PURELY COMMENTARY Fifth Column Continued from Page 2 that there are no Israelis in Israel, in the sense that there are Americans in the United States and that the State of Israel has not been established yet. The Israeli Declaration of Independence (May 14, 1948), which so far has had a semiconstitutional status in Israel, did not open with the sentence: "We, the People of Israel," but rather declared "the establishment of a Jewish state in Eretz-Israel, to be known as the State of Israel." The Jewish state, in a whim- sically ardent moment, promis- ed "complete equality of social and political rights to all its in- habitants, irrespective of religion, race or sex:' And to cap it all, it promised them a con- stitution "not later than the 1st October, 1948P Forty years later there are still no Israelis in the non- constitutional Israel. The rubric of "nationality" (in Hebrew Leom) on Israeli identity cards reads either "Jew" or "Arab." The two words "Israeli na- tionality" do not exist in any of- ficial document of the State of Israel; like the Soviet Union, it is a country where nationality does not coincide with citizen- ship. You can be an Arab citizen of the state (otherwise referred to as a Green Liner) and carry an Israeli passport that says "Israeli citizenship" on its front page; but you are not defined as an Israeli by nationality (neither are your fellow Jewish citizens; but they, of course, monopolis- tically call themselves "Israelis). So when the Israeli Arabs went on strike in solidarity with the Palestinian people, they were acting, if we look at it from this angle, in complete accor- dance with the official policy of the State of Israel, which has consistently considered them a "national minority," or even as Palestinians. There is no joy to be derived from such opinions, and the quest for peace can hardly be helped by such impres- sions by a writer who has a reading au- dience in Israel, no matter what the status of the magazine in which he does the columning. But at the University of Michigan he commands influence in a Near Eastern department. That source had previously served to prejudice peo- ple against Zionism, and the menacing public relations conditions thereby become more poisonous. So also is the approach to the issue of David Grossman in The Yellow Wind (Farrar, Straus and Giroux). The ex- periences of Arabs who are antagonistic to Israel quoted by Grossman must not be overlooked. Knowing them should help assure an understanding of all prevailing conditions. But they add to the seriousness of the mounting con- cerns. They add to the fears that Israeli Arabs are developing into a destructive Fifth Column. The title of Grossman's book is based on an Arab legendary sentiment \ as FRIDAY. APRIL 8. 1988 which may in itself be a most depress- ing warning to Jews living in Israel. Quoting an Arab he was interviewing, he explains the title: We stand and look together over the beautiful and peaceful valley, and the smoke from the straw fires curls up into the air, and the thistles and wildflowers bloom as far as one can see. Now is the time of the yellow flowers. I tell Abu Harb that I called my book The Yellow Time in Hebrew, and he asks me if I have heard about the yellow wind. I say that I haven't, so he begins telling me about it, and about the yellow wind that will soon come, maybe even in his lifetime: the wind will come from the gate of Hell (from the gates of Paradise comes only a pleasant, cool wind) — rih asfar, it is called by the local Arabs, a hot and terrible east wind which comes once in a few generations, sets the world afire, and people seek shelter from its heat in the caves and caverns, but even there it finds those it seeks, those who have performed cruel and unjust deeds, and there, in the cracks in the boulders, it ex- terminates them, one by one. After that day, Abu Harb says, the land will be covered with bodies. The rocks will be white from the heat, and the mountains will crumble into a powder which will cover the land like yellow cotton. Is this an apocalyptic warning that there will be total destruction? Grossman's The Yellow Wind first appeared in two articles in the New Yorker. The rock-hurling was soon to come. Yet the book was like a prophecy of evil to come, that had already accumulated. Sometimes mere suggestions im- plied in criticisms create difficulties. This was the case with a review of the Grossman book in the Detroit Free Press. Topping that review was the reproduction of a hate-inspiring photo showing Arab women protesting Israeli policies as they are interpreted in this book in the views and judgments of the Arabs. The photo caption reads: "Out- side an Israeli prison, Palestinian women plead for information about their loved ones. The Yellow Wind shows the blurred distinction between who is right and who is wrong in the conflict between Jews and Arabs." This photo