ISRAEL AT 40 Fingeroot's Victory Medal from the movement in Poland. The two fell in Israel Consulate and a list of Americans love, married and moved to Jerusalem.' honored at the Israel Memorial Forest. They settled, with their first Those named, several whom Fingeroot daughter, Ofra, in a small apartment. knew, were killed in the War of They had just enough money to survive, Independence. so young Ofra was surprised when one Fingeroot knows that he could easi- evening her father came home with a ly have been one of those listed at the large box. memorial forest, but ignoring his duty He set it down and began twisting to Israel during the war was never an and turning the dials. And thus the option. . "I felt it was something important to do," he says. "Something just pulled "The Arabs thought Jerusalem me there — this was a land for all the would be a very easy Jews, for the Jewish immigrants from capture." everywhere. "Together, we worked to help build Israel, such an important part of Jewish family began their long vigil beside the history. And we are part of that history." radio on the night of the historic U.N. vote. I t was deep into the night in After the General Assembly's deci- Jerusalem, but almost no one sion in favor of establishing a Jewish was asleep. state, Ofra and her parents went out- It was Nov. 29, 1947, and the side where they joined a jubiliant crowd. United Nations was about to vote "All the people were singing and on the establishment of Israel. dancing in the middle of the streets," In the midst of all the anxiety, a she says. "And some were going door- small girl named Ofra was doing all she to-door, making sure that everybody could to get some rest: Only eight years heard the news." old, she kept closing her eyes only to The joy of the day was quelled when hear her parents cry "Wake up!" the Arabs began an immediate attack The family sat huddled in their one- on the Jewish residents. Ofra's father room apartment, listening to the radio. joined the Jewish army and was station- "My parents kept telling me 'This ed near the Dead Sea. country voted for us, this one against The Arab armies, meanwhile, set us, " Ofra Fisher recalls. their sights on Israel'sscapital city. With Today, Fisher is acting superinten- most of the men running off to join the dent of the United Hebrew Schools. armed forces, Jerusalem's remaining Long before Ofra was born, her population consisted of the elderly, 14-year-old mother ran away from women and children. Poland to help settle what would "The Arabs," Fisher says, "thought become the Jewish state. Jerusalem would be a very easy cap- "My mother's parents," Fisher says, ture." They were wrong. "thought she was crazy." Yet they It's not difficult to understand the followed their daughter to Palestine and Arabs' confidence. In addition to the thus almost certainly escaped slaughter fact that most of Jerusalem's remaining in the Nazi death camps. population appeared anything but Fisher's mother came to the kibbutz threatening, they suffered from a lack where she met another determined, of food and water. young Jew who had headed the Zionist The Arabs had destroyed the city's - BEN FINGEROOT sewage and water systems, so residents were forced to use nearby wells — an ex- perience Fisher has never forgotten. "To go to the well was very, very dangerous," she says. "Many times those who went to get water never came back." Most often, this chore fell to Ofra's grandfather, who had moved in with the fainily. Once a week, he would carry two empty pails to the well and return with water in each. As little possible water would be used for drinking, Fisher says, with the rest serving to clean the dishes, then to wash the floors, and then finally for the toilets. Food, too, was scarce. Each person received small rations of bread and eggs, which Fisher says served "most- ly so you can keep alive, that's all." Yet the Jews of Jerusalem struggl- THE SECOND DECADE SECOND PRESIDENT: Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, 1952-1963. OUT OF THE DESERT: Jewish immigrants created villages, towns and cities — and farm lands — through tireless work. 28 fRIDAY,ARRIL 22, 1988 WAITING FOR BREAD: Food shortages and rationing were common in the difficult early years.