Lack Of Symbols Continued from L-1 would expect us to be God-like and judge us by a different standard. (Mark Twain recognized and wrote about this in a small work entitled Concerning the Jews, which is excerpted here.) "The Egyptian, the Babylonian, and the Persian rose, filled the planet with sound and splendor, then faded to dream-stuff and passed away; the Greek and the Roman followed, and made a vast noise, and they are gone; other peoples have sprung up and held their torch high for a time, but it burned out, and they sit in twilight now, or have vanished. The Jew saw them all, beat them all, and is now what he always was, exhibiting no decadence, no infirmities of age, no weakening of his parts, no slowing of his energies, no dulling of his alert and aggressive mind. All things are mortal but the Jew; all other forces pass, but he remains. What is the secret of his immortality?" Because of our choice, our history has been a series of lessons for the world. In our travels we have shown the world the greatness of a nation which lives with God. We came from slavery to freedom, we were provided for in the desert for 40 years. Later, during the time of the Second Temple, we saw how our might, which was fueled by a desire for a life with God, was able to defeat the greatest military and social forces in the world. And we Shavuot: A Celebration Continued from L-1 Ha-Bikurim (Day of the First Fruits) and Hag Ha-Katzir (Harvest Festival), because the holiday marked the offering of new produce in the Temple, and also the end of the barley harvest and the beginning of the wheat harvest. Now, what about the cheesecake? There is no precise reason why we eat dairy foods on Shavuot, but among the explanations is the fact that in the Book of Shemot (Exodus 23:19), the laws of first fruits and the separation of meat and milk are stated in the same verse. Also, the rabbis point out that it was not until after Sinai that Jews were permitted to eat non-sacrifical meat. On erev Shavuot — the first eve of the holiday — many observe the custom of staying up all night and studying Torah, to commemorate the vigil our ancestors kept the night before the theophany at Sinai. There are also a number of Shavuot synagogue traditions. We read the Book of Ruth, which describes her conversion to Judaism, for likewise, when the Israelites received the Torah, they too, were "converted." Also, the main story in the book centers on L-2 FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1988 the harvest, and Ruth is an ancestor of King David, whose yahrzeit is traditionally observed on Shavuot. In fact, many people recite the entire Book of Psalms on Shavuot (in light of the tradition that David was its author). The synagogue is adorned with greenery, flowers and trees, because tradition tells us that Mt. Sinai was lush with vegetation. The Torah portion on the first day of Shavuot includes the Ten Commandments. And, on the first and second days, we chant two Aramaic hymns in praise of the Torah: Akdamut and Yatziv Pitgam. In memory of the departed, we recite Yizkor on the second day. Many congregations use this opportunity to hold an appeal for a worthy cause. In many Reform and Conservative congregations, Shavuot is the time for confirmations. So, try to stay awake the first night, listen attentively to the story of Ruth, respond generously to your local appeal, and ladle the sour cream on the blintzes as thick as you like. Enjoy Shavuot! . . All things are mortal but the Jew; all other forces pass but he remains. What is the secret of his immortality?" Mark Twain know, from recent events, how humanity can plummet to unspeakable depravity without God. The events of the Torah were formative and God formalized them in symbols. The prophets and scholars who lived later, gave symbolic representation to concepts and later events. On Pesach, God freed us from slavery. Since then, the days of Pesach have become an opportunity to focus on the freedom to be gained by living with God. God gave us a symbol of this freedom, it is matzah. After the Exodus we traveled the desert. Our needs were provided for. God gave us a symbol of His caring for our peace and security to have for all times, the sukkah. So we move out of our homes, our man-made pseudo- security, and into the sukkah and put our well-being into God's hands. On Chanukah, we kindle small lights, which symbolize that a small bit of wisdom's light can overcome even the intense darkness of a Godless life. These examples and the other symbols in Torah stand for some expression of God's love for our people and our love for God. Each one represents something meaningful in our past which, when performed and understood, helps us capture the impact of the original event and reawaken within us the feelings of goodness, love and security, feelings of power and meaning that come from such a relationship. Shavuot is categorically different. It does not express a particular aspect of our relationship Shavuot is the wedding and Torah is our ketubah, our marriage vows. with God or evoke a specific feeling. Rather, it is the day we entered into the covenant. For this reason the Talmud compares Shavuot to a wedding. "I am to my beloved and my beloved is to me" said King Solomon, referring to God and the Jewish people as we stood together on Shavuot. Shavuot is the wedding and Torah is our ketubah, our marriage VOWS. In marriage, the love between husband and wife is expressed in many ways. "I am sensitive to your feelings, and I symbolize my sensitivity by giving you a book of poems. So you'll know that I am committed to your security, I give you a ring, a symbol of strength. I don't want a symbol of my beloved, however, I want my beloved. Conversely, my beloved will not accept any symbols of me." There can be no symbol for our belonging to each other. Similarly, the Jewish people can accept no symbol of God. This is why Shavuot has no symbols. Shavuot is our anniversary. Why is the day referred to as the holiday of the first fruits in the Torah rather than as the holiday of the giving of the Torah? ehiliall f THE JEWISH NEWS 20300 Civic Center Drive Suite 240 Southfield, Michigan 48076 May 20, 1988 Associate Publisher Arthur M. Horwitz News Editor Heidi Press Jewish Experiences for Families Advisor Harlene W. Appleman Illustrator Neil Beckman