FREEDOM SUNDAY 1,000 Michiganians raised their voices in Washington on behalf of Soviet Jewry. Anatoly Sharansky leads the rally in song. `Let Our People Go!' Freedom Sunday was the culmination of 15 years' effort on the part of American Jewry on behalf of their Soviet brethren GARY ROSENBLATT IF Editor , or all the dignitaries and political leaders who did the speaking, it was the name- less, faceless masses — a re- cord 200,000 strong — who were the story of the Freedom Sunday rally in Washington. And that was only fitting. For they were demonstrating on behalf of the nameless, faceless masses of Soviet Jews, at least 400,000 of them who have sought to leave for Israel and freedom. _ It is the well-known few who receive most of the attention, whether it be the prominent speakers on the podium in Washington on Sunday or the long-time refuseniks who have been released from the USSR in re- cent months. But this rally — the largest Jewish demonstration ever held in Washington — and indeed the 15-year struggle on behalf of Soviet 22 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1987 Jewry, has proved that, in the words of Elie Wiesel, "while some are more famous than others, all Jews are equally worthy of redemption." And so, on a clear, cold afternoon in December, on the eve of the U.S.- USSR summit, the message from speaker after speaker to Soviet leader Gorbachev was loud and clear: Let all our people go. Not just the well-known refuseniks, but any and all Jews who wish to express their human rights by leaving the USSR. For we will not stop protesting until they are free. Sharansky Vindicated Of the dozens of speakers, Natan Sharansky was greeted with the largest ovation. It was Sharansky, the embodiment of the struggle to free Soviet Jewry, who became its cons- cience as well in recent months as he traveled the breadth of the United States, goading American Jews into participation in this rally. American Jewish leaders were angered by his "It is we, it is our struggle which makes governments in the free world strong;' he said. "It is our struggle which can make the Soviet govern- ment willing to open the gates of the Soviet Union!' He stressed the need to continue the effort. "If Soviet Jews are not free," he said, "then all Jews are not free." A Variety Of Speakers There were about 20 speakers in all, with Vice President George Bush initial calls for 400,000 people to at- receiving the most media attention. tend, but in the end he was vindicated He was warmly applauded when he for asking, for demanding, that said "the human rights issue is now American Jewry make an extraor- a permanent part of the U.S.-Soviet dinary effort on the eve of the Reagan- agenda. It will be high on the agen- Gorbachev summit And as he stood da for the summit. I will personally at the speaker's platform and looked raise it with Mr. Gorbachev. I will not out at the vast outpouring of humani- be satisfied until the promise of ty, from virtually every state in Helsinki is a reality." The Vice President said "it would America, he smiled widely as he pro- claimed: "How many times did I hear be easier, safer, more diplomatic to re- it was impossible to get hundreds of main silent — to negotiate our thousands of people to march in treaties and never raise the question Washington in the winter?" he ask- of human rights. But that would be ed. "And yet look, it is winter and you untrue to ourselves, and it would break our promise to the past." are here. "And how many times," he con- He called on the Soviet leader to tinued, "did I hear that the Soviet. prove the reality of glasnost by releas- gates of emigration cannot be open- ing not only a handful of refuseniks ed?" But, he asserted, world Jewry "but thousands, tens of thousands — has protested and the gates have been all those who want to go." Bush end- opened. ed by shouting, "Mr. Gorbachev: Let Sharansky said that emigration these people go. Let them go!" Some speakers expressed anger, depends neither on President Reagan nor on Gorbachev, but rather on the like New York Mayor Ed Koch, who conscience of Jews around the world. noted that Jewish demonstrators in .