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But she remembers Williams well, and speaks en- thusiastically of her political involvement with the man remembered as one who sincerely cared about the average person. "He left the doors wide open," said Hart, who as co- chairman of the state Democratic Party during the Williams era actively recruited minorities for cer- tain state positions. "We went out and sought minorities and brought them in as precinct delegates," she said. "We sat down with phone directories, went into homes; we looked for people to represent the party." Among the leaders Williams brought into the Michigan political arena are Jewish Community Council President Leon Cohan, Federal District Judge Avern Cohn, retired Circuit Court Judge Victor Baum, Michigan Supreme Court Judge Charles Levin, the late • Jewish Community Council President and lawyer Larry Gubow and retired Circuit Court Judge Nathan Kauf- man, appointed to the Com- mon Pleas Court as Williams' first Jewish judicial appointment. "He was the way a lot of Jews got involved in politics," Cohan said. "The Jewish community didn't know him and he didn't know the Jewish community. But his progressive attitude was recognized. "Jews before Soapy were not active in politics," Cohan recalled. "The great bulk of Jewish activity in state government was motivated by Soapy." Observers said Williams' genuine concern attracted the Jewish leaders. He made ap- pearances at bar mitzvas, supported Israel in its early years and became known as a friend of Israel. In fact, the Michigan Region of the American Red Magen David for Israel established a scholarship fund in memory of Williams, which will link his name with the lifesaving programs for Israel's emergency medical service. Williams served on the MDA advisory board. A plaque in his memory will be mounted in the lobby of the MDA National Blood Service Center in Ramat Gan, Israel. In a letter to William's widow, Nancy, MDA Michigan region President Dr. John Mames wrote: "It was our delight to greet you on numerous occasions at our annual testimonial din- ners and witness your active participation in our festive af- fairs, including dancing the Israeli hora." The Williams era began in 1948, during his first guber- natorial campaign. He served six, two-year terms from 1949 to 1960. Afterward, Williams was appointed by President John F. Kennedy as assistant secretary of state for African affairs. He held that position for five years. In 1968, Williams was ap- pointed by President Lyndon Johnson as U.S. ambassador to the Philippines. He retired in 1986 as Chief JuStice of the Michigan Supreme Court. Williams also served as an attorney for the social securi- ty system in Washington, as an assistant attorney general for Michigan, as executive and special assistant to the U.S. attorney general and as lieutenent commander in the U.S. Navy. When Williams died at age 76 on Feb. 2, he left a legacy of compassion and sincerety. "He had a high standard of excellence," said Cohan, who served as deputy attorney general during the Williams administration. Williams presided over massive in- creases in state social pro- grams, new civil rights laws and road construction."I don't think he had a bigoted bone in his body!' Now a private attorney, Baum also helped recruit Jews into government. Williams appointed Baum in 1957 to fill a vacancy in the Circuit Court — the beginn- ing of Baum's involvement in the Jewish community. "Before Soapy, I was not tremendously active in the Jewish community," Baum recalled. As soon as he became judge, Baum got involved in the William's outreach program, the recruiting arm to bring minorities into politics. "Soapy encouraged me to become active," said Baum, who met Williams while he was an undergraduate at the University of Michigan in the late 1940s. Baum then work- ed on William's first campaign. "There were lots of doors open — timing might have had something to do with it — but so did Soapy," Baum said. "Jews would not have come into government so quickly without Soapy?' Added Nancy Williams, "My husband felt strongly that there should be represen- tation of every segment of the community in government. He went out of his way to find people who were highly qualified, and some of them were Jewish!" Professor Says Israel Rejected Arab Peace ELIZABETH KAPLAN Staff Writer B olstered by a briefcase of books by Israeli authors, and papers covered with quotes from Israeli scholars to back his claims, Nabeel Abraham stepped to the bima of the Birmingham Temple. The American-born pro- fessor of anthropology at Henry Ford Community Col- lege, and the son of Palesti- nians, was about to speak on "A Palestinian Perspective," the third in a series on "The Israeli-Palestinian Dilemma" at the temple. His voice remained steady, confident and calm — even through some of the more troubled waters of the even- ing. Many times during his speech, Abraham claimed the Arabs have sought constant- ly to make peace with the Israelis, who have in turn re- jected such efforts. Describing the Israelis as "drunk with victory" since the 1967 War and at one point comparing their victorious posture with that of the Nazis, Abraham faced after his speech a bar- rage of questions that were frequently delivered in the form of lectures. Abraham began his discus- sion Monday evening by ad-