ceiv e w Seniors Await Your Letters • Usually in this space, L'Chayim provides addresses of Jews around the world, particularly Soviet Jews, to whom local Jews can write. This month, since its theme is the elderly, L'Chayim found some senior adults in the community who wish to be pen pals. Goldie Berofsky, Molly Levine and Ida Cetron, residents at the Prentis Jewish Federation Apartments will be happy to exchange cards and letters. Letters may be sent to them at the apartments, 15100 W. 10 Mile, Oak Park 48237. Letters should be warm and cheery and should include information about the writer's interests, family and activities. To give a more personal touch, writers may want to exchange photographs, birthday and holiday greetings. GO WITH MY FAMILY TO GRANDMA'S By Ricki Levinson Dutton Illustrations by Diane Goode Five tum-of-the-century families make their different ways to Grandma's hous wonderful versation. illustrations that invte e This book has (Pre-School). mportant con- Check your synagogue library for availability. ■ - ' '1 1 4 AA _ r- , ■ . • ■ ■ *. Respect For Elderly 1 . 1 :. ,,, "I ki, Continued from preceding page 19:32) enjoined the Israelites and their descendants: "In the presence of the aged you shall rise up and you shall respect the elderly; you shall revere your God, I am Adonai." Deference to and for the aged became a mitzvah, a religious responsibility, "Mitzvat Amidat Zakein when God 'stood' before the aging Patriarch Abraham" (see Genesis 18:1). Rabbi Elazar taught: "It is the norm that a human sovereign issues a decree which is to be fulfilled and then fulfills it or has others do so. •IW° 101 re' A Special Grandparent Activity Fresh Air Society will offer two Bubbie- Zayde-Kinder weekends in 1988-1989. This is an opportunity for grandparents and grandchildren to spend time together away from distractions in a recreational setting. The FAS family camp staff will be on hand to create programs and provide child care and guidance for grandchildren and grandparents. This year's weekends will be Dec. 16-18 and March 10-12, 1989. For information, call Carol Parven, 661-0600. . L-2 FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1988 With the Holy One, be praised, it is not so. Rather, God only issues a decree which God already has fulfilled, as it is written, 'In the presence of the aged you shall rise up and you shall respect the elderly; you shall revere your God, I am Adonai,' and I am the One who first fulfilled the mitzvah of standing for an older person" (Leviticus Rabbah 35:3). We are responsible to emulate and to revere God by performing Mitzvat Amidat Zakein, the duty of standing for an older person. Jewish Law defines the older individual before whom we should rise as one who is at least 70 years of age (Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Deiah 244:2). But chronological years are not the crucial criterion. The traditional explanation of the word "zakein" is that it means "Zeh Kanah Chochmah — this one has acquired wisdom" (see Rashi and Ramban on Leviticus 19:32, based on Kiddushin 32b and Sifra), and we are bidden to stand in the presence of a wise person or a scholar, regardless of age (Yoreh Deiah 244:1; although a "youngster" with wisdom still must rise for an older person, Yoreh Deiah 244:7). Nor is this merely a question of religious identity. We also are duty-bound to stand up for an older individual who is not Jewish (Yoreh Deiah). Several textual sources contain discussions by the talmudic Sages of the details in which this mitzvah is to be performed. For example, they concluded that one must rise and greet an older person within a distance of four cubits (about six feet) (Numbers Rabbah 15:17; compare Kiddushin 33a.; Yoreh Deiah 244:2). One also must not sit in the accustomed seat of an elder or interrupt his/her speech (Numbers Rabbah 15;17). These acts of deferential behavior actually are manifestations of the attitude of respectfulness with which older persons are to be approached and related to. The fact is that older persons have quite a lot to offer. Some, like Golda Meir who became Prime Minister of the State of Israel at the age of 70, achieve and attain much in their advanced years. Others, whose accomplishments may not be monumental, present a perspective which we can ill afford to do without. In an era characterized by rapid and constant change, when newness and novelty dictate not only fad and fashion, but also custom and practice, it is all too easy to disregard and to devalue our seniors. Yet, our Jewish heritage and God's mitzvot remind us that older persons are treasures who must not be disdained or disregarded. In teaching us Mitzvat Amidat Zakein, the religious responsibility of rising up before the aged and showing respect to the elderly, Judaism has instructed us in a spiritual lesson which adds dignity and sanctity to our own lives and to the life of our world. Among our ancient Israelite forebears, it was proverbial that "A crown of glory is old age, in the way of righteousness is it found" (Mishlei 13:31). May this saying become a byword to us as well. eehaffei THE JEWISH NEWS 20300 Civic Center Drive Suite 240 Southfield, Michigan 48076 June 24, 1988 Associate Publisher Arthur M. Horwitz News Editor Heidi Press Jewish Experiences for Families Advisor Harlene W. Appleman Illustrator Neil Beckman