I ANALYSIS I Jewish Community Council DELEGATE ASSEMBLY Israel's Policy: Gaza and the Administered Territories Guest Speaker: Moshe Fox, Consul for Press and Information Consulate General of Israel Thursday, January 21, 1988 8:00 RM. United Hebrew Schools 21550 West Twelve Mile Road Southfield, Michigan Open to the community Youths hurl stones in the Gaza Strip. Palestinian riots are pushing many moderate Israelis into hard-line positions. No Charge Social hour to follow Call (313) 962-1880 for information The Future Will Belong To Israel's Extremists HELEN DAVIS OUR WAREHOUSE IS 100% FULL... WE MUST CLEAR OUR WAREHOUSE IN 3 DAYS TIME! Thursday, Friday & Saturday, January 14, 15 & 16 Save 50% on everything inside our Colonnade Warellpuse • Sofas • Loveseats • Chairs • Tables • Lamps • Accessories • Odds & Ends • One-of-a-kindMEI:pore! Famous Makers: Henredon, Baker, Century, Widdicomb, Dixie and others! Bring your truck or van and take it with you! SALE HOURS: Thursday & Friday: 9:30am-9:00pm; Saturday: 9:30am-5:30pm Pierson Interiors Colonnade Warehouse (located next to our showroom) Pierson nteriors h„„,, 18 FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 1988 642-0070 4110 Telegraph Rd., Bloomfield Hills (Just South of Long Lake) Israel Correspondent T he day after Israel conquered Gaza City during the Six-Day War of 1967, a journalist ap- proached an officer perched on his tank in the main square. "How do you feel?" was the banal, inevitable question. "I'll tell you how I feel," replied the soldier. "Th be an occupier is disgusting." Such is not a widespread sentiment among the genera- tion of Israelis which has grown up since the occupa- tion. For many young Israel- is, Gaza — like the West Bank — is as much a part of Israel as Tel Aviv. Even those moderates — not motivated by political and religious convictions that dic- tate incorporation of the ter- ritories into Israel — regard the West Bank and Gaza as a natural and integral part of their country. The disturbances of the past month, however, have pro- duced a profound degree of soul-searching — and not a little doubt about the future — in almost every Israeli home. Israelis are shocked by the intensity of the anger, by the scope of the violence, by the number of lives lost, and by the massive deployment of troops (more than was used in the original conquest) that is required to maintain even a semblance of order. Not least, they are appalled by the damage they have sus- tained in the international media. . There is a reprise of that shiver of hopelessness and helplessness that passed down the national spine when it became evident that the Lebanese adventure was doomed. Only more so. Lebanon produced a sense of anguish when Israelis discovered for the first time that their army was not in- vincible; that there were limits to the use of force. Then, however, they could draw comfort from the knowl- edge that when the time came, as indeed it did, the troops could be brought home and the border sealed. The anguish now is com- pounded by the knowledge that the West Bank and Gaza are not Lebanon. Israel can- not unilaterally pull out its troops and abandon the ter- ritories to their chaotic, anar- chistic fate. The old borders have almost entirely disappeared, leaving the West Bank and Gaza at the very heart of Israel - physically, economically and demographically. The dilemma is com- pounded still further by the knowledge that the Pales- tinian uprising was not in- spired by some malevolent external force, but rather by a massive, authentic, spon- taneous, grass-roots expres- sion of disaffection. The prospect of a political settlement, which flared briefly last April after Jor- dan's King Hussein and Foreign Minister Shimon Peres agreed on the mod- alities for peace talks, foundered on the obduracy of Prime Minister Yitzhak