I OPINION Come Buy a Car From My DADDY! See LARRY KAPLAN New Cars - Trucks • Used Cars - Leasing ra n (313) 355-1000 Leader's Concern Continued from Page 7 (313) 355-6414 THE UNBEATABLE DEALER 10 CAVI IN ON THE SAVING This Offer is thru GMAC Financing ATTENTION: COLLEGE GRADUATES Air. auto., AM/FM stereo, tiles, bdy. side mldgs., elec. r w. def. Stock No. 447 List Unbeatable Discount Winter Cash Rebate $12,990 —$1,572 —$750 NOW $ 10,6 NEW '88 BERETTA 2 DR. COUPE /0- 6, I•Plk 4 ,101 06; ' " NEW 1988 CORSICA 4 DR. SEDAN ■ List 5 spd.. front & rear mats. Stk. No. 1496. Unbeatable Discount Import Owner Cash Winter Cash Rebate $8608 —$613 —$600 __,..m NOW $6795 *. 54 Available at similar savings PI. 1. List Unbeatable Discount Winter Cash Rebate N OW $10,362 —S1,229 —$410 —$600 Pwr. locks, tinted glass. A/C. auto. trans. Stk. No. 1103. List Unbeatable Discount Saver Package Winter Cash Rebate $11,596 • $1,401 —$820 —$600 NOW $8123" NOW $8775 * NEW SPECTRUM EXPRESS 2 DR. PUB COUPE NEW '88 CELEBRITY 4 DR. SEDAN 64 Available at similar savings NEW '88 CAVALIER 2 DR. COUPE .. 11 !1,11111111111;; :=7ggagl,`,iwit.d sei.2. 0k.% Ls4 terLs.Pgitt.M. 349X. List Unbeatable Discount Save Pkg. Discount Winter Cash Rebate $400 REBATE or 90 DAY DELAY PAYMENTS BUY OR LEASE ALSO SPECIAL FINANCING RATES This Offer is thru GMAC Financing Available at similar savings NEW NOVA 4 DR. SEDAN Any students receiving a Bachelors Degree or better within the last calendar year, can receive the best buy in town on a new Chevrolet car or truck. 37 Available at similar savings 0i $8918 —$823 —$400 $7695* 40 Available at similar savings 1.5L ' 4 -2-80L., 5-speed manual trans.. P155/809-13 Rad. BAN tires. Stk. No. 1927. List Unbeatable Discount Winter Cash Rebate $6785 —$300 —$500 NOW $5985* A4ailable at similar savings Pwr. door locks. elec. r.w. clef., a, 2.5L EA L4. auto. trans.. P185/759-14 ALS S/8. Stk. No. 825. List Unbeatable Discount Winter Cash Rebate $12,633 —$1,857 —$750 NOW $ 1 0,0 35 Available at similar savings 'Plus tax, tide, destination, offer expires February 29, 1988. 28111 Telegraph and 12 Mile at 1-696 355-1000 LOOK, SHOP, GET YOUR BEST DEAL, BUT DON'T BUY UNTIL YOU SEE THE UNBEATABLE DEALER! FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1988 . 0 1V 30 318V11/ 39N i 3. , *Limited or No Credit History *Verified Driver's License 'Verified Social Security Number 'Verified Residence 'Reasonable Debt to Income Ratio NEW '88 CAMARO 2 DR. SPORT COUPE - . 11 31V 30 319vi v38 Nn 3. , ATTENTION • 1st TIME BUYERS 1 ► 3111 30 318V.I.V38 N11 .. 8 311/30 318 V1V38 NO 3H1. Across from Tel-12 Mall 1V30 318V1V 38Nfl 3. E U NBE ATA BLE DE ALE R ' `THE UNBE ATA BLE DE AL R ' `TH B A TA BLE DE LE " `THE UN BEATABLE DE ALE R " "THE U NBE ATA BLE DE A L S ' 28111 Telegraph Rd. & 1-696 the UN Partition in 1947; from Israel's offer to repatriate 100,000 Palestine refugees after the War of In- dependence to her plea to King Hussein not to join Egypt and Syria in the 1967 war; from the offer of "ter- ritory for peace" after that war to the Arab League's declaration at Khartoum — no recognition, no negotia- tion, no peace with Israel — to the sacrifices you made in securing peace with Egypt, your record of seeking peace is extraordinary and we have presented it with pride to our fellow Americans. We also know that the cur- rent manifestations in the territories, as much as they are an expression of despair, anger, and frustration, are not benign. The words that accompany the stones, Molotov cocktails, and knives bear the same intolerance and hatred that has brought the Arabs to wage war and terrorism on you. We understand that you regard this new cycle of violence as an attack on Israel's national security and that these attacks must be stopped — that tranquility and civil order must be restored. Indeed, most Americans, including those in government and other in- fluential circles, understand this and are genuinely sym- pathetic to Israel's dilemma. But the images projected from Israel have been harsh. Because we identify so close- ly with you, it has been hard for many American Jews to accept that Israel must sometimes confront rocks and firebombs with lethal fire, or, in a way even worse, with the butt end of a rifle. We do not expect you to be nice in order to satisfy some of our illusions about Israel, but we do expect a certain level of decency from a coun- try whose fortunes are so in- tertwined with ours. There are some forms that are in- trinsically intolerable and should be unacceptable in the kind of humane society Israel has always sought to be. While we trust that the ex- cesses are behind us, we have no illussions about the future. What the Palestinians have done and the disruptive power they have now discovered should hardly in- crease your confidence (or ours) that they are ready to embrace peaceful coexistence with Israel. Yet the fact that the Palestinians have at last found their own voice, even if it does echo the sterile and uncompromising fulmina- tions of the PLO, may begin the process of freeing them from the Arab mythology of perpetual martyrdom. Perhaps out of this raw and bitter confrontation they will discover that they can and must take responsibility for themselves and that the Arab states have been cynically manipulating and betraying them for their own purposes. How healthy it would be if the Palestinians would translate their explosive energies into coherent political goals and realistic demands, which Israel has always proclaimed its readiness to negotiate. Will the Palestinians draw these lessons? I don't know. But, in any case, that is only half of the equation. How will We do expect a certain level of decency from a country whose fortunes are so intertwined with ours. these events — perhaps these new realities — be interpreted by you, the people of Israel? How will they affect the rigid positions, the paralyzed peace proposals? The answers to these ques- tions are no more apparent to me than those I pose about the Palestinians. I would observe, though that the cur- rent situation has, at least for the moment, reopened these issues. Sensing this in our conversation with our govern- ment's highest leaders, we are encouraged by their grow- ing sense of pragmatism. Something fundamental has changed, they say: The situa- tion will never be the same again. We hope and trust that this realism will translate itself into new ideas and an emerg- ing consensus on the future of the territories. That depends not on us and not on the good offices of the U.S government. It depends on you. As you begin this national reassessment, remember that we continue to interpret your agony and dilemma to our community, to the mass media and to our elected government officials in the most effective and sym- pathetic manner we can. But our ability to do this will de- pend on the vigor and dedica- tion with which you approach the hard question of how Israel and its people will relate to the three-quarters- of-a-million Arabs who are your co-equals as citizens of Israel and the 1.4 million more whose fate is so in- timately tied to yours.