PURELY COMMENTARY Roles Of The Humorous Answer: For calling a gov- ernment minister a jerk. Three of the 13 years were for in- sulting a govern- ment official; the other 10 were for disclosing a state secret. Ivan walked into a shop. "You don't have any meat, do you?" he asked Khaim the clerk. "No, here we don't have any fish. Next door, at the butcher's, they don't have any meat," replied Khaim. As Abram and Sarah passed the headquarters of the KGB in Leningrad on the tram, he sighed. "Abram;' whispered Sarah, "how many times have I told you not to carry on political discus- sions in public?" "Shapiro, we know you have a brother abroad;' said the KGB official. "I do not;' Shapiro protested vehemently. "Don't lie to us, Shapiro. We even have these letters from him addressed to you and postmark- ed Jerusalem," the official sneered. "Ah, you don't understand;' explained Shapiro. "It's not my brother who is abroad; it is I!" The two authors, David A. Harris and Izrail Rabinovich, first met in Rome 10 years ago in the HIAS office. They conferred in an exchange of letters and files when they were separated, and resorted to the mails in the making of "The Jokes of Oppression." The volume will entertain and may be cause for con- cern that the Jews should make fun at the expense of an antagonistic regime. The minimal seriousness of such a "threat" has been properly indicated by the authors and should be understan- dable by all who crave telling jokes at one's own expense as a human nor- malcy. It must especially be recognized as a Jewish trait. 'Mocking Presidents' T he Mocking of the Presidents" by Gerald Gardner earns a spot in American history writing. Jesting stories about our presidents is, in a sense, a chapter in history. With every story there is the appended occa- sion of the humor. Recognition by Gardner of the role of the media and the electoral cam- paigns adds significance to his collected efforts. He makes the comment: Thank heavens for America's humorists. What would we do without them dur- ing the quadrennial marathons called presidential elections? Thank heavens for Art Buchwald, Mark Russell, Garry Trudeau, Jules Feiffer, Mort Sahl, Paul Conrad, Pal Oliphant, and Herblock, for the National Review the "National 38 FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1988 Lampoon, and Punch, for Johnny Carson and Bob Hope and "Saturday Night Live." And with a look over our shoulders, we can thank heavens for the creators of "Laugh-In" "The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour," and "That Was the Week That Was." For students of American history, applicable to our own time, and lovers of humor and good stories dealing with events and personalities, there are added comments that create deep in- terest. The following is worth quoting: There is irony in the fact that the people who create our most delicious campaign humor — columnists, cartoonists, and comedians — often have a serious conflict of interest. Editorial cartoonist Jeff MacNelly of the Chicago Tri- bune expressed it well when he said that he is often torn bet- ween "what is good for my coun- try and what is good for my business." It might be observed that Richard Nixon's fiercest foes in the comedic community would have been bereft of humor had he lost the 1972 election to George McGovern. Cartoonists and monologists found it more fruitful to have a repressed, manipulative man in the White House rather than a benign populist. If each man kills the thing he loves, as Oscar Wilde said, then each humorist loves the thing he kills. If humor makes life more manageable for the presidential candidate, it also sustains the beleaguered staff members who travel with him and the cor- respondents who are forever chasing down stories and lost luggage as the candidate con- tinues on his frantic peregrination. As a sometime participant in national political struggles, I am drawn to the unmistakable con- clusion that it is impossible to endure the stresses of the cam- paign trail without a well- developed sense of humor. Adlai Stevenson liked to have witty people about him — on his staff and in his press entourage. Ronald Reagan loved to swap jokes with anyone within ear- shot. Gerald Ford thrived on funny lines and anecdotes. Jack Kennedy swapped jokes daily with the reporters who covered him. Most incumbents and challengers demand this steady infusion of humor. As this book will make eminently clear, given the antic and satiric nature of our media and professional humorists, they are not likely to ever be without it. There is an applicable lesson here also for the topic related to Russian Jewish humor. It is the advice to deal with humor respectfully when it sometimes, or very often, irks the reader. One learns while being entertained. Russian Jewish Random Selections F rom the Russian Jewish joke book, here are several yarns selected at random: Rosenfeld emigrated to Israel in 1970. "How old are you?" he was asked by an Israeli immigration official. "Twenty-two," was the man's reply. "What? You must be at least 70;' said the official. "Maybe so," replied Rosenfeld, "but can you really call the last 50 years living?" After submitting an applica- tion to emigrate, Rabinovich was duly summoned to OVIR. The harangue began. "Rabinovich, how could you possibly want to go to a country like Israel? Do you realize that the sun is so strong in the sum- mer that you won't be able to stand it? And in the winter it does nothing but rain. The climate is just awful." The OVIR official continued in the same manner for several more minutes while Rabinovich did nothing but sway from side to side, muttering to himself, "Yes, no, yes, no, . . ." "Excuse me, Rabinovich, but can you please explain to me why you're acting in this strange manner?" the official interrupted. "Sure," came the answer. "On the basis of what you were saying, I was simply trying to decide whether or not it would be worthwhile to take my um- brella with me." Israel's Duty To 'Pacifist' Rock-Throwers A self-acclaimed "pacifist" whose multiple essays are mere pro- vocations to rock-throwers who keep creating more serious problems for Israelis in their compulsion to defend their state and nation has become a tool for hatred of Israel amost on a global basis. Mubarak Awad, who has been barred from continuing residence in Israel by that nation's high court, is now the ethics producer for the critics of Israel. He has become the means of fan- ning disrespect for the Jewish state. They would deny to Israel the legislative right to decide who is to be privileged to reside in Israel. Israel Ambassador to the United States Moshe Arad served an important purpose in his definition of that legal and diplomatic right of the Israelis, as pronounced by the Supreme Court of Israel, in the NYTimes Op-Ed page ar- ticle "Why Israel Deported Awad." So that the many who may be misled by Anthony Lewis, Flora Lewis and others among their associates may be guided Moshe Arad properly in the Awad issue, this portion of Ambassador Arad's explanation ex- posing Awad must be given wide circulation: In a speech in Jerusalem on March 22, he unequivocally stated his goal: "The PLO wants the entire Palestine, and I agree . . . Palestine for me is the Galilee, Akko (acre), Ashdod — everything! This is Palestine for me." On other occasions, depen- ding on the audience, Mr. Awad has spoken about a two-state solution. Support for the PLO ad- vocacy of the dismantling of the Jewish state, refusal to condemn armed struggle, nonviolence as merely a convenient tactic, par- ticipation in the authorship of leaflets encouraging residents of the West Bank and Gaza to engage in incitement and acts of violence — are these the wat- chwords of a man truly commit- ted to peace and moderation? Compare Mr. Awar's words with Dr. King's unequivocal con- demnation of all violence. "Not only is violence impractical," the Nobel laureate once declared, "but it is immoral; for it is my firm conviction that to seek to retaliate with violence does nothing but intensify the ex- istence of evil and hate in the universe." My country will continue its 40-year pursuit of peace, but on- ly with partners that renounce violence and terror and recognize the existence of Israel. And Israel, as any country — in- cluding the United States — reserves the right to determine who can enter and reside in its territory and to bar visitors from engaging in hostile political activity. This declaration is a necessity as a repudiation of the distortion of facts and fanning disrespect for Israel. The essay by Ambassador Arad helps correct an injustice. The ambassador's statement is an affirmation of Jewish rights, and they are not to be bargained or tampered with.