Berries gioriett3 Bon Bons TRAY 351-4362 737-2450 WE DELIVER! [ rTNe Will Always Be There When You Need Us For A Beautiful Shiva Tray STAR DELI 3 5 2: 2771 OPEN 7 DAYS 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. \\,... 24555 W. 12 MILE Just west of Telegraph wE DELIVER When The Need Arises For A Condolence Or Shiva Tray, Call On Us. No Notice Needed. Delivery Service Available. o u zel dell 29145 Northwestern Hwy. at 12 Mile Rd. Franklin Shopping Center 356-2310 You'll t vin than %/bur time giving life, Gabriel Kapi Nationa., GIVE . TIME AT LOCAL Cr CH Cystic Fibrosis Foundatio This space contributed as a public service. 128 FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1988 BOOKS A Thoughtful Expression... With a Cookie or Candy Tray The Jews' Secret Fleet' Tells Exciting Freedom Story CARL ALPERT H Special to The Jewish News aifa — If there is one thing that should be • on the conscience of American Jews it is that dur- ing the Holocaust in Europe and the refugee period im- mediately following, there is nothing that they really did to meet the situation. They went to mass meetings, they protested, they gave money — but what did they do, in the sense of actual, physical deeds which the circumstances call- ed for? If the collective reputation of American Jewry can be rescued at all, it is through the personal contributions made by several hundred North American volunteers who manned the ships which between 1946 and 1948 transported over 30,000 "il- legal" immigrants to Palestine and smashed the British blockade. The hitherto untold story of these dramatic episodes is now revealed in an exciting new volume, The Jews' Secret Fleet, written by Joseph, M. Hochstein and Murray Greenfield, and published by Gefen Books. Martin Gilbert sets the historical background in his introduction. The purchase and equipp- ing of the ships, the enlist- ment of the volunteers to man them, the loading of the refugees from European ports, and the confrontations with the British fleet in the Mediterranean all make a dramatic story, only snatches of which have been told heretofore. The book contains scores of anecdotes which transform this into a thrilling human document. The most famous of the vessels was the Exodus, that took 4,500 refugees on the first stage of an odyssey which. turned out to be a public relations fiasco for the British, but there were others as well — the Ben Hecht, the Hatikvah, the Pan York and Pan Crescent among them, each with its own tale of heroism, adventure and achievement. The hundreds of American boys who offered their ser- vices did not all have naval experience, and some of them had long bouts with seasickness before they got their sea-legs. But as Paul Shulman puts it in his foreword: They "were not a, a, World Zion ist Pres TO LET THEM KNOW YOU CARE . . . SEND A The Theodor Herzl, an "illegal" immigrant ship captured by the British, is brought into Haifa port in April 1947. satisfied with the mere giving of money. They saw the futili- ty of the printed word and of well turned speeches. They believed direct action and per- sonal involvement were morally imperative, and they did what was necessary for the success of the Aliyah Bet cause. They gave their time and their will; their strength and their determination. They worked without pay, without fanfare, without reward or praise, and were undeterred by the risks to their lives." A few of the anecdotes will serve to illustrate the vitali- ty of this chapter in recent history. Once the ships had been bought in the U.S., they were sailed to Europe and prepared for their human cargoes, all under the cloak of secrecy. When carpenters put long rows of wooden bunks in the hold, curious investigators were told — and were satisfied — that these were bins for the shipping of bananas, unaware that bananas are always ship- ped in clusters, hung up. Nothing went smoothly, and if things could go wrong, they usually did, but eventua- ly ended up well. Thus, it has been told that Danny Schind, the organizational genius from the Haganah in Palestine, was put in charge of the whole project by acci- dent. The mission in New York telephoned a request to Palestine to send an expert on ships. The request was spoken with an accent, and the word came out as "sheeps." Schind, who had a reputation for dealing with sheep at his kibbutz, was assigned — and did a superb job, though at the outset he knew nothing whatsoever about ships. Dummy companies were set up for each ship. One was call- ed the F.B. Shipping Com- pany, and there was apparent- ly truth to the report that the name stood for F--- the British, or F--- Bevin. But when asked by one ship owner what the name stood for, the representative of the "company" quickly answered: "Far Better." As the Pan Crescent was preparing to sail from Venice, Shulman noticed in his hotel an American naval officer whom he had once tangled with when the two were in the U.S. Navy, and Shulman had ejected the other from a brothel. "lb avoid being spotted," the book tells, "Shulman hired a prostitute and in- structed her to go to the American captain and say she was a present from an old friend." When the American captain walked off with the girl, Shulman and his Haganah associates left without being seen. Every one of the ten vessels had its own exciting confron- tation with British warships, and each case had its own tales of courage and resourcefulness. What hap- pened to all the principals? About 25 percent of the volunteers have made their homes permanently in Israel. And the ships? Some were junked for scrap, Some became the first ships of Israel's merchant marine,