evergreens because they have the wonderful but troublesome habit of sending up numerous new shoots from the ground each year. Regular pruning is required to keep them from getting out of hand. This is work! Hedges provide privacy and form small, intimate outdoor rooms but need pruning (more work). However, with electric hedge shears it doesn't take as much time as in the past. GROUND COVERS Learn to use ground covers, live and inert, in order to cut down on weeding. Both also lend a neat, finished look to the landscape, which is why landscape architects and professionals use ground covers extensively. What's a ground cover? Low growing plants or a mulch that covers the ground liked a carpet. Both tend to discourage weeds; organic covers like shredded bark serve still another purpose, that of preventing moisture from evapo- rating from the soil too fast. This cuts down on the need for fre- quent watering. Let's discuss the non-living mulches first. Inert materials, such as pebbles or gravel, are available in different sizes. They can be utilized in dry areas where plants won't grow, such as under over- hangs, but also in other low maintenance areas and can dis- guise small channels set up to run water away from the house. Ar- tificially colored stones, marble chips, crushed brick and crushed slate or field stone can also be used. Crushed brick can be used for color contrast and to create ar- chitectural patterns and also does well when utilized for paths or walks. Of the organic materials, shredded or pebbled bark forms particularly handsome covers around areas close to patios or houses where people will be view- ing closely. Wood chips (chopped up trees) are often used in naturalistic set- tings and prove especially good skandia "FOR THE LATEST TECHNOLOGY IN COMPUTER LANDSCAPING" • WATERFALLS • DESIGN • WOOD DECKS • BUILD • RETAINING WALLS • BRICK PATIOS INTERIORSCAPE "VISIT OUR FOLIAGE SHOWROOM" • INSTALLING • CONSULTING • COORDINATING • DESIGNING IRRIGATION "SPECIALISTS IN COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL SERVICES" 18340 Middlebelt Road • Livonia, MI Oust north of Six Mile) (313) 476.1735 iwmat,z (313) 477.6868 0E1,04.0, . ... VISA' MasterCard SPRING '88 37