THE JEWISH NEWS SERVING DETROIT'S JEWISH COMMUNITY THIS ISSUE 60(P JUNE 10, 1988 / 25 SIVAN 5748 Keeping Diplomacy Alive On yet another mission to the Middle East, Secretary of State Shultz tried to bolster the U.S. initiative for an international peace conference, but came away with no assurances PISTON POWER 04 44 treigeStekoi. A r" 4 I V r a .. . 4, Al I I W. . . ,,, sa ith .... aiway. .,,e., • • 4 . . .. is i . i if d II i L r , "4 Aricoi a ..., '9.1 to ki oi ;Cam rat . . . , s. . . ■ . „armor& ....ea • MI L rnzlinfar 'Mk% Ran WA W Nlik /‘ MOM ' On I t • II MK Jur ijORMain I .r.,.., IIP ONAPP --,... I N KNOCK ON WOOD Daily superstitions. See Page 49. CLOSE-UP 1 MIDEAST MINDSET For American Jewish children, media images of the Arab-Israeli conflict have ugly connotations Ryan Fields is influenced by the international news. HELEN DAVIS Israel Correspondent Jerusalem — Secretary of State George Shultz arrived in Israel this week with a blunt, no-frills message for Israeli leaders: Work towards peace or prepare for a war of unprece- dented proportions. "The next war," he declared, "will be unlike any conflict we have seen before, involving more casualties and proving harder to contain." Nor did Shultz pull his punches over the future of the territories: "The continued occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, and the frustration of Palestinian rights, is a dead-end street?' he said. "The belief that this can continue is an illusion?' Shultz, who spent seven hours in Israel, met with Prime Minister Yit- zhak Shamir, Foreign Minister Shimon Peres and Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin, as well as with members of the Knesset Foreign Af- fairs and Defense Committee and families of refuseniks in the Soviet Union. As in previous meetings with Shamir, however, Shultz came away with slim pickings. His chilling pro- jection appeared to have little effect on the Israeli leader, who once again rejected any approach to peace- making — particularly an interna- tional peace conference — that deviated from the Camp David for- mula of direct negotiations. Shamir, on his diplomatic best behavior, contented himself with ex- pressing his deep gratitude to Shultz for "sharing with us his comments, his interpretations and his views?' The U.S. secretary later confirm- ed that he had raised the case of Mubarak Awad, the Palestinian- American peace activist, whose ap- peal against deportation was rejected by Israel's High Court just hours before his arrival. He declined to elaborate on the case, but a senior State Department human rights official, Richard Shifter, who accompanied the secretary, was left behind to work out, in cooperation with Israeli officials, a mechanism for investigating allega- tions of human rights abuses by Pal- estinians in the territories. Shultz did have one surprise for Israeli leaders: The Soviet Union, he told them, had displayed a positive at- titude toward the Middle East conflict during last week's Moscow summit, and he hinted that a joint U.S.-Soviet approach might be forthcoming. Attempts to bridge the gap bet- ween Moscow (which is demanding an "active" peace conference) and Washington (which seeks a passive, legitimizing forum) will be made at a meeting next month between U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Richard Murphy and his Soviet counterpart, Vladimir Polyakov. It is expected that Shultz will return to the region again following the Murphy-Polyakov meeting. At his meeting with the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Commit- Continued on Page 20