appeared at least once before in the Free Press. Its application to a book about Israel immediately sug- gests some form of prejudiced opinion. Grossman's views must be taken seriously, even as the prophet of doom. He provides a warning of things to come and he wrote it before the violence, declaring: In another 13 years there will be two million Arabs under Israeli rule in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. In 2010. Their number will equal ours. There are those who say it is possible to continue on in this way for years. That over the years the "fabric of life" (mutual acquaintance, economic links, and so on) will overcome enmi- ty. That is idiocy, and reality pro- ves it even now As long as the present "fabric of life" con- tinues, it is wrapped around an iron fist of hate and revenge. The argument based on the "fabric of life," which now seems sober, pragmatic, almost busi- nesslike is a very dangerous argument for us, the Israelis. It turns the matter of the ter- ritories from an immoral matter into an amoral matter. It cor- rupts and anesthetizes us. One day we will wake up to a bitter surprise. David Grossman judges the failure to confront the situation realistically as "human idiocy and the desire not to see the approaching danger." He believes that "the moment will come when we will be forced to do something and, it may well be, that our position will then be much less favorable than it is now." Grossman was 13 at the time of the 1967 war which resulted in triumph over the Arabs and the Israeli assump- tion of power in Judea and Samaria and the reconstitution of the Israeli capital in Jerusalem. He made a deep study of the situation and his warnings are taken into account. But there are the distortions of facts that cannot be ignored. John Kifner, reporting from Hebron to the New York Times in an article that was entitled "Israeli Army Steps Up Ef- forts to Block Coverage of Unrest," gave an account of reports that Arab youths were being tortured. He also referred to alleged abuses which included claims that there also were mistreatments of Arab youths in hospitals. He concluded with the following: In Ramallah, the army raided the city's hospitals at about 3 a.m. and arrested ten patients and visitors. An army spokeswoman said tonight that the hospital had become a center for young Palestinian protesters over the last two weeks and that the army took it over to prevent such access. She said soldiers, now stationed on the roof, had found rocks and firebombs stockpiled there. The difficulties on the road to creating some form of security leading to sensible relations with the Arabs is very grave. An elimination and even- tual abandonment of violence by Arabs must benefit them as much as the Israelis. How to attain it is the seriousness of the challenge. Much realistic planning is necessitated. Whatever the approaches, the Jewish defense must be firm. A lack of Jewish unity would be criminal. That's the basic and compelling obligation. Only the needed solidarity in Jewish ranks can assure an honorable tackling of the issues. Ellmann Contiued from Page 2 Wilde. At one of their meetings the com- mandment said to him in a Dantesque dialogue. 'We are the two greatest mar- tyrs of humanity — only I have suffered the most.' No; Wilde replied, 'I have.' `At the age of 13, Esterhazy went on, 'I had a profound conviction that I would never be happy again.' And he never was, said Wilde when recounting the conversation." Wilde soon learned that Esterhazy was the traitor. Nevertheless Wilde was reported as having said that "Esterhazy was more interesting than Dreyfus, who was innocent. It's always a mistake to be innocent. To be a criminal takes im- agination and courage." Esterhazy also is quoted here as having said, "It is I, Esterhazy, who alone am guilty I put Dreyfus in prison, and all France cannot get him out." But soon Esterhazy's guilt was publicly ex- posed, and later Dreyfus was freed. The remarkable summary of Ellmann's Wilde story in his introduc- tion is in itself a classic. Ellmann stated in part: He won admiration, and denigration. Legends sprang up about him, and unsavory rumors too. He was accused of sins from effeminacy fo plagiarism. That he was the kindest of men was not so wide- ly known. Instead, at the very moment he was writing his best and The Importance of Being Earnest had crowned his career, what the law picturesquely calls Oscar Wilde sodomy was imputed to him. He was sentenced in the end to two years of hard labor for the lesser charge of indecent behavior with men. So much glory has rarely been followed by so much humiliation. The hardships of prison life, and of subsequent exile in France and Italy, left Wilde a broken man. As pendthrift on his uppers, slighted by old ac- quaintences, he pursued on his release the life for which he had been jailed. He wrote The Ballad of Reading Gaol and