Tu B'Shevat: An Investment In The Future Tu B'Shevat is regarded as a minor festival or a semi-holiday for liturgical purposes. No penitential prayers are recited on Tu B'Shevat, nor is fasting permitted. This year, it corresponds to Feb. 3. It is believed that Tu B'Shevat may originally have been a folk festival which marked the emergence of spring. At this time of the year, the priests levied the tithes on the fruit trees. The tithes were then sent to the Temple in Jerusalem. It is important to keep in mind that, when the word Israel is used, it can refer to Israel the land (Eretz Yisrael), as well as to the people of Israel (Am Yisrael). With the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 C.E. and with the dispersion of Jews throughout the Roman Empire, Eretz Yisrael became almost devoid of Am Israel. Now that the Jewish people once again have a thriving nation in Eretz Yisrael. Tu B'Shevat has taken on new significance. Linked to the magnificent accomplishments of the Jewish National Fund, the New Year of the Trees has come to signify the rebirth of the Land of Israel and serves as a symbol of hope for the rebirth and renewed strength of people everywhere. The act of planting a tree represents an investment in the future. When a person plants a tree, he or she declares his belief that there will be a future for children, and that they will reap the fruit of this generation's labor. Tu B'Shevat also came to be seen as the Day of Judgment for the trees. On this day, it was believed, that God decided which trees would flourish and bear fruit, and which would wither and die. This reflects the belief that God is the Lord over all creation and exercises direct control over all living things including humankind, animals and plants. In addition to eating carob and planting trees on Tu B'Shevat, there are other customs and practices associated with this festival. Among Ashkenazic Jews, particularly those in Europe, Tu B'Shevat was an occasion for eating 15 different kinds of fruit with preference given to those varieties which can be found in Eretz Yisrael. Psalms 104 and 120-134, the Psalms of Ascension and special liturgical poems were read. Among Sephardic Jews, there are a series of special customs as well as a distinctive terminology which draws heavily upon Ladino, a language which is a blend of Spanish and Hebrew. Tu B'Shevat is called "Frutas," meaning Festival of Fruits. It is also known as "Rosasana des Arbores" or Rosh Hashanah of the Trees. Special poems called "complas" are sung. Children are given small bags with their names embroidered on them and filled with nuts. These are worn as festive pendants around their necks. es 11' 1 octv eā€¢ BermanlBermann Bear Of A Name Pk 14 Kenny Berman of Beth Shalom Religious School has inquired about his name origin. Berman/Bermann/ Baermann/Behrman/Barman/Bar are all Ashkenazic names. They were used by German, Russian, Austrian and Hungarian families, and were derived from the German "Bar" meaning bear. The Jews adopted these names because they were the German translation of what the Patriarch Jacob called his children. Many Jewish boys were named Ber, Beril, Baerush and Baerke. From this we conclude that the above names meant son of Ber or Beril. The Encyclopaedia Judaica, Jerusalem, 1971, and the Universal Jewish Encyclopaedia, N.Y. 1939-1948, have articles on the family Bermann. Mr. and Mrs. William Levitt of Oak Park have inquired about the origins of Levitt and Elbinger. Levitt/Levi/Levy/Levin/Levitan/ Levittee/Levite donates the lineage of these families. The name was traditionally adopted by male members of the Levites ā€” descendants of Levi. Elbinger may be a variation of the name Ellbogen, derived from a location ā€” the city of Ellbogen, Germany. The family Katzenellenbogen/Ellbogen/Bogen/ Ellenbogen/Katzenelson can trace their history to Rabbi Meir ben Isaac of 1480 Venice. This is an old family which spread to Poland, Germany France, England and the United States. There is even a myth, that Saul Wahl (1541-1617), a member of this large clan, was king L 8 - FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1988 of Poland for a day. The Encyclopaedia Judaica has extensive material on this family. The Unbroken Chain by Neil Rosenstein contains the genealogy of all of the branches. Epstein/Epenstein/Eppenstein/ Epsteen comes from a geographic location ā€” Eppstein, Germany, or Ebstein, Styria, Austria. This name was first used by the Jewish people in 1392 and is one of the oldest Jewish surnames. Lublin is a name derived from the town of the same name, Lublin, Poland. Missy Silver of Beth Shalom has inquired about the name Silver. The name indicates that an ancestor was either a silversmith or a dealer in silver. Nadiv is a name of Israeli origin. Many Israelis changed their European surnames, as did their French and American cousins. It is not always possible to trace the source of changed or altered names. In the case of Nadiv, however, we found some clues. In previous articles we discussed the cruel practices of some naming officers in the assignment of Jewish surnames. With an ironic twist, Israelis have reversed this old injustice. Nadiv is one such case. the European name was probably Kabtzan, meaning poor or poverty striken. Nadiv in Hebrew is just the opposite, meaning noble or wealthy. Betty Provizer Starkman is the past president and founder of the genealogical branch of the Jewish Historical Society of Michigan. Hebrew Word Search For Tu B'Shevat Barley grape wheat tree tree 7171111W 1/4? Ic rt Copyright 0 1986 by Marcia Roscoe vine 19? pomegranate fig olive . 0731 71,)I9n n7T date 1P.J7