4 AROUND TOWN Landsmen of Mezeritch Bob McKeown A charity group has evolved into a social club, but recalls its roots on its 50th anniversary Irving Herman, Bea Fealk, Jack Klain and Herman Kaufman look through Bea's club scrapbook. munity. A town shut was built. A yeshivah was headquartered there. Special to The Jewish News And great scholars migrated from s Bea Fealk flips Mezeritch to the Holy Land. By the end of the 18th Century, through the pages of the the town boasted 9,000 Jews in a history of the Mezerit- population of 13,000. Mrs. Fealk's cher landsmanshaften father was beter known as "Pesach she also flips through Groisar" than his given name, David the pages of her life. The Mezeritcher group, one of the Feldman, because he was the tallest few landsmanshaften remaining in man in town. He also owned the com- the Detroit area, is celebrating its munity's brush factory. Feldman was a man ahead of his golden anniversary. Despite its con- time. Concerned about the rising tide tinuity, it bears little resemblance to of anti-Semitism, he decided in 1898 the club of 50 years ago, formed by im- migrants from Mezeritch to help to send his sons and his daughter to family and friends in Detroit and New York City. There his sons joined the New York Mezeritch Young Men's back home. "Originally it was a charity Society. The former Mezeritchers group," member Herman Kaufman established their own synagogue on explains. "Today it's just a social the city's east side. Besides four group," with few members descended chapters in New York City, other Mezeritcher groups formed in from Mezeritch. It is a group that has more than Chicago, Cleveland, Toronto and Mon- its fair moments of fun. But it is a treal, as well as Palestine and social group none-the-less, quite Argentina. In 1918, the Mezeritch Beneficial unlike what it was before World War Aid Society was formed in Detroit to II. Although the club dates back to serve 30 transplanted "Mizritchies." 1938, the story really begins in the Joining the Detroit group some five 16th Century, with the first known years later were the Feldmans. The aid society quickly grew in settlement of Jews in the Polish village of Mezeritch. According to strength. In 1923, a cemetery was Mrs. Fealk, the landsmanshaften's established along Gratiot Avenue in historian and an original member, Roseville. A meeting hall was opened about 80 percent of the village's above a Chinese laundry at Linwood population was Jewish. And, and Elmhurst. And a farm school was historically, the Jews controlled all of purchased at Georgetown, Ontario. In 1938, David Feldman, who by the business in town. It was a cohesive Jewish corn- then was president of the "senior" GARY BAUMGARTEN A chers. "That's hard to judge, They didn't keep any records. "I do know that many of them went on to be successful people. The son of one of the orphans, for exam- ple, is the vice president of a bank. And they maintained their Jewish- ness; they definitely did. Many of those that now live in Toronto are very religious." Economics, and the growth of the boys to adulthood, forced the closing of the school. Some of the younger boys were transferred to a farmhouse near Windsor. Meanwhile, the land- smanshaft continued to raise money and send it to Mezeritch until the in- The aid society was vading Nazis wiped out the Jewish formed to serve 30 community. After that, the Mezerit- transplanted chers' fund-raising efforts were directed toward Israel. "Mizritchies." Mrs. Fealk says the landsman- group was busy raising money, the shaften became the link to a past senior groups were getting as many that, suddenly, with one fell Nezi Jewish boys as they could out of sweep, no longer exited. "There was Mezeritch and to the farm school this town of 9,000 Jews who, except for those who came here prior to the before Hitler got to them. "I went up there to Georgetown Holocaust, were wiped out." A few years ago, Mrs. Fealk's many times with my brother to bring them gifts," Mrs. Fealk says. "And brother, Dr. Paul Fenton, visited they were there only because there Mezeritch in a futile search for his were people who were foresighted past. "My brother was so very disap- enough to do something. People say pointed. He found what he thought six million died and what did we do. was our father's factory. But when he Well, our forefathers rescued so many tried to question the one Jewish man from Hitler by settling this farm in who survived, the man wouldn't corn- municate because he was afraid. We Ontario." Mrs. Fealk says she has no idea have a picture of my grandfather's how many lives were actually saved gravestone before everything happen- by the actions of the older Mezerit- ed over there and he looked for the group, asked his daughter, Bea, to form a junior group. "In those days children listened to their parents," Mrs. Fealk said. "Despite the fact that we were busy with babies in diapers, 10 couples complied with my father's request." That was the beginning of today's Mezeritcher landsmanshaften. "We worked very hard," Mrs. Fealk says. "We presented fundrais- ing variety shows and we raised money by running a resale shop." The money supported the farm school in Ontario. Because, while the junior THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 73