I EDITORIAL Voting On Foot We came by the thousands, streaming up Drake and Walnut Lake roads, circling Temple Israel, stopping briefly for refreshments, and walking back to the Jewish Community Center as part of the largest gathering of Detroit's Jewish community in recent memory. An estimated 5,000-8,000 Detroiters participated throughout Sunday in a glorious salute to Israel and her 40th anniversary, pro- claiming an affinity for the Jewish state that goes far beyond a mere celebration. It was, indeed, a chance for Jewish Detroit to vote with its feet, to show the world where it stands in support of Israel, and perhaps to respond to negative publicity surrounding five months of unrest in Gaza and the West Bank. The Detroit news media missed a golden opportunity. A rally of thousands — even if peaceful and celebratory — is still news. Had they been interested, television and radio reporters could have in- terviewed Jewish Detroiters of all ages and origins. The cameras could have glimpsed the face of our community and reporters could have probed what binds us to a Jewish state two continents away. Interest in the rally would have balanced coverage of mock funerals by 100-150 local Arabs in support of the Palestinian uprising. The problems of the Middle East will not be solved by counting numbers at opposing demonstrations. But Detroit's Jews should be satisfied. On a near-perfect spring day we came together in a massive rally to show our support for Israel and for our community. primaries too much as a horse race, with odds proffered weekly on each candidate's chance for victory. And too little has been addressed by too many candidates. Of issues, there have been too few. It is troubling to recall that almost a year ago, eight Democrats were rushing about the country, rais- ing money and trying even harder to raise enthusiasm. But what memorable issues did they — or the GOP candidates (Bush, Robert- son, Dole, Kemp, Haig) — raise? We have witnessed campaigns this year largely void of substance. We have heard about the "miracle" that Dukakis wrought in Massachusetts and about George Bush's loyalty to his president and about Jesse Jackson's rap-rhyming on the stump (not to mention Gary Hart's amorous adventures). But as this long, long election pro- cess finally whittles down to the last of the primaries, it would also be great to have some substance — and not merely rhetoric, image or titillation — with which to judge the apparent nominees. 414a Anxious For Substance The long haul is over, we are told. The nominations are all tied up. Mike Dukakis will lead the Democratic ticket in November. And George Bush, undoubtedly, will be the GOP standard-bearer. Just a few weeks ago, the news magazines featured covers asking such questions as "What Does Jesse Want?" Now, they have all but writ- ten Mr. Jackson's withdrawal speech for him. And gone is Robert Dole, who, for a few fleeting moments, thought he was on his way to toppling his Republican rival, Vice President Bush. In the annals of American political history, this will not be a four-star primary season. The media, especially, has treated the LETTERS Bar Mitzvah Celebrations Regarding the bar mitzvah parties described in last week's issue, I see no problem a priori to having unusual parties. What is unfortunate is that so many of these bar mitzvah celebrations involved both chilul Shabbat and the eating of treif food. I find this particularly distressing as many of these bar mitzvahs were formally celebrated in Conservative shuls. What is the message to children when the rabbi can- not even eat at the meal after the ceremony? I am sorry that the article did not include anyone who had a bar mitzvah in Israel. I do not know the Sterns, but I certainly hope that they manage to get their family to Israel before their younger son's bar mitzvah — and Ari turns 20! I don't want to pick 6 FRIDAY, MAY 6, 19$8. on them but it troubles me that so many in the communi- ty view a visit to Israel as something tantamount to the Haj. Israel is a beautiful country which is constantly growing and changing. I would hope that those who could afford to would visit Israel not once in a lifetime but every few years. Aaron Lerner Royal Oak Thank You . From Hillel The Jewish News carried an article by Susan Tauber-Hyke about the B'nai B'rith Hillel • Foundations of Metropolitan Detroit in the April 8 issue. We are writing to thank you for carrying the article. We felt that it really captured the essence of what we are trying to do. We've gotten a lot of favorable responses from our friends and from people who learned about our organiza- tion from the article. Louis Finkelman Wayne State University Carol Kaczander Oakland Community College Sandy Loeffer Oakland University Alger Reunion Was Boosted . On behalf of the Alger School Reunion Committee, I would like to take this oppor- tunit to thank both The Jewish News and Danny Raskin for helping to make our affair a huge success. Due to the publicity generated by the Danny Raskin column, some 335 peo- ple enjoyed themselves im- mensely at this reunion. Louis Linden Farmington Hills Rabbis Question Festival Food It is with great pain and anguish that the Council of Orthodox Rabbis of Greater Detroit finds it necessary to lodge a public protest over the shocking lack of sensitivity towards the kosher observant public displayed at the Jewish Festival '88 observance, May 1. The affair held on the Jewish Community Center grounds and sponsored by the American Jewish Committee included a number of food booths which were under no rabbinical supervision. We now know for a fact that much of the food served was not kosher. The Jewish com- munity of Detroit has prided itself on having the food serv- ed at the Jewish Community Center supervised by the Council of Orthodox Rabbis. We are certain that many an unsuspecting participant in the festivities assumed that all the food served on the Jewish Community Center grounds in honor of Israel's 40th birthday were kosher. Most recently the Council of Orthodox Rabbis was asked by the coordinators of the Southfield and Oak Park neighborhood "Fun Days" to oversee the kashrus of their functions. We were more than happy to oblige them in see- ing to it that all members of our community are comfor- table in their community functions. At the same time Continued on Page 12 Let Us Know Letters must be concise, typewritten and double- spaced. Correspondence must include the signa- ture, home address and daytime phone number of the writer.