EDITORIAL No Exit Late last week, the American Embassy in Moscow announced it would temporarily cease issuing refugee visas to Soviet citizens seeking to emigrate to the United States. The ban will be in effect until October 1. The move, which prevents thousands of Armenians and dozens of Jews from moving to the West, was stunning and rationalized pure- ly in economic terms. According to one State Department official, the department's refugee admissions budget has "an absolute up- per limit" on the number of refugees who can be admitted to the U.S. True, everything does have its limits, especially when it comes to budgets. But the visa suspension comes at a crucial juncture in U.S.-Soviet relations. With glasnost, perestroika and reform-minded Mikhail Gorbachev on the rise in Moscow, it is of paramount impor- tance that Washington maintain its almost two decades of pressure on the Kremlin to relax its draconian emigration policy. The fact that not that many people — a few thousand, perhaps, at the most — will be immediately affected by the American hiatus on refugee visas is irrelevant. What is important is the message — and its possible long-range ramifications — that the suspension sends to the Soviets: It suggests that American resolution on Soviet emigra- tion is waning. Given the present opportunities in U.S.-Soviet rela- tions, this is one of the last messages that should be sent to the Kremlin. The visa suspension expires three months from now That is much too long. It should be repealed now surgery. Among these are reconstructive surgery and removal of skin cancers. But to have cosmetic surgery performed so one can look less Jewish — or not Jewish at all — is an affront both to oneself and to one's people. Some Orthodox Jews would add that it is an affront to God, from whom our bodies, in a sense, are on loan. In America, some Jews have tried to hide their ancestry and their roots. They, like some other ethnic groups, have tried to pass as Americans, that amorphous, yet appealing mythical image. (What, after all, does "an American" look like?) But today's medical technology allows for the possibility of the ultimate assimilation: lb look like "an American," not just to act or dress like one. Claims of some cosmetic surgery patients that the procedure has bolstered their confidence belies the truism that confidence comes from a sense of who one is — and not who one would like to be. Surgery that lets one masquerade as somebody else must come with heavy psychological costs if it requires minimizing or denying one's own Jewishness. The costs — and dangers — of assimilation are high enough without requiring us to masquerade as someone other than who we are. . Mythical Masquerade We had hoped that ethnic pride was on the upswing, but the latest news from Los Angeles and other major cities indicates that some Jews, at least, still have a problem with looking like Jews. Six per- cent of Angelenos are Jewish, yet between one-third to one-half of the patients of the city's cosmetic surgeons — and half of such surgeons' operations on noses are done on Jewish noses. In Detroit and other cities, there appears to be a similar disproportion of Jews flocking to cosmetic surgeons. Certainly, there are some valid reasons to elect to have cosmetic LETTERS UJA Critic Needs Specifics ProfessorJaffe's article ("Combattiing Crisis in Jewish Philanthropy," June 3) would have so much more meaning if he had specified instances of waste instead of smearing the United Jewish Appeal with such a broad brush. There is no doubt that waste and ineffeciency exist — name a profit-making in- stitution that is free of either. Who, specifically, does he name as "rightful dispensers" (of funds), and who defines "rational criteria"? And who are the "thousands of salaried employees" that constitute the fund-raising effort? I know of the unpaid volunteers — I'm one — who unstintingly give of their 6. FRIDAY, July 15 1988 , time and effort, but, the only salaried employees I know of perform many necessary functions in addition to the ef- forts expended on behalf of UJA. If UJA claims 60 percent of funds to Israel go towards welfare needs, let Professor Jaffe, who claims it a "narrow definition of welfare," go on to spell out a clearer one. Let him name the "second-string . . . politicians" who knee-jerk to the donors abroad, and tell us what they've done that he finds so unacceptable. Have him tell us what "radical reform" in governance of funds he recommends (He may have some good ideas!). Professor Jaffe recites many areas and attitudes that could stand improvement — he's right — but, like criticism of our (U.S.) form of government, we stick with it because we've yet to find one we like better. Irwin D. Meyers Brevard, N.C. Home Concerned About Cutbacks The front-page Jewish News article (July 8) on the state budget impact on the Jewish Home for Aged's care for our Jewish elderly is most appreciated by all those in- volved in this critical issue. We continue to be concerned about possible cutbacks in Medicaid reimbursements to nursing homes, and the effect this would have on our residents. We, therefore, urge the community to continue communicating with legislators in Lansing while they consider the 1988-1989 budget. In the article's final sentence, an inaccurate state- ment was made regarding the wage levels of Jewish Home for Aged staff. Actually, 14 percent of the 400-member Jewish Home for Aged staff earns minimum wage, while 27 percent earn below $4.00 per hour. To maintain quali- ty staffing, the Jewish Home for Aged budget must reflect adequate wages. Over 70 per- cent of the Jewish Home for Aged caregivers receive more than $4.00 per hour. Once again, we thank The Jewish News for its coverage of the funding issue. Alan S. Funk Executive Vice President Jewish Home For Aged Agudah Article Is Appreciated I want to compliment The Jewish News on its nice presentation on the Agudath Israel and its Washington lob- by (July 1). We can see that Torah values can be applied and can fit in with our system of government and, yes, coali- tions and alliances can be formed without "coalition politics that involves com- promising one's principles and losing one's identity as a Jew." Alan Gordon West Bloomfield Demjanjuk Case Is Criticized I am an American Jew and a trial lawyer who has been active in the cause of Soviet Jewry and human rights for a number of years. I have ex- Continued on Page 10