PURELY COMMENTARY State of War: Women's Common Sense Weapon PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor Emeritus t was not only the affirmation by Israel Prime Minister Itzhak Shamir, while he was in Washington, that this is a state of war. Spokesmen for the Arabs everywhere, in Israel and in this country, keep declaring that the Jewish State must give up the rights inherited in Eretz Israel. A statement published as more than a half-page advertisement in the New York Times on March 15, ap- parently as a greeting to Premier Shamir, listed demands which would bar every Jew from as much as men- tioning justice and rights to decency. It would put an end to statehood. It stands to reason that there will never be submission, and that declara- tion of war will be fought to a finish. There must, as there will surely arise, a total Jewish unity. The admonition was quoted in this column from Isaiah, I Banim gidaltu . . . v'hem posh'chu bi — "I have raised sons and they betrayed me" will surely be corrected and there won't be destruction from within. Opposite the referred to NYTimes advertisement with the threats to Israel and, therefore, to Jewry appeared an ad from the women of Hadassah with a message of decency to Arab women. On the eve of Passover, the Hadassah women posed these Four Questions: One: From the beginning of recorded history Jews have liv- ed in Palestine. Why do your leaders refuse to recognize the right of Jews to live in their land? Two: For 40 years every leader of Israel has sought direct peace talks with neighboring Arab nations. Ex- cept for Egypt, all have refused. Why won't the Arab states talk peace directly with Israel? Three: Throughout our com- mon past, Arab nations sought to resolve their differences with Israel by violence. They have failed. When will your leaders learn that the path of violence has never led to peace? Four: Only Israel has been asked to make concessions before peace talks begin. Tell, us, what are your leaders will- ing to give up in the cause of peace? These questions are introduced by a solemn and factual reminder of what the women of Israel have done and are doing for their Arab neighbors What Hadassah describes is the human commitment that is inerasable from Jewish action and invitations for accord with their neighbors. The Hadassah statement asserts: The world knows you, the Palestinian Arab women, from newspaper photographs. We see your sons hurling stones and burning tires on the evening news. But we know you in a' dif- ferent way. We have seen you and your children side-by-side with Jewish mothers and their children in our hospitals in Jerusalem. We have cared for you and your families. Saved your babies' lives. Just as we have cared for all who have come to us for help in the Land of Israel for 75 years. We think it's time we talked directly to you, woman to woman. You know that we are committed to life and human dignity. We are anguished over what the conflict in the Ad- ministered Territories is doing to all sons and daughters. We also know pain and grief, and suffer with every victim of a ter- rorist attack. That's why we want you to join with us to seek an end to violence and lawlessness. Soon it will be Passover, the joyous affirmation of the right of all human beings to be free. For centuries at the seder table the youngest among us has asked four questions about why this night is different from all others. In the spirit of this holiday, we ask four questions of you. The women in all mankind, and the menfolk as well, will hopefully heed this message and urge responses to the posed questions. An entire area of the world has been forced into turmoil — under the repeated slogans that Jews have no rights whatever. That is the only way to read the declarations of war from Arab quarters. It would be totally calamitous if the Arab threats were totally planned. There are the exceptions and some who are called "moderates" are under threat of assassination. From the functioning Arab governments there has not come forth much comfort for the peacemakers who are treated abominously. At the approaching Passover Seder the questions addressed by the Hadassah women to the Arab neighbors will echo as a reminder of the Jewish ethical codes that have a message for all people. At the same time there will be the reminder to celebrants and to all peoples that just as the Exodus is recall- ed, the indestructibility of Israel also is reasserted. The Passover signifies the freedoms for mankind and introducers of the ideal will never be omitted from the libertarian benefactions. That's the message of all times, with emphasis at Passover. Holocaust Defined In Impressive Summation H istory Professor Michael R. Marrus of the University of Toronto makes a most definitive contribution to Holocaust literature with his The Holocaust in History, published for Brandeis University Press by the University Press of New England. As a valuable summation of all the experiences during the tragic years of the Nazi terror, Marrus' assembled data provides guidance to the study of the ex- periences and events during the years of horror, as well as the opinions resulting from the events and reactions to them. Dr. Marrus calls attention to the vastness of the published material THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS (US PS 275-520) is published every Friday with additional supplements the fourth week of March, the fourth week of August and the second week of November at 20300 Civic Center Drive, Southfield, Michigan. Second class postage paid at Southfield, Michigan and additional mailing offices. Postmaster Send changes to: DETROIT JEWISH NEWS, 20300 Civic Center Drive, Suite 240, Southfield, Michigan 48076 $26 per year $29 per year out of state 60' single copy Vol. XCIII No. 4 2 March 25, 1988 FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1988 about the Holocaust: "An international symposium on the origins of the Final Solution was held in Stuttgart in 1984, bringing to the surface disputes that have their counterparts in other issues concerning Nazi Germany. We now have a vast literature on the Holocaust as a result of this scholarship. Indeed, the field is by now far too vast for any one scholar to master. A recent select bibliography lists close to 2,000 book entries in many languages and notes over 10,000 publications on Auschwitz alone." It is safe to assert that in the last 30 years perhaps a thousand such en- tries about the death camps and their initiating mass murderers appeared also in the columns of The Detroit Jewish News. There is genuine historiography in Prof. Marrus' definitive explanation of the emphasis given to his thesis. He states in an elaborate explanation: The term Holocaust, widely used only since the 1960s, may originally have reflected such preoccupations and serves now to separate this particular massacre from other historical instances of genocide. Holokaustos, we are remind- ed, comes from the third cen- tury B.C. Greek translations of the Old Testament, signifying `the burnt sacrificial offering dedicated exclusively to God:' As such, the designation of the massacre of European Jewry connoted an event of theological significance, and perhaps as well an event whose mysteries were not meant to be under- stood. In addition, Holocaust may have indicated a preference to focus upon recounting the ex- perience of the martyred vic- tims, rather than the victimizers. Holocaust it has been sug- gested, is a nonspecific term that implies to most people a bolt from the blue — like an earthquake or a flood — rather than a deliberate, criminal act. It does not suggest perpetrators, and like the Nazis' own designa- tion, Final Solution, may easily lend itself to abuse by misappropriation. In this respect, it is well to remember how recent is the beginning of professional study of the Holocasut and how short a period of time the enterprise has had to establish itself. Up to the time of the Eichmann trial in Jerusalem, in 1961, there was relatively little discussion of the massacre of European Jewry. At Nuremberg, immediately after the war, crimes against the Jews were part of the proceedings conducted by the International Military Tribunal, but such crimes never assumed a promi- nent place. The most important Nazis who directed the Final Solution were either dead — Hitler, Heydrich, Himmler — or missing, or were not deemed im- portant enough to be judged as major criminals. Several of the most sinister Nazi murderers were tried and executed subsequently — in- cluding Otto Ohlendorf, head of a murderous team of Eisatz- gruppen that shot masses of people in the Soviet Union; Rudolf Hess, commandant of the Auschwitz death camp (and who apeared at Nuremberg as a defense witness); and Dieter Wisliceny, Eichmann's deputy, responsible for the deportations from Slovakia and Greece. But these trials did not draw wide attention and were not the occa- sion for recounting the full history of mass murder. Two surveys did appear in the early 1950s — by Gerald Reitlinger in England and Leon Poliakov in France. Important collection of materials was also undertaken in those years, as was the establishment of in- Continued on Page 42