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March 25, 1988 - Image 103

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1988-03-25

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for the finest quality and the freshest flowers

salt and pepper to taste
8-10 3-ounce fillets of
Combine ingredients for
court bouillon in a large pan.
Bring to a boil. Simmer one
hour before adding the fish.
Have your Fishman prepare
the fish into 3-ounce fillets.
(Or wrap the whole fish in
cheesecloth. Let the ends
hang out of the pot for
handles when you want to
turn the fish.) Slowly im-
merse the fish into the sim-
mering court bouillon. When
the bouillon returns to the
boiling point, begin timing.
Allow 10 minutes cooking
time per inch thickness of
fish. Be careful. The little
fillets will cook very quickly!
(If you decide to do a whole
fish, you may have to turn it
half-way through the cooking
time so that both sides cook
evenly.) When the fish is
ready, promptly remove it
from the bouillon with a slot-
ted spoon. Place on glass
plate and store in the
refrigerator until ready to
serve. Save some of the
bouillon separately. Let it
cool. It will gel as it cools (if
you have put plenty of bones
in the cooking liquid). Slice
up some of the carrots for
To serve, place each fillet on
a lettuce leaf (just as you
would gefilte fish). Garnish
with gel and carrot if desired.
If you have poached a whole
fish, remove the meat from
the bones in serving-size
pieces and place on plates just
as if they were fillets.
whole chicken, skin and
fat removed
3 carrots, cut up
top half of a bunch of
celery, leaves
included, cut up
large onion, cut in
several sprigs of parsley
parsnip, peeled and
12-15 black peppercorns
bay leaf
salt to taste (or a squeeze
of lemon juice)
Combine ingredients in a
large pot. Add cold water to
cover. Slowly bring to a boil
(to reduce scum). Cover and
simmer for 3 hours, then ad-
just the seasoning. You know
the soup is done when it is
rich tasting. Remove chicken
and save for another use.
Strain vegetables from the
broth. Save some for garnish,
if desired.
Place soup in refrigerator at
least for overnight so that any
remaining fat in the soup
rises to the top and hardens.
Remove this fat. Now you

have a beautiful, clear, fat-
free broth which you can use
in a variety of ways. It freezes
well so you can save any ex-
tra for other occasions.
Just before serving, reheat
the soup to the boiling point.
Serve in bowls, garnished
with the saved vegetables and
a matzah ball.

12-16 pound turkey, extra
skin and fat removed
1 large onion, chopped
2 carrots, chopped
2 cups chopped celery,
leaves included
2-3 cloves garlic, chopped
low fat chicken soup, as
10 matzot broken up (or
use matzah fade')
salt and pepper to taste
a few shakes of paprika

Make sure not to buy a
turkey that "self bastes"
since you do not know what
kind of oil the packager has
added. Prepare the turkey for
roasting as you usually
would. Rinse it with water,
but do not dry. Do not rub
with oil or margarine. Season
the inside and outside with a
mixture of salt, pepper and
garlic powder. Sprinkle with
paprika for color. The spices
will stick to the turkey on the
moisture that remains after

Prepare stuffing. Saute
onion, carrot, celery and
garlic in a few tablespoons of
low fat chicken broth until
the vegetables wilt a little.
Season with salt and pepper.
Turn off heat. Add broken up
matzah and enough chicken
broth to moisten. Stuff cavity
loosely with the mixture.
Remember that the stuffing
will expand inside the turkey.
Put any extra stuffing in an
oven proof dish and bake with
the turkey for the last hour of
cooking. Baste with the
turkey juices so it will taste
like the stuffing in the turkey.
Roast the turkey, breast
side down, at 325 degrees.
After about 2 hours, turn the
turkey breast side up so it
browns thoroughly on both
sides. This prevents the
breast from drying out. Cook
until done, basting with pan
juices only. Total cooking time
should be about 3 1/2 to 4
hours. You can tell if the
turkey is done if when you
prick the skin near the thigh,
the juices run clear. Do not
To serve, remove stuffing
from turkey cavity and corn-
bine with stuffing baked
separately. Remove the skin
from the turkey and slice.


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