„ • •• r r . r •s • • V IV. 11•10•1• , - „ „ „ „.„„ t. .....112•1••••• •• ♦ w • •ff 43,11. `S. 4 • • • • • ,1;03333, "In very general terms, the role of the Jewish woman is akeret habayit (the housewife)," says Debbie. "I can facilitate everyone in this family to reach their highest values by insur- ing our physical, financial, spiritual and emotional health!' "Jewish tradition is very sensitive to the honor of women," Shraga says, . adding, "This is not a feminist con- cept. In any public role, a woman will either be forbidden to do it or will be discouraged from doing it. Feminists view this as an insult to a woman's in- telligence, but man was created in such a way that he is attracted to women. Women become objects:' Judaism, he says, aims in prac- tical ways to remove the stigma of women being treated as an object. "Ideally, it would be great if man could look (at women) and not have this one-dimensional image. So the feminists will tell you that men have to change. It's not happening." The Rothbarts assert that their way of life, far from being anachronistic and rigid, is a challeng- ing and viable one that rejects the isolation and alienation common to modern society. "Judaism is a dynamic," Debbie explains, "because anyone who is in- volved in spiritual growth is struggl- ing. If you're not struggling, you're not growing. And if you're not grow- ing, you're stagnating!' THE ECLECTICS They think of themselves as the Orthodox silent majority, the segMent of Detroit's community neither as free-thinking as the modern Orthodox nor as rejecting of the material world Debbie and Shraga Rothbart shop with their children: Kollel life is not a renunciation of the as the ultra-Orthodox. They consider outside world, they say. themselves eclectics who combine the The Rothbarts, like many Kollel best of the religious right and left. I wanted to be a part of the growth in The differences between the Or- a marriage when someone is learn- families, do not own a television, the most powerful symbol of the secular thodox poles are narrow in a small ing." Debbie, who has a Ph.D. in culture they reject. "Kollel life is a community like Detroit, but they are psychology, works to supplement the conscious • rejection of material growing as the community grows. $225-per-week-stipend that her hus- values:' Shraga explains. "This is the "Right and left reject everything that's going on on the other side," ex- band receives from the Kollel. They lifestyle we consider to be correct?' have been married four years and are Adds Debbie: "The more sensitiz- plains Dr. Hershel Gardin as his expecting their third child. ed you are spiritually, the more you reason for sticking to the middle course. The Rothbarts' full schedule reject (materially)?' A group of the "eclectic camp" leaves them little time for family ac- The Kollel life is not a renuncia- tivities. Some wonder whether tion of the outside world, Shraga em- gather in Hershel and Joy Gardin's children might suffer with a working phasizes. "The Kollel is not a home to describe the view from the center. mother and a father who is away from monastery." The modern Orthodox have had a home until late into the night. "The The Rothbarts are ambivalent generally less rigorous Jewish educa- time we're not spending with the kids, we're not indulging ourselves," says about the value of the secular educa- tion and may have learned about tion they received."The Torah is a Jewish law and ritual only at home, Shraga. Three-year-old Chana Leah guide on how a person can reach a rather than in a Jewish day school, understands her father's vocation, her level of spirituality," Shraga explains. Hershel says. Compared to the ultra-Orthodox, parents say, and doesn't feel neglected "There is never a reason for a person because of the limited time the fami- who wants to reach a level of says Chavie Weingarden, "We're just as strict in the following of the law. ly is together. "This is what she's us- spirituality to go outside of Torah. "I . like Hume. I like Kant. I But we're more `worldly." ed to;' Shraga says, adding that many "We're interested in our children of his daughter's friends are from wouldn't want to lose this;' he says of his studies prior to becoming getting a good secular education as Kollel families as well. Still, says Shraga, Chana Leah is religious. "But I don't know if I'd want well as a good Thrah education," Her- shel emphasizes, adding that he and a child and is capable of making the my son to learn it!" The Rothbarts' asceticism is his friends have fought off attempts demands of a child. "When she wants to play, she says, 'Why do you learn reflected in their strict beliefs on the from the religious right to squeeze out the secular subjects taught at the role of women. so much Tbrah? No more Torah! " Beth Yehudah schools their children attend. What distinguishes one Orthodox Jew from another, they say, is the place of religion in his life. The more right wing one is, the more "religion is their primary focal point in their lives and everything else is secon- dary," explains Dr. Saul Weingarden, a physician. For Weingarden, his pro- fession is a means which allows him to fulfill the tenets of Judaism. "We consider ourselves religious Jews first?' While the women gathered in the Gardins' home believe their most im- portant functions relate to home and family, they say the roles of Orthodox men and women are evolving. The men agree. "Orthodoxy mirrors what's going on in the outside society;' says Maury Ellenberg. "The contact we have with our children is tons more than in our parents' generation. I feel very much a role in the home?' The eclectic group seems to draw the line at certain practices which, although halachically permissible, are not common in Detroit. Several large Orthodox communities elsewhere boast women's prayer groups, for instance. Such a group would be "looked upon strangely" in Detroit, in the opinion of David Wayn- traub, secular studies principal of Yeshivah Gedolah. In fact, a women's prayer group does exist in the Detroit area. It gathers once a year, and its activities are described in almost a whisper. Every Simchat Torah, Orthodox women meet at Akiva Hebrew Day School to dance with the Sefer Torah. The eclectic Jews are secure in their Othodoxy, are university educated and convinced that a Jew's place is in the outside world as well as in the synagogue. Yet many say they are fearful about opening up the secular world to their children. Chavie Weingarden, who grew up in the midst of the social turmoil and sexual revolution of the 1960s, is nevertheless concerned that her children may not survive the "drugs, immorality and violence" of the 1980s. She is not sure she wants her children on a college campus. "There are times to isolate and times to ex- pose to the world," she says. MOVING TO THE RIGHT "The classic line is everyone to the right of me is an extremist and everyone to the left is non-religious," quips Saul Weingarden. But the shift to the right among Orthodox Detroiters is a topic which they take seriously. Mark Schlussel says he was described by a long-time acquain- tance as less religious than he used to be. "But I've stayed the same," Schlussel responds. "He moved to the