-- Tucked away in the Grand Rapids metropolitan area is a small, Jewish community comprising one percent of the population. RAPID REVIVAL With Bev Kagan and a few other activists at the helm, the future of Grand Rapids' fragmented Jewish community looks promising KIMBERLY LIFTON Staff Writer G rand Rapids — Those who know Bev Kagan say her enthusiasm is contagious and will help revive a fragmented community of 1,400 Jews. In a community held together by a volunteer-run Jewish Community Fund and two congregations, volunteerism has been on the decline for several years. Yet Kagan — a housewife and former kindergarten teacher — lately has managed to muster support from just about everybody she solicits. "Grand Rapids is not much dif- ferent from other small Jewish com- munities, yet it has a rare ingredient of a person who's invested herself and is willing to endure frustrations to get what she wants;' says Dr. Dan Grodof- sky, the Council of Jewish Federa- tions community consultant for Grand Rapids. "Lots of things have changed because of Bev. She is a dynamo?' Kagan, 40, grew up in Detroit and ! II 1 . • .1: "Her enthusiasm creates a desire moved to Grand Rapids with her hus- band, David, after graduating from to get people to become part of the Michigan State University in East team;' Lash says. "She finds people Lansing. She taught school, raised a and puts them to work. It's like she family, and opted to work for the bet- has this contagious disease and I terment of Jews in Grand Rapids caught it:' Now for the first time, Kagan and when her children Lisa, now 12, and a handful of other activists at the Jeff, now 8, were off to school. In the past fife years, her helm of the Jewish cultural communi- charisma has attracted a new group ty say the community's future looks of parents with young children and promising. They are not attempting to teens, including Roberta Lash, a reach grandiose plateaus — they retailer who had never done volunteer merely want to guarantee the sur- vival of a small, Jewish community, work before she met Kagan. Lash, who moved to Grand Rapids which makes up 1 percent of from Chicago several years ago, says metropolitan Grand Rapids' she was surprised that there were no estimated 470,000 residents. For 15 years, the community has social groups for her young children. But then she met Kagan, who been guided by Joe Schwartz, presi- brought together several parents who dent of the Jewish Community Fund. had suggested a secular youth group The retired vice president for Herman for Jewish children to meet and to Miller office furniture company is socialize. Today, the Jewish middle known as a systematic, practical and school-age children of Grand Rapids realistic fund-raiser. He works closely with Kagan and meet regularly for such events as ice cream socials and roller skating supports her ideas, yet Schwartz is not as optimistic as she about changes parties. within the community. Grand Rapids, he says, has been a great place to live. He loves living in a city where crime is low and race problems are almost non-existent. But he says it is idealistic to believe that the city will soon be home to a close-knit Jewish community. Most of the Jewish people, Schwartz says, integrate freely with the gentile world. Therefore, he says, the temple and synagogue are not the central spots for the community's social activities. He is not convinced there is enough cooperation within the community to start programs and keep them going in future generations. Schwartz says Grand Rapids Jews never have been dependent upon religious affiliation for social life. "If we could, one of our expecta- tions would be to bring all members of the community together," Schwartz says. "The best thing to do is to give your children broad experiences and hope they use what you taught them?' 4