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For cost and details of coverage call or write: THE BENSMAN GROUP Listen to our radio program on WCAR 1090 AM Wednesday, Noon-1:00 SENIOR SPOTLIGHT 30230 Orchard Lake Road Farmington Hills, Michigan 48018 (313) 855-4524 Specializing in Insurance for Senior Citizens Protecting Your Insurance Needs for Over 40 Years 4^^ CD111AV IADV g 100C1 American Blacks, Jews Share A Changing Agenda New York (JTA) — Jews and blacks may be unable to restore the spirit of in- tergroup harmony they developed in the 1960s, say black and Jewish leaders, but the groups can avoid the con- flicts that often have dominated their interactions in the 1980s. According to analysts of the black-Jewish relationship, that may mean bypassing divisive issues and concen- trating on the local com- munal concerns they share as members of historically op- pressed minorities. Whether that is possible in an election year and in the light of events in Israel remains to be seen, they say. "The relationship between blacks and Jews is rather tense, but both groups come out of a commonality that's still there," said Albert Vorspan, director of social ac- tion at the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, the Reform Jewish congrega- tional organization. Tension peaked in 1984, when Jewish groups, still reeling from the Rev. Jesse Jackson's "Hymietown" remarks and what they con- sidered his inadequate apology, demanded that the presidential candidate and other black leaders repudiate Nation of Islam leader Louis. Farrakhan for rhetoric Jewish leaders considered anti-Semitic. But disagreement over Jackson is often perceived not as a cause of tension between the groups, but as a symptom. The cause of the tension may be that Jews and blacks have diverged in economic status and thus in political and social conviction. Said Phil Baum, associate executive director of the American Jewish Congress, "Both groups believe in the better distribution of opportunity and advantage than exists at the present time. However, we disagree on the means of how to achieve that distribution." A continuing conflict has been over quotas in hiring, which black leaders believe would help speed economic growth, but which Jewish groups feel serve to limit in- dividual achievement. Analysts agree that discus- sion of quotas does not create the rifts it once did, but deep misunderstandings remain. According to Cherie Brown, executive director of the Na- tional Coalition-Building In- stitute, those misunderstan- dings became apparent when she conducted, as part of the group's activities, intergroup dialogues in the months following the Farrakhan con- troversy in 1984 and 1985. Blacks don't understand why Jews mistrust them when they say the Far- rakhan's anti-Semitic pro- nouncements are marginal to his real message of black economic independence, said Brown, and Jews don't understand how painful it is for blacks to be asked to refute one of their leaders. Ironically, Farrakhan's notoriety led to the formation of black-Jewish coalitions in a number of cities. Some, such as the New York Black/Jew- ish Coalition, have since become dormant. Wilbert Tatum, a founder of the New York coalition and editor-in-chief of the Amster- dam News, the country's largest black newspaper, said the coalition foundered because "both sides are afraid to speak out, lest they be call- ed racist or anti-Semitic." In other cases, the coali- tions have avoided areas of major conflict — such as Israel's trade with South Africa, affirmative action and black support for Palestinians — and instead seek common ground in local social and economic concerns. Boston's Black-Jewish Coa- lition, for example, was form- ed in 1979 to diffuse tensions that arose when Andrew Young, a black who was dis- missed as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations after holding unauthorized meet- ings with members of the Palestine Liberation Organi- zation. Blacks accused Jews of forcing the ouster. The coalition has since changed its mission to tackle urban issues such as housing, education and crime preven- tion, according to Sol Kolack of Boston, national communi- ty service director of the Anti- Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. Such coalition-building im- plies that Jews and blacks still share an agenda. "Both groups still have a strong sense of being outsiders," said Murray Friedman, Middle Atlantic States director of the American Jewish Committee and vice chairman of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission. In addition, said Martin Lapan, executive director of the Jewish Labor Committee, "Of all white ethnic groups, the Jewish community is still in its voting patterns far closer to the interests of the black community." Blacks and Jews were the only two groups to vote in ma- jority for Democratic presidential candidate Walter Mondale in 1984. But Friedman and others are concerned about underly- ing tensions. "Polls are show- ing more hostility towards Jews in the young and better- educated level of the black community than among older blacks who are knowledgeable about the civil rights movement," said Friedman. On the other side, blacks say the traditionally liberal Jewish community has ab- sorbed the negative values of the larger society. "There is a new kind of racism," said Nor- man Hill of the Randolph institute. Said Tatum of the Amster- dam News: "There has been a real pulling apart on the part of blacks and Jews." I OBITUARIES 1 Estelle Kahn Estelle K. Kahn, a life member of Hadassah, died Jan. 28 at age 72. Born in Detroit, Mrs. Kahn also was a member of Adat Shalom Synagogue, Jewish National Fund and the Jewish Home for Aged. She leaves her husband, Kopel; two daughters, Mrs. Susan Sovel and Mrs. Alyssa Mertz; a brother, Jerome Keywell; two sisters, Mrs. Ethel Levant and Mrs. Joyce Pensler; and two grandchildren. Memorial Rite For Merzon The Young Israel of Oak- Woods will host a community- wide memorial service for M. Manuel Merzon on Sunday at the synagogue at 7:30 p.m. The service will include a Siyum Hashas, a ceremony marking the completion of the entire six orders of the Talmud studied in memory of Mr. Merzon. Mr. Merzon was an at- torney, scholar and communi- ty leader. He died Jan. 8. The entire community is in- vited. For information, call the synagogue, 398-1177.