930s, when Hitler was beginning to take over Europe, the Jewish communi- ty here, and abroad for that matter, was quiet, fearful of causing trouble. We, the sur- vivors of that time, are still under attack for not doing enough. Let us not repeat that mistake. Let us fight this scourge as hard as we can at every level we can. I know now what it takes to make a Jew angry.