Congratulations Dr, Alicia Tisdale 1945. We contacted American leaders and visiting statesmen seeking support for the anticipated Israel statehood. "Si" traveled widely thereafter, pleading for sup- port, enrolling enthusiasts. He was a convincing speaker and authored many articles, pamphlets and two books. AIPAC, which has emerged in the more than 30 years since its founding into the great pleader in defense of Zionism and Israel, owed much of its accomplished strength to the enthusiasm generated by him. He was one of my closest associates in the Jewish cause and we shared a great satisfaction in the heartening fulfillment of the prophesised redemption. Si Kenen's dreams became realities and the enthusiasm he generated now spells out a firmly-functioning AIPAC. His venerated memory can best be respected and kept fully functioning by render- ing continuing strength to the movement that was primarily his creation. We are so proud of you for earning your Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. With all our love, Paul, Larry, Ronna and Ida LOOKING BACK Film Documents Italian Efforts To Save Jews CARL ALPERT Special to The Jewish News aifa — The Nazis con- quered Greece in November, 1941, but permitted their ally, Italy, to control most of the country. Salonica, which contained many Jews, remained in Ger- man hands, and the Nazis proceeded to round them up for deportation. However, the Italian consul there, Guelfo Zamboni, began to issue "cer- tificates of Italian nationali- ty" to all who came to him, and the word spread rapidly. The Germans had to honor these documents, and hun- dreds of Jews were enabled to make their way to safety in the Italian zone. The top ranking Italian diplomat in. Greece, Pellegrine Ghigi,' gave the consul his full support. Inter- viewed not long ago, the ag- ing Ghigi was asked: "You approved the false documents?" "I don't think they were false. They were very . . . very . . . (meaningful pause). The persons you mention either had an Italian wife, or went to an Italian school or had visited Italy!" "But they weren't Italian." "No, but they intended to be under Italian protection." The above is but one of - dozens of tales which open a new window on a hitherto little-known chapter of the life-saving protection afforded. to the Jews by Italian. military men, diplomats, politicians and ordinary peo- ple during the Holocaust. They are told most effective- ly in a new documentary film, The Righteous Enemy. Not everybody will see it. When the film was offered for showing on Israel television, it was turned down on the grounds that they had enough Holocaust films to last for the next two years — oblivious of the fact that this is a Holocaust picture of an entirely different genre. In New York, last fall, about 300 persons saw it at the 92nd Street Y, and it was screened once on New York's Channel 13. Creator, director and pro- ducer of the film, is 31-year- old Joseph Rocklitz, who studied cinema and composi- tion at Tel Aviv University and the Rubin Academy of Music. Rocklitz uses as a point of departure the story of his own father, now resident in New York, who had been rescued by the Italians in Croatia, and develops the theme into a detailed account of the systematic Italian sabotage of the Nazi Final Solution. Mussolini, it appears, was prepared to go along with the Nazi demands that the Jews be deported to the east, but of- ficials on the lower levels found ways of capitalizing on bureaucratic procedures. Said one of the principals,. Robert Ducci: "The operation on our part was to invent new forms of reassuring the Germans that we were doing something, while we were do- ing nothing." There have been so many books and films depicting the horrors of the Nazi atrocities, that it is a welcome change to find one which can call atten- tion to decent, humanitarian people who, on a large scale, were willing to challenge the Nazis. Hard core Fascism was indeed anti-semitic, but the Italians as a people were not. Serge Klarsfeld, one of those interviewed, declares on the basis of his own ex- perience that at least 15,000 Jews in southern France owed their lives to the Italian oc- cupation there. All Sales Final Previous Purchases Excluded 6901 Orchard Lake Road • W Bloomfield, MI 48033 Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri., Sat. 10-5:30; Thurs. 10-8