SINGLE LIFE I Greenwich Good Time Continued from preceding page CORSICA 164 CAMARO SPORT COUPE $ *Lease pymt. based on approved credit on 48 mos. closed end, 60,000 total mileage w/60 per mile extra charge. To get total amt multiply pymt. times 48. Subject to 4% use tasi., 1st mo. in advance, sec. dept. equal to 1st mo. pymt., plate cost extra. 348-7000 HOURS: Moro & Thu. 'til 9:00 Tu., Wed., Fri. 'til 6:00 42355 GRAND RIVER! MARLA FELDMAN Just East of Novi Rd., Novi LEASING MANAGER thought, well, he's kind and good natured. He seemed to like my son, so we started go- ing out together. It's early days yet, but I get the feeling that he wants to settle down. I still have my lovely home and it seems such a waste for me to stay there on my own, so I guess this is the corn- promise I will make." Personal columns — Lonely Hearts — in the Jewish press continue to proliferate, but data on results is hard to come by. One woman in her 40s answered an ad by a man who described himself as mid-40s, tall, refined, attrac- tive and solvent. "Maybe that's how he sees himself,' says the woman. When she met him he was near 60, fat, offensively stained, living in one room and working as a salesman for his brother-in-law. "Prob- ably I expected too much, but it put me off answering any more ads!' Lonely Hearts columns are said to be carefully screened to eliminate sensation seek- ers or jokers. Another man, who did find romance through these columns, says that they simply checked that his phone number was the right one. Shadchans (matchmakers) have always played their part in the Jewish community, though at one time this was strictly for the Orthodox. Now, with so many lonely men and women, it is no longer seen to be something to be disparaging about to seek a partner through a marriage bureau because, as one man put it: "We are both there for the same reason!' Sometimes it works. The Hedi Fisher Marriage Bureau has been in existence in London for many years, and its director claims a 60 percent success rate in all age ranges. Mrs. Fisher's charges are 135 pounds ($202.50 U.S.) for a year and for that she will arrange anything from six to 25 introductions. "My criteria is to match people with the same social background, education, phys- ical compatibility and in- terests. Now, in the late 1980s!" says Mrs. Fisher, "marriage or long-term rela- tionships bound because of the AIDS crisis, but even so, romance has come back. Peo- ple want to marry for love, though it is not always so Frances Ullman is a free-lance journalist writing for many newspapers and magazines and is a regular contributor to the London Vewish Chronicle." easy to fall in love when you are 45!' Maxine Martin is a multi- lingual secretary who has worked all over Europe with international organizations. She is 44 and has never been married. "My life has been very interesting: I spent time in Italy, Germany and Swit- zerland and through my work always had friends of both sexes. But I knew when I came back to settle in Eng- land that I had to do some- thing constructive about my future. At my time of life hav- ing children was out, so com- panionship seemed the in- trinsic quality I was seeking. I went to all sorts of social gatherings within the strata of my non-Orthodox back- ground, synagogue discus- sions and dances where, 20 years ago it had been easier The director of one marriage bureau claims a 60 percent success rate in all age ranges. to meet people. But I found that the types who went to those events seemed to be misfits and that depressed me. I thought to myself: Sure- ly there must be people of my age still around and looking for friendship, but where were they?" Maxine decided she had nothing to lose by going to a marriage bureau. "I had to steel myself because it takes a certain amount of courage actually to go for the first interview. But I now realize it was the best thing I could have done," she re- members. "Within a week I had my first date, and then several more. Sometimes the chemistry wasn't right, but it was interesting to meet dif- ferent men at different levels, and some of these friendships have remained. Then, about a year ago I did meet someone special, and we have been a twosome ever since. Though we're not living together, it's well on the cards that we will marry later this year. So for us, the marriage bu- reau worked.' Organized house parties for singles have caught on in re- cent years, and these attract the more affluent and dis- cerning single. One or two women arrange a dinner par- ty for about 10; the menu will be Cordon Bleu or kosher, depending on their orienta- tion. The party is not adver- tised and details are passed by word of mouth. The cost to attend is as high as it would