PURELY COMMENTARY Public Relations Weakness Continued from Page 2 selves. We certainly see no out- ward evidence of change in the Soviet Middle East policy. Its dynamic was set in motion years ago with Soviet sponsorship of Arab socialism, which has as one of its most important manifestations the Palestine Liberation Organization. The PLO and Syria, a Soviet client state, effectively have in- timidated anyone who might be interested in a peaceful solution to the Palestinian problem, a tactic that has included the murder of moderate West Bank mayors. Does the Soviet Union really want a solution to the Palestinian problem or does it want that problem to remain a thorn in the side of the Americans and Israelis? All past evidence would suggest the latter .. . These are most serious problems to be considered when there are proper face-to-face negotiations of Arabs meeting with Jews. The problem exists and must not inspire hatred and loss of friendship. The American Federation of Labor leadership always knew and recognized such problems. It always called for proper realism and discussion. Why the interruption, even if it was very minor? It is for a restoration and retention of the vital friendships that strong public relations programs must be in- stituted. There is no affording of loss of friendship. There must be continuity of such cooperative efforts with the United States and all the movements and fac- tions in it. It is the great need for Arabs and Israelis, for the entire Middle East and for the approach to amity among peoples. Kirkpatrick Proposals, Rostow Clarification There is no end to confusions about the need for peace, and the conflicting occurrences keep inspiring interest in the current Middle East developments. In one of her factual columns on the situation, Jean Kirkpatrick, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, arrived at a formula for possible accord. She discussed the difficulties confron- ting Secretary of State George Shultz in his peace attempt on his Middle East tour and the opposition to his proposals by Arab leaders even before they were formally proposed. Kirkpatrick, in her column that appeared under the heading "Israel Caught in a Double Bind," then made these suggestions: What can Israel do? In this double bind, the government of Israel is left with those policies that can be adopted unilateral- ly, Israel can and should: End beatings because they are brutal, brutalizing and unbearable to less violent political cultures. Arrest, im- prisonment, deportation are surely preferable to breaking bones and shooting stone- throwers — even very violent stone-throwers. Eliminate discriminatory economic regulations and open up market outlets for the agricultural and industrial pro- ducts of Palestinian Arabs. Maximize the autonomy of Palestinian areas on the model that Mayor Teddy Kollek has pioneered in Jerusalem. Cultivate maximum respect for the economic, social and human rights of Palestinians in the territories. None of this comprises in the "complete solution" demanded by Israel's adversaries, but it's better than the alternatives. Assent to these ideas would prove to be a miracle. They would require Arab participation. The perpetual question is whence can this come, and how can it be encouraged? Let there be an advocacy of the Kirkpatrick plan. There is always the hope, never to be abandoned, that what appears impossible now will be reality in the near future. Meanwhile, there are occasional im- portant clarifications that set the record straight. In a letter published by the New York Times, Feb. 23, Eugene V. Rostow, who is referred to by the Times" as "Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs and chairman of the in- terdepartmental control committee on American policy in the Middle East, 1967-1968: The media treatment of the rioting in Israel is shockingly superficial. Except for a few ex- perts, citizens would inevitably conclude from what they read, hear and see that the Palesti- nian drama involves nothing more than the heroic protests of a people suffering under foreign occupation and hurling rocks against armed soldiers in a desperate attempt to recover their homeland. It is nothing of the kind. The Gaza Strip and the West Bank are parts of the Palesti- nian Mandate — Turkish ter- ritory transferred to an interna- tional trust for the Jewish peo- ple after World War I, on condi- tion that the development of the Jewish homeland in Palestine respect the civic and religious rights of the existing population. Since that beginning, most of Palestine has been divided bet- ween Jordan and Israel. The Gaza Strip and the West Bank are parts of the mandated ter- ritory that have not yet been allocated to either country. Neither the press nor the oher media explain why Israel is still administering the West Bank and the Gaza Strip more than 20 years after the 1967 war, 15 years after the October 1973 war. I have yet to read or hear a journalist or pundit tell his readers or listeners that under legally binding Security Council resolutions, Israel is fully entitl- ed to govern those territories until Jordan follows Egypt's ex- ample and makes peace with Israel. The rioters should be demonstrating in Amman, not in Israel, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. What they are demanding — Israeli with- drawal without peace — is the policy tried in 1957 after the Suez crisis of the previous year. The failure of that policy led the Security Council to adopt its present position in 1967. These are facts not to be ignored. Registering them hasn't helped, but the record must retain historic data. Dr. Voss Continued from Page 2 damentalist evangelicals believed that the Jewish people were being exter- minated by the millions, while more liberal Christians and periodicals, such as the Christian Century, were labeling the reports "atrocity propaganda." However fundamentalists - evangelicals found that they too could be manipu- lated by fraudulent pretensions and by the suggestion of conspiracy. They were also subject to blandishments and misleading philosophical arguments. In this fashion, the reactionary and prejudiced view is exposed in this volume. Of specific importance in this volume is the Protestant rejection of anti-Semitic ideologies. This portion is an expose of Luther's anti-Semitism. There is gentle treatment of Luther in this theological thesis. Nevertheless, Dr. Carl Voss it does show how Luther commenced his approach to his treatment of Jews in a positive fashion, turning anti-Semite when he could not convert them to his views. This approach does show how Luther's views became guidelines for anti-Semitism. In Protestantism the two authors state in reference to Luther: In a culture and church where hatred of Jewish people was widespread, Martin Luther seemed to be a breath of fresh air. In his treatise That Jesus Was Born a Jew (1523), he took a firm stand against mistreat- ment of Jews throughout the history of the church and ad- vocated a new relationship with them. He reminded his readers that Jesus Christ was a Jew and sadly recounted the horrors that the medieval church had heaped on Christ's kin. "If I had been a Jew and had seen such dolts and blockheads govern and teach the Christian faith, I would sooner have become a hog than a Christian;' Luther wrote. The Jewish people view- ed the Lutheran Reformation as an opportunity for religious freedom, an opportunity to be treated as human beings. Alas, Luther expected Jewish people to convert to Christianity once they heard a Christian gospel free from "papal paganism!' Soon he became irritated with them, complaining about their stub- bornness and beginning to use the caricatures of his day. In 1543, at the end of his life, he wrote three derogatory treatises against Jews which anti-Semites would quote for the next 400 years. So revolting were his statements that Julius Streicher, Adolf Hitler's hate-sheet editor and propagandist in Der Sturmer, cited Luther at his Nuremberg trials to justify his actions. Luther's failure to rise above the anti-Semitic statements and actions of the early church fathers and the medieval church has left the task to other in- dividual Protestants. The three volumes under review cover a vast theological field. The third volume is presented in a highly schol- arly fashion. Rabbi Howard R. Greenstein's Judaism — Eternal Covenant fulfills the aim of scholars to assure knowledge- ability in Jewish ranks. It is a combina- tion of many Jewish experiences. It is history as well as theology, and will serve well as a guideline for the Jewish reader and student to understand the legacies attained from Judaism. In many respects, this volume can be treated as a textbook, as means of self-study of Judaism and its basic prin- ciples in the home. It will serve as well as a textbook in schools. At the same time, the Greenstein book is valuable for non-Jews. The ex- planation of the Torah and the prin- ciples enunciated therein is like a definition of theology in Jewish terms. The Torah in practice is an explanation of mitzvot. Then there is a complete listing of the festivals and explanations of their observance. There are many valuable defini- tions in the author's approach to the Jewish idealism. Everything definitive is treated in strict adherence to the Jewish traditions. The author treats the subject "Israel" as a definition of peoplehood as well as the land and statehood.