I ROUND UP I ROSH HASHANAH GREETINGS PICK...THE GREETING OF YOUR CHOICE Best wishes for a happy, healthy New Year. May the coming year be filled with health and happiness for all our family and friends. — NAME — # 1 $14.00 mu"? to all our friends and relatives. $25.00 We wish our family and friends a very healthy, happy and prosperous New Year. — NAME — # 4 Tel Aviv (JTA) — Against a backdrop of continuing unrest and violence in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, east Jerusalem newspaper editor Hanna Siniora reportedly handed a United Nations of- ficial an eight-point Palesti- nian document aimed at en- ding the seven-month-old uprising. Siniora, editor of the east Jerusalem Arabic daily Al- Fajr, is a controversial figure in his own right. Respected by some Israelis as a moderate who could represent Palesti- nians in future negotiations, he is regarded by others as a staunch PLO supporter, if not a card-carrying member. The document, signed by "the unified leadership of the uprising in the occupied ter- ritories — the PLO," con- tained immediate and long- term demands, among them an "independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital." The conditions for ending the uprising were tough. They include evacuation of the Israel Defense Force from Palestinian towns, villages and refugee camps. The troops would be replaced by an international peacekeep- ing force. Elections for municipal and rural councils would be held under international supervi- sion. All deportees from the territories would be allowed to return, administrative de- tainees would be released, and schools and universities shut down by the Israeli authorities would be reopened. The document closely resembles the 14-point plan Siniora and Fayez Abu- Rahme, a Gaza lawyer, pre- sented to U.S. Secretary of State George Shultz earlier this year. In other developments, Pal- estinians observed a nearly total strike last Monday in the West Bank and Gaza. To All Our Relatives and Friends, Our wish for a year filled with happiness, health and prosperity. $35.75 #3 Palestinian Gives Demands All greetings arriving after the deadline will appear in the following week's edition. — NAME — — NAME — #2 These are samples of the personal greetings being offered. They will be published in the Rosh Hashanah issue of the Jewish News, Sept. 9, 1988. DEADLINE: Wednesday, August 31. $25.00 — NAME — #6 A Very Happy and Healthy New Year to All Our Friends and Family. May the New Year Bring To All Our Friends and Family — Health, Joy, Prosperity and Everything Good in Life. $64 May the coming year be one filled with health, happiness and prosperity for all our friends and family. — NAME — — NAME — $82.50 # 7 r MI NM I= NM IM MO NI I MI NM OM NI MN 11111 Please insert my New Year's Greeting # ▪ 4 FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1988 =m1== =.... m ...... MI NI MI IN SEND TO: The Jewish News Greetings 20300 Civic Center Dr., Suite 240 Southfield, MI 48076-4138 THE JEWISH NEWS Check enclosed (circle one): $35.75 $25 $14 $82.50 $64 $46.50 $97.50 Other m oo= Ns I. No m m om ....= = === $97.50 #8 NI II I (Please print name to appear in greeting) Address $26 per year $33 per year out of state 60' single copy State City Ns m NI Second class postage paid at Southfield, Michigan and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send changes to: DETROIT JEWISH NEWS, 20300 Civic Center Drive, Suite 240, Southfield, Michigan 48076 Name mu THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS (US PS 275-520) is published every Friday with additional supplements the fourth week of March, the fourth week of August and the second week of November at 20300 Civic Center Drive, Southfield, Michigan. ow NI am m Zip Code IN MINI 11111•1•11111111=1111111111 Vol. XCIII No. 21 July 22, 1988