1TORAH PORTION I TRY For insurance call ULTRA SILKS SY WARSHAWSKY, A Specialist in Silk Plants, Trees & Arrangements Joseph vs. Maccabees: Are We In Control? RABBI IRWIN GRONER Special to The Jewish News The story of Joseph and his brothers reveals the role of destiny in human affairs. Pharaoh dreams about seven well-formed cows and seven lean cows which represent years of plenty to be followed by years of famine and want. These events affecting the life of Egypt and the whole socie- ty of the Near East were destined by the Almighty as the fixed and unalterable con- ditions of the society of Joseph's time. The episodes of the Joseph story are related to the un- folding of a Divine plan: for as a result of the hatred of the brothers of Joseph, he was sold into slavery and was thus available to interpret Pharaoh's dream. He was Shabbat Miketz: Genesis 41:1-47:27, Ezekiel 37:15-28 then elevated to the position of viceroy and subsequently became the provider for his family, bringing his father and brothers and their families to Egypt — all of this related to God's purpose that this people would ultimately be redeemed. Does this mean that man does not direct the course of events? I meet people all the time who say: "Rabbi, I'm a born fatalist. I believe that what will be will be, and that when my number is up, I'll go." Indeed, the Bibld affirms that man is in the hands of a Power greater than himself. However, if this belief is car- ried to a harsh extreme, it robs us of all choice and all in- itiative. When a person believes that he has lost con- trol over his life, he has ab- dicated moral responsibility. From a Jewish point of view, timidity is a worse sin than boldness. He who hides behind a slogan of bashert, the Yiddish term for "fated," has written his own prescription for failure. The student who begins with the attitude that he has no control over his academic achievement will fail in his course. t3 couple who take a detached view of their marriage, ul -i.ertain as to whether they will be joyful Irwin Groner is rabbi at Cong. Shaarey Zedek. or miserable, are slated for unhappiness. The businessman who forfeits all initiative because things are not under his control, has already declared his bankruptcy. Whare does the truth lie? Are we in control or are we not? Judaism recognizes both positions. Man is powerful and he is helpless. Clearly we are not fully in control of life and events. But a margin of freedom is available to each of us. What we do with that core of freedom, how we act with that slice of life that we can control, on that we are judg- ed. Maybe much of life is real- ly bashert, but not all of it. In that area where we have a choice, where we can exercise discretion, judgment and responsibility, that is where our humanity is tested, where our responsibility as Jews is measured. Judaism recognizes this polarity between man's powerlessness and his moral strength. On the High Holy Days, so many prayers describe the power and grandeur of God in contrast to the weakness, confusion and evanscence of man. But the Jewish tradition also contains the bold statement that "when the tzadik issues a decree, the Almighty executes it." If we want to achieve our moral purpose with all our determination, God will help us to achieve our goal. Jewish survival bears testimony to the strength of the Jewish spirit. We have endured because our loyalties and commitments were so strong that not all persecution or hostility that we endured, no matter how cruel or op- pressive, could break the will of the Jewish people to live. During this week of Chanukah, I note one of the interpretations of the term "Maccabee." It is derived, some scholars say, from the Hebrew term for hammer. In the days of the Hasmoneans, the Jewish people had deter- mined that they would no longer be the anvil on which others would inflict their blows, but instead would become the hammer capable of creating their own destiny. As we continue our struggle on behalf of Soviet Jewry, we are united with our brothers and sisters behind the Iron Curtain who have kept alive the bright flame of Jewish heroism. 6668 Orchard Lake Road In the West Bloomfield Shopping Plaza W. Bloomfield 48033 851-7822 ALWAYS FRESH ALWAYS BEAUTIFUL STATE FARM 626-2652 Office Phone 7 COUPON r $1 00 OFF r 1 See me for car, home, life and health I NINP• ■•■0, insurance INSURANCE \ Like a good neighbor. State Farm is there. 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