FICTION Hi, Mom Telephone conversations can be revealing. A short story. ELLEN SCHWARTZ i, Mom. Fine, how are you? Still bothering you, huh? Well, take it easy. Maybe if you stay in bed for a day it'll get better. No, I'm sure it's nothing. Dr. Klein would have given you something if he thought you needed it. Oh, he's better. Yeah, pretty much gone. A little stuffy nose is all. Yeah, I sent him to school. No, Sudafed. I know you swear by Ornade, Mom. The kids like Sudafed better. She's fine. She's right here. Want to say hi? OK. Julie, come say hi to Grandma. Talk into the phone, honey. OK, that's enough. Give me back the phone. Give me back the phone, honey. Julie, give me— Hi, Mom, She said she's playing with Ella. That's her new stuffed elephant. No, Alan's mom gave it to her. Yeah, she's crazy about it, sleeps with it and everything. No, I wouldn't say she likes it better than the teddy bear you gave her. It's new, you know how kids are with new toys. Gee, Mom, I can't today, I'm busy. I know you haven't seen Julie in a few days, but I'm busy. Meeting a' friend for lunch and going shopping. Linda Harbrace. Yes, you have, she's married to Larry Harbrace, you know, the guy whose store is next door to Alan's office? No, you're thinking of Jeff Robbins. Harbrace, Larry Harbrace. Yeah, that's the one. Home insulation. Ski boots. That's right, ski boots. 'Cause I need a new pair, that's why. See, Una and Larry time-share a condominium with another couple up at the ski village, and they've invited us to spend a weekend with them. Not this one, the next. I'm really ex- cited about it. Alan, too. We haven't been skiing in ages. And he's been working so hard lately. Well, that's how it is when you're a consultant. It's not steady work. Ellen Schwartz, a free-lance writer, lives in Van- couver, British Columbia. 102 FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1988 Sometimes you have nothing and sometimes you have more than you can handle. Yeah, I know there's no security in it. Well, you learn to be philosophical, I guess. No, he's OK, he's just tired. His parents are gonna watch the kids. Well, you had them the last time we went away. They'll be fine, don't worry. Yeah, it has been years since I last skied. Four, five, I guess. I hope I don't break my leg. No, no, don't get all upset, Mom, I was just joking. I'll be careful. I promise. Yes, lunch and shopping will take all day. Besides, if you're not feeling well you don't need Julie and me around anyway. I'm sure if you stay in bed one more day you'll be fine. Come on, Mom, Daddy can make you Ashamed? Why should you be ashamed? Because not all three of your children will be there? Mom, it's not the end of the world. tea and toast. I'm sure he can figure it out. Oh, lovely. We had a great time. That new restaurant in the Park Plaza Hotel. You know the one. It used to be The Homestead Inn. Now it's called Le Pavilion Cuisinaire. Beautiful. Plush arm chairs, chandeliers, the works. Yes, I know it's ex- pensive. Chandeliers, the works. Yes, I know it's expensive. Of course we can afford it, what do you think—Come on, we're not that extravagant. You and Daddy used to go out all the time when we were little. I know he was already doing well in his prac- tice. Now, listen, just because Alan's a con- sultant instead of a lawyer doesn't mean he doesn't make a decent living. No. Mom, I do not want you to give me money. We don't need it. That's none of your business. Salmon Wellington. Delicious. No, I'm not mad at you, but it bugs me when you offer me money. I'm not a little kid, I'm a married woman. Mom, if he didn't make enough we wouldn't go to such fancy restaurants in the first place. I'd get a job. Of course I'm qualified. I don't know, I'd find a babysitter or something. Yes, I know what they charge. Mom, forget it, you're getting carried away. I'm not looking for a job. We don't need the money right now. Well, yeah—if we were really desperate I'd accept it. I know it would make you and Daddy happy. You just got off the phone with Aunt Lyda? How is she? That's good. Their 45th anniversary? God, how could she stand liv- ing with him for 45 years? I know he's your brother, but it's the truth. You've said it yourself. Yes, you have, Mom. Well, never mind. A big bash, huh? Royal Catering— pretty snazzy. Yeah, we'll come. When is it? Oh no, we can't—that's the weekend we're going skiing. I'm sorry, Mom, we're already commit- ted. We told them we were coming. I'll call Aunt Lyda. Of course she'll understand. It's not like we don't want to go, we're just busy that weekend. Good, I'm glad Dan- ny and Lorraine are coming. There, you see, you'll have your other children with you and nobody'll miss me. Ashamed? Why should you be ashamed? Because not all three of your children will be there? Mom, it's not the end of the world. I know it would be nicer if we were all together, but what can I do? No, I'm not going to cancel. We've been planning this weekend for ages. Do you have any idea how long it's been since Alan and I got