TRAVEL Right: St. Urbain Street in Montreal. Below: A Production of "The Rothschilds" at the Saidye Bronfman Centre. 0 passed by the British Parliament granting Jews the same rights and Special to The Jewish News privileges enjoyed by other subjects in osher muffins? Yes, in- Quebec Province. That was decades deed. You won't come to before such fundamental rights were Montreal just to try granted to British Jews. In the 1880s came thousands of them — though you should — but you pro- new immigrants escaping the Rus- bably won't want to leave without sian pogroms. After a mass meeting of all Montreal's citizens, three taking some home. So said the Montreal's Muffin warehouses on St. Peter Street were Maven, Joe King, better known as converted into dormitories and dining director of communications for Allied halls for the destitute arrivals. By Jewish Community Services, a 70- 1917, about 130,000 Jewish im- year-old organization that is the migrants had poured into Montreal backbone of Jewish Montreal, .He was and Ibronto, some heading west, others settling in. right, of course. Kosher muffins, moist and rich, Another dramatic influx, from are baked fresh daily at the popu- French-speaking North Africa, began lar cafeteria-restaurant inside the about 30 years ago. It has brought main branch (Snowdon) of Montreal's about 20,000 Sephardic Jews to date, Young Men's Hebrew Association. mostly from Morocco but also from And they disappear rapidly. Best bets: Tunisia, Algeria and Iraq, and made the banana and bran varieties. Montreal a major Sephardic center. And Snowdon's kosher muffins Indeed, says inveterate story- are but one delight of Jewish Mon- teller King, Canada's oldest _im- treal. The city has a rich Jewish migrant was a Moroccan Jew. David heritage and a wide array of attrac- Cohen arrived in the 1960s at the age tions for the Jewish visitor: a dynamic of 102, dressed in a long, white, flow- Yiddish theater, one of the earliest ing gown typical of the Berber- Holocaust memorials in North speaking desert tribes. At 108 he America and the neighborhood became the only man in Canadian streets made famous by native writers history sworn to citizenship in the such as Mordecai Richler and Saul Berber language. Bellow. Richler's years on the 5700 Today there are 100,000 Jews in block of St. Urbain street — lined Montreal. About 20 percent are with spiraling metal staircases — led Sephardic while 11,000 consider Yid- to the engrossing "St. Urbain's dish their mother tongue. They live Horseman" and his better known mostly in the city's Cote des Neiges novel-turned-film, "The Apren- neighborhood, or the suburbs.of Cote ticeship of Duddy Kravitz!' St. Luc, Westmount, Hampstead and Starting with a handful of ar- Outremont. rivals in 1760, when British forces The Montreal that Duddy Kravitz conquered the French, the Jewish knew has changed over the last 40 community of Montreal has grown in years. Some parts of the old fits and starts, but always with a neighborhood have been taken over stronge sense of self-awareness and by the Greeks and Portuguese, others community impact. In 1831, for exam- by Vietnamese and Haitian im- ple, with only 107 Jews in all of migrants. leth Yehuda Synagogue, Canada — 50 in Montreal — a bill was pride of the Avenue de l'Hotel-de-Ville DAVID M. ALPERN 0 0 JEWISH MONTREAL This French city has a unique Jewish flavor with a heavy Sephardic base 52 FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1988