t e Amid Frivolity, Women Have Serious Purim Role By HARLENE W. APPELMAN Coordinator, Jewish Experiences For Families. Recently, my husband was asked to participate in what has become Purim's great debate: which has more merit, the latke or the hamantashen? He agreed, and is pursuing the construction of a solid argument to defend the hamantashen with great seriousness. This clearly illustrates one of the important parts of Purim, the spirit of the absurd and with it, the permission to be foolish. If one looks at this part of Purim in its broadest sense, one might see that this is the holiday that says, "Take a break, it's important to have fun with your family." How many of us take the time on a regular basis to act silly and really laugh with our families? And yet there is all kinds of research to suggest that laughter leads to healthy relationships, and some of our best memories are built on a good joke. The tradition of fun and satire is emphasized in the synagogue or temple during the Megillah reading, and at home, at the Purim seudah, a traditional meal for the whole family where drinking, laughing and good food to eat are the rule. With all of its emphasis on hilarity and rejoicing, there are some serious issues that surface with Purim as well. Purim acknowledges, and even laughs at, the vulnerability of life. At one moment we see a satisfied, assimilated Jewish community, where one of its beauties can become queen and wed the gentile king, and at the next moment, it finds itself on the edge of catastrophe. Esther, as heroine, poses some interesting points to ponder. She is a humane heroine, not overly anxious to put her life on the line. In fact, when Mordechai urges her to go and plead for the Jewish people, THE JEWISH NEWS 20300 Civic Center Drive Suite 240 Southfield, Michigan 48076 February 26, 1988 Associate Publisher Arthur M. Horwitz News Editor Heidi Press Jewish Experiences for Families Advisor Harlene W. Appleman Illustrator Neil Beckman L 2 - FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1988 she sends a messenger to Mordechai explaining that he is asking her to risk her life. Mordechai's reply is a lesson for all Jews in all their dwelling places. He says, "Do not imagine that you, of all the Jews, will escape with your life by being in the king's palace. On the contrary, if you keep silent in this crisis, relief and deliverance will come to the Jews from another quarter, while you and your father's house will perish. And who knows, perhaps you have attained to royal position for just that crisis." (Megillat Esther 4:13). Isn't Esther's hesitation, the pause that many of us have faced? How does Esther compare to the modern heroines of our day: A Hannah Senesh, who risked her life to save her mother from a Nazi- dominated Hungary, or a Golda Meir who so carefully guided Israel with a strong hand? Did those heroines ever face that querulous pause that Esther had to confront? Does Esther appear to be shabby in their light because she was so profoundly human? Women, in general, have an interesting role at Purim. One of the commandments (mitzvot) of Purim is that every man, woman and child hear the reading of the Megillah. Usually, women are not required to fulfill commandments that occur at a fixed time. This is to allow them greater flexibility in caring for their families. However, in the case of Purim, because everyone was saved, everyone is required to hear the Megillah read. In fact, since women are obligated, the Talmud states that they may read the Megillah for others, even men. Purim is a cacophony of opposites. During the holiday we see men and women dressing in each other's clothing, antics in the face of the holy, and intoxication encouraged until one cannot tell the difference between Haman and Mordechai (opposites in themselves). Perhaps this holiday is a key to how Jews have survived for so long in the Diaspora. What, indeed, has helped the Jews to survive better than his sense of humor and his ability to laugh in the face of danger? In the midst of the absurdity that is Purim, perhaps the character of Esther shows human frailty and our ability to rise above it (with the help of family) best. And by the way, which has more merit, the latke or hamantashen? Trivial Pur(im)suit In what year did the Purim story occur? How many provinces did Achashverosh rule? How many days did Achashverosh's feast last? What was the date Haman chose on which to destroy the Jews? What is the Hebrew date of Purim? In what country did the Purim story occur and what was the capital city? 7. What other name did Esther have? 8. Who plotted to kill the king? Who overheard them? 9. Who was the king's chief adviser? 10. What other name is Haman called in the Megilla? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Who was Haman's wife? Who tells Achashverosh about the gallows Haman had built? Who is not mentioned in the Megilla? How many mitzvot of Purim do we have and what are they? Why do we make noise at Haman's name during the Megilla reading? These Purim stumpers were contributed by Flo Ziffer, who teaches at Akiva Hebrew Day School. ANSWERS ON PAGE L-7