I OPINION YOU'RE COVERED With Our New T-Shirt! Ifs durable, comfortable, easy to care for and attractive. And it comes in an array of adult and children's sizes. But most important, your new subscription will mean 52 information- packed weeks of The Jewish News, plus our special supplements, delivered every Friday to your mailbox. A great newspaper and a complimentary 'T-shirt await you for our low subscription rates. Just fill out the coupon below and return it to us. We'll fit you to a T! Jewish News T-Shirt Offer Please clip coupon and mail to: JEWISH NEWS T-SHIRT 20300 Civic Center Dr. Southfield, Mich. 48076-4138 NAME ADDRESS CITY (Circle One) STATE ZIP 1 year: $26 2 years: $46 Out of State: $33 Enclosed $ (Circle One) ADULT EX. LG. ADULT LARGE ADULT MED. CHILD LARGE CHILD MED. CHILD SMALL 12 FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1988 perienced before, and I mourned for my aunt. Fear is a legitimate human emotion. All of us experience it, and certainly the ex- perience of Auschwitz com- bined with one's capacity to empathize can easily raise that emotion to a conscious level. We Jews face the unique dilemma and awesome responsibility of converting the fear, created out of generations of persecution, into a form of strength. We must somehow instill that strength in our children and our children's children. And so we must return to Auschwitz with our children and they with their children. They must understand as I do now Our going to Poland really has nothing to do with the ef- fect it may have on the Polish people. It has everything to do with the effect it has on us as Jews. Anti-Semitism existed before, during and after the Jewish presence there and we all know, unfortunately, that it exists today. But to con- clude that "Poland has slam- med the door on us for the last time. There is no reason to sneak back in. Don't visit Poland," misses the entire purpose of our visit. We must not be intimidated by what happened there. On the contrary, we must be made stronger because of it. Our demonstration of strength can only help Soviet Jews and other oppressed Jews everywhere. We have an obligation to somehow pass that strength to our children. Revisionist history, in Deborah Lipstadt's view, tends to remove the Holocaust from the realm of a supreme evil and provides the Nazis and the Poles with some excuses. She worries that eventually, as the last of the Holocaust survivors die and the event recedes far in- to the past, some • revisionist notions could enter mainstream history. "Children today are the last people who will ever know a Holocaust survivor or eyewitness" Lipstadt said. "Starting now and certainly in the future it may be possi- ble for some people to believe some falsehoods that would be impossible to believe now." I hope the experience of be- ing at Auschwitz will burn forever that horrible chapter of our history into my children's Jewish con- sciousness. Then, they too will truly understand what is meant when we proclaim, "Never Again!" Bonds Go 'Classic' At Second Annual Party From the West Bank to West Bloomfield — and all points in between — The Jewish News covers your world. And now with our new T-shirt, we cover our new subscribers, too. This offer is for new subscriptions only. Cur- rent subscribers may order the T-shirt for $4.75. Allow four weeks delivery. Continued from Page 7 LOCAL NEWS Subscribe Today To The Jewish News And Receive Our New T-Shirt With Our Compliments! Yes! Start me on a subscription to The Jewish News for the period and amount circled below. Please send me the T-shirt. Strength The New Leadership Divi- sion of State of Israel Bonds will hold its second annual cocktail and supper dance 7 p.m. Aug. 25 at Carail, a private classic cars and model trains museum-. With over 50 classic cars from the early 1900s through the 1940s as a backdrop, "Bonds Go Classic — A Black Tie and Tailgate Party" will feature dancing to the music of The People's Choice band. Other highlights of the enter- tainment program are in the planning stage, according to the event's chairmen, Heidi Press and Lauren Bruss. Reservation deadline is Aug. 19. For reservations and information, call Israel Bonds, 557-2900. New Leadership is the young adult division of State of Israel Bonds, a major source of development capital for Israel. Founded only nine years ago, the Israel Bonds New Leadership Division now has over 6,000 members in 33 U.S. and Canadian cities. In addition to promoting economic support of Israel's growing infrastructure through investment in Israel Bonds, local divisions of New Leadership also promote a better awareness of Israel and its people through educa- tional and social events. - AJCampaign Leaders Named Completion of the 1989 Allied Jewish Campaign leadership team has been an- nounced by General Chairmen Jane Sherman and Paul Borman. Division chairmen are: Ben Rosenthal, mercantile; Peter M. Alter, Linda Z. Klein and H. James Zack, professional service; Irving Laker and Myron Milgrom, industrial and automotive; Phillip W Fisher, real estate; Drs. Dar- ryl T. Goldberg and Dan G. Guyer, professional health; Paul S. Magy and Lisa Som- mers, young adult; William R. Lakritz, metropolitan; and Diane Klein, women's.