I UP FRONT I Arab-Jewish Continued from Page 5 the "best" in Italian French and German sportswear and clothing. 6879 Orchard Lake Rd. West Bloomfield, MI 851-8171 issues because no one will listen to us!' and focus on im- proving the quality of life in America for Arabs and Jews. "We are relegating our energies to peaceful coex- istence here," he explains. "Overseas, we feel a great deal. If not the Palestinians, then in Lebanon. It's perpetual and unending. Maybe a future objective (of the group) could be to impact what is happening overseas. "I feel deeply about the turn of events, but if I let my emotions run away, there would not be a program. We need to leave each to his own feelings and sentiments in the Middle East. Immediate- ly, we need to give our children a better quality of life as Americans. We've met for many years and now that goals are finalized, we need to do good deeds." The group, which was established in 1981, has mediated disputes locally bet- ween groups of high school students involving Arab- Americans and with proceeds from its dinner, will fund ten scholarships of $500 each for five high school seniors from the Arab and Jewish communities. The group presented its first fellowship awards to Leon S. Cohan, current presi- dent of the Jewish Communi- ty Council, and James Karoub, a highly regarded businessman and lobbyist. Larry Horwitz, a Jewish of- ficer of the group, believes Sunday's turnout — almost evenly split between Arab and Jewish participants — is an affirmation of commit- ment between the two communities. "The tensions (among group members) are obvious- ly tremendous over what is going on in Israel over the past few weeks. Jews - in our group have relatives and family in the army and various Arab participants have family who have been detained and encountered by the army and police. It is a dif- ficult time to have a fellowship dinner. "But we are attempting to be a forum for fellowship and understanding in the Detroit metropolitan area, despite the conflict!" Horwitz adds. U.S. Senator Carl Levin, D- Mich., the dinner's keynote speaker, did not address the situation in the Middle East, America's ongoing support for Israel, the absence of peace initiatives from the Reagan Administration, United Na- tions resolutions, the closing of Palestine Liberation Organization offices or the Sen. Carl Levin: Avoiding discord. status of the investigation in- to the death of Alex Odeh. Rather, Levin briefed the audience on the medium- range missile treaty between America and the Soviet Union, the confirmation hear- ings for Supreme Court nominee William Kennedy and the likely battle over con- tinued aid for the contras in Nicarauga. But Levin did remind the audience that Arab and Jew had worked together recently to have the Supreme Court broadly interpret wording in the 1866 Civil Rights Act, ex- tending equal protection of the law to all who are discriminated against, white and non-white. The original wording, coming after the Civil War, applied only to non-whites. And from this alliance, and gatherings of Arabs and Jews, Levin said peacemakers will emerge from "every people willing to sit at a table, break bread and negotiate problems that seem to have no solution because there is no alter- native." B'nai David Continued from Page 5 President Barbara Goodman said there have been no of- ficial meetings on the issue. Michael Traison, a B'nai David member who lives in West Bloomfield, said that contrary to the synagogue abandoning Southfield, it is the members in the northwest suburbs who feel abandoned. "We want Orthodox services out there too!" Will B'nai David opt for West Bloomfield? No one can say for sure. "If they had the vote next week," said Traison, "I couldn't predict what the answer would be!"