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Arlene Agus, a conference coor- dinator, said that the presence of "a broader spectrum of Jewish figures than has ever before convened on this issue may be evidence that we have turned the cor- ner on the crisis." But a cynic would note that while the participants may have felt better after discussing the issues, the an- tagonism among their more extreme col- leagues will continue unabated. Still, those who believe in Jewish denom- inational dialogue do not expect quick fixes or overnight miracles. They insist that disagreement is healthy, as long as there is respect and mutual recognition. And they are willing to work for that goal, one dialogue at a time. When the conference adjourned, Rabbi Greenberg, who is in mourning for his mother, asked for a Ma'ariv (evening ser- vice) minyan so that he could say Kaddish. As most of the participants in the day-long debate over Jewish survival and continui- ty left for home, a small group remained in the room, reciting the traditional Hebrew, including the age-old prayer: "With everlasting love, Thou hast loved the house of Israel, Thy people . . . mayest Thou never take away Thy love from us." 2 0% to 50% OFF We carry all types of albums to fit all size photos from wallets to 8 x lOs BEL-CREST PHOTO 6698 ORCHARD LAKE ROAD IN THE WEST BLOOMFIELD PLAZA 851-5840 You're invited to a ... ❑ Shadings Along The Religious Spectrum A mong the more persistent, and often infuriating, stereotypes that Jews have of each other is that all non-Orthodox Jews are by definition not serious or knowledgeable Jews, and all Or- thodox Jews are narrow-minded isola- tionists. Lack of social contact encourages such false views. What's the difference between a modern Orthodox Jew and a right-wing Orthodox Jew? lb an outsider it may seem that all Orthodox Jews share the same views, but there are vast differences between and among them. Similarly, there are distinctions be- tween traditional Conservative and more liberal Conservative Jews, and similar distinctions among Reform Jews. At the risk of oversimplifying and label- ing here, let us note that the key theological distinction among Jews is whether or not they believe in the Divini- ty of the lbrah. Those who believe that the Tbrah is God-written are, for the most part, Orthodox. Those who believe that the Torah was written by men, whether Divinely inspired or not, fall into the categories of Conservative, Reform or Reconstructionist. Within the Orthodox movement, those who advocate the practice and study of lbrah while at the same time embracing secular knowledge are known as centrist or modern Orthodox. Yeshiva University is the main educational institution representing this viewpoint, calling for a synthesis of traditional Jewish and Western teachings. Its motto is "lbrah U'Maadah," or lbrah and knowledge, and it divides its day between yeshiva train- ing in the morning followed by college -.lasses in the afternoon. Graduates are encouraged to pursue professional careers while maintaining their observance. Most modern Orthodox Jews advocate strong support for the State of Israel. Those Orthodox Jews who advocate the most strict interpretations of Halacha are often referred to as the right- wing. They tend to reject secular culture and view the university with attitudes ranging from unease to contempt. They are often aligned with the Agudath Israel movement, which is neutral on support for the State of Israel (because it is not governed by Orthodox precepts.) The ma- jor educational institution symbolizing this viewpoint is the yeshiva, focusing on the study of Talmud, and emulating the world of pre-Holocaust Eastern Europe. Written off less than two decades ago as a dying breed, the right-wing element of Orthodoxy has enjoyed a major resur- gence through ba'al teshuvas, returnees to the fold, and a national shift towards fundamentalism. The Conservative movement has become divided in recent years, primari- ly over the issue of women rabbis and can- tors. The creation of the Union for Tradi- tional Conservative Judaism, a break- away from the United Synagogue move- ment, gave official voice to those Conser- vative Jews who advocate a traditional viewpoint on matters of religious observance. While Reform Jews remain under one organization, the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, they are divided internally over support for patrilineal des- cent and rabbinical participation in inter- marriage ceremonies. 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