NEWS Detroit Gallery of Contemporary Crafts 301 Fisher Bldg: 1 ANNUAL Detroit, MI Glass ■ Leather AUGUST 48202 Wood ■ Wearables SALE Mon-Sat • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 11-5 ■ Jewelry ■ ■ ■ Ceramics 873-7888 Visit the Garden Cafe, serving from 11 to 3. Lloyd Bentsen and Michael Dukakis: Shofar so good. Democrats Campaign With Jews In Mind Not all Sinai doctors are Jewish. But they've all got seychel, and they know how to treat you like a mensch. It's not easy to join the Sinai Medical Staff. Applicants have to complete an accredited residency program in a med- ical specialty. They're expected to be cer- tified by the national examining board in that specialty. Their credentials are scru- tinized by other physicians in their own and related fields before they are rec- ommended for appointment by the Board of Trustees. More than 300 members of Sinai's Medical Staff are on the faculty of the medical schools at Wayne State Univer- sity or the University of Michigan or the dental school at the University of Detroit. We at Sinai get a lot of naches from our medical staff. If your doctor is not a member of the Sinai Hospital medical staff, ask yourself one question—and ask your doctor, too: WHY NOT? If you don't have a doctor, or are look- ing for a specialist, call our Physician Referral Service. We'll be happy to make a shidduch. THIS IS SINAI Michigan's Only Jewish Hospital 34. FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1988 . Atlanta (JTA) — The Democratic National Com- mittee began its traditional post-convention meeting with the sound of the shofar, perhaps an effort by Demo- cratic presidential candidate Michael Dukakis and his vice presidential running mate, Sen. Lloyd Bentsen, to court Jewish voters. Rabbi Juda Mintz of Atlan- ta's B'nai Torah Synagogue, sounded the shofar as he opened the meeting with an invocation in which he prayed for the success of a Dukakis administration. In what is ex- pected to be a close race with Republican presidential can- didate George Bush, Jewish voters in such key states as New York, California, Illinois, Florida, New Jersey and Pennsylvania will likely be courted by Dukakis. Although Dukakis emerged from the convention with the support of the Rev. Jesse Jackson, many political ex- perts, have said this display of unity could hurt Dukakis in the Jewish community and among other voters concerned about Jackson's positions. A potential problem for Dukakis was defused when Jackson supporters withdrew an amendment to the Middle East section of the party plat- form that would have sup- ported Palestinian self- determination. Jackson also omitted from his unity speech prepared remarks calling for Palestin- ian self-determination, although he did urge support of self-determination in general. Advisers convinced Jackson that direct references to the Palestinians would do him more harm than good. Jewish Republicans already have demonstrated their plan to hit hard on the Jackson in- volvement, and the GOP, in general, is expected to point up Jackson's role. Disturbances Erupt In Gaza Strip Jerusalem (JTA) — The Jerusalem area was quiet, the West Bank city of Nablus was under • curfew and distur- bances erupted in the Gaza Strip as Jews and Arabs each observed their religious holidays. Jews observed Tisha B'Av, a day of fasting to mourn the destruction of the Second Temple. Moslems began the first day of the four-day feast of Id el-Adha, which marks the end of the hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca. The mosques on the Temple Mount, the third holiest site of Islam, were packed. avoid trouble, police kept Jews away, infuriating the observant, who prayed at the Western Wall, the last rem- nant of the Temple's ram- parts. Although an Arab couple was arrested last week for try- ing to smuggle gasoline bombs onto the Temple Mount, the Old City was quiet and secure for worship- pers and tourists. Rioting in the Old City and parts of east Jerusalem at times has spill- ed over into western Jerusalem and the northern suburbs, where Jewish neighborhoods abut Arab