Artwork from Newsday by Anthony D'Adamo. Copyright o 1988, Newsday. Distributed by Los Angeles Times Syndicate. LX RELAXED GARDENER LOW MAINTENANCE GARDENING LEAVES YOU TIME AND ENERGY TO ENJOY THE FRUITS OF YOUR LABOR BY JUNE HICKS 34 HOME eople lead busy lives but still like to surround their handsome houses with landscapes to match. For those who've never gardened before, the reality comes as a big surprise — there's a lot of work in- volved not only to plant but to keep the setting looking its picturesque best. There are several steps the average homeowner can take to reduce the number of man-hours required for upkeep. These same methods can also help residents of townhouses or apartments that look out on tiny courtyards. 1p Thus, the ever-growing populari- ty of suggestions referred to in greenthumb circles as "low- maintenance" gardening. If you would like to reduce the work in your landscape, try some of the following: PATIOS AND DECKS Introduce hard surfaces like patios and decks to the scene. The more of them and the larger they are, the less weeding and water- ing. For people who like to enter- tain, these serve a double purpose and also add important structure to the overall scene.