1AT hen purchasing an automobile, price is not today's most important issue. Value is. And the best way to keep your car an excellent value is through excellent service. But, if you've been driven to the conclusion that all service centers are alike, give some thought to bringing your car into a Tamaroff Service facility. As you know, today's sophisticated automobiles require special attention to keep them performing as promised. And every Tamaroff Service depart- ment is fully equipped and fully capable of providing the finest care and repair. But our overall reputation of service excellence was not built by just maintaining cars, but by maintaining stan- dards. Our people make the difference. People trained at factory schools, not on your automobiles. People whose talent and pride have resulted in an impressive list of ser- vice awards and an even more impressive list of satisfied customers. When you buy a car from any member of the Tamaroff Group, you buy a car from a company with values. The cars and the people. From the moment you turn the ignition on for the first time. . . and down the road for the thousands of miles you drive, we're at your service. And always will be. Our best service is our service. THE TamaRoFF iGROUP TaMBROFF TaMBROFF BUICK 03 0 D A TamaRoFF TaMBROFF ISUZU YUGO 28585 TELEGRAPH SOUTHFIELD 28585 TELEGRAPH SOUTHFIELD 28585 TELEGRAPH SOUTHFIELD 28585 TELEGRAPH SOUTHFIELD 353.1300 353 -1300 353.1300 353 -1300 TaMBROFF TaMBROFF A ciallet MAZDA.VVYUGO NISSAN TEMaRCIFF ACURA PRECISION CRAFTED AUTOMOBILES 7500 E. 15 MILE RD. STERLING HEIGHTS 28200 W 8 MILE RD. FARMINGTON HILLS 24600 GRATIOT EAST DETROIT 268 - 9600 471 - 5353 778 - 8800 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 9