nesses and became productive mem- bers of the Managuan middle class. They did not experience major pro- blems of anti-Semitism. Though too small to support a rabbi, the community maintained a synagogue and conducted regular worship services, bringing in a rabbi for holidays and special occasions. Their small meeting house crumbled in the devastating earthquake of 1972, which destroyed the entire ci- ty, leaving 13,000 dead and nearly 200,000 homeless. (Though thousands of dollars in relief were sent to Nicaragua, the money was pocketed by Somoza. lbday, 15 years later, Managua is still in ruins.) In 1976, in anticipation of a long life for the Jewish population in Nicaragua, the Jewish community built a new synagogue. At the time of its construction, the Sandinistas were busy gathering support to create a revolution and overthrow Somoza. But the Jews, who had enjoyed good relations with the dictator, were un- willing to forget the Somozas' strong evening services were underway, an incendiary device (some claim it was a Molotov cocktail) was hurled at the Managuan synagogue, igniting its wooden doors. When worshippers at- tempted to exit through the side door, they were faced with a carload of armed men pointing guns in their direction who ordered them back in- side. Eventually the unidentified at- tackers fled and the fire was ex- tinguished. Despite reports to the con- trary, the building was not destroyed and no one was injured. But the incident underscored the changes taking place in Nicaragua, changes that would directly affect the Jewish community. As fighting between the leftist Sandinistas and Somoza's corrupt na- tional guard reached its climax in the humidity of July 1979, several Jews fled into exile along with thousands of other rich and influential people close to the regime. Most went to Costa Rica and Miami. The syna- gogue's two Torahs were taken out of the country for safekeeping. One is O O Cooking utensils in a corner of the synagogue. The Sandinistas vehemently deny such claims, stating that any confisca- tion of property was undertaken in the name of the revolution and was by no means directed towards the Jews. On several occasions it has been falsely reported in the Western press that the synagogue of Managua was burned down. Soon after the revolu- tion began, the building was con- verted temporarily into a Sandinista youth center and then abandoned. The Huembes children watch television. support for Israel and were deterred from working towards Somoza's over- throw. The Jewish community's close ties with Somoza left many of them labeled by the Sandinistas as Somo- cistas. This, along with word in the late '70s of Israel's secret arms ship- ments to Somoza, made the Nicara- guan Jews targets of Sandinista hostility. In December 1978, as Friday now in a North Miami synagogue and the second is in the synagogue in San Jose, Costa Rica. Once Gen. Anastosia Somoza was deposed and the Sandinistas siezed power, some Jews returned; most did not. The abandoned property of some of these Jews was confiscated under the new government laws — including the synagogue. The exiled Jews of Nicaragua claim they never abandoned the synagogue and still have hopes of returning. "We left Nicaragua because of Sandinista anti-Semitism," said Fred Luft, who served as the con- gregation's secretary and now lives in Miami. "We left behind two paid caretakers who were living in the building. They were both 'taken care of' by the Sandinistas who forced them out of the building so they could claim it as 'abandoned' and use it for their own purposes." Now it is the home of the Huembes family, a family that, like most others in Nicaragua, suffers from a war that is chewing up the country and spitting it out to rot in the hot winter sun. The Sandinista government fights to hold onto its socialist revolution and the United States-backed Contras aim to de- stabilize and destroy it. The war con- sumes half of Nicaragua's budget. The economy has collapsed. The results of this war are everywhere — from the overcrowded hospitals to the hungry Huembes children in the synagogue. Indeed, times are still bad in Nicaragua, where the main focus is no longer the future of the San- dinista's revolution. Rather, the peo- ple are interested in food, clothing and peace, all of which are in short supply in this war-weary country of three million people — Central America's largest and most thinly populated country. As for politics, the situation here is by no means black and white. It isn't the good guys against the bad guys. Those who don't support the Sandinista government don't neces- sarily support the Contras. Most peo- ple are somewhere in the middle. The common denominator is the will for peace. Signs, posters and art work all over the country bear the same phrase: Nicaragua quiere paz —