TPURELT-COMINTA-RY Chanukah: Imperishable Message To All Mankind PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor Emeritus A s the sun will set on Tuesday, Dec. 15, a great joy will greet every Jewish home and all assembly places, houses of worship and community centers. There will be a symbol to glorify an enthusiasm. The menorah will have been properly shin- ed. The shamash candle will be in its top spot, ready for the lighting of the first of eight designated lights for the eight days and nights of Chanukah. The great eight-day event is judged as especially excitable and enjoyable for children. There are the games and the special latke delicacy. The story of heroism is sensational and never ceases arousing cheer and pride in a sharing of historical knowledge. It must con- stantly resume and always remain oc- casion for the elders to be equally ap- preciative and enthusiastic. This latter obligation to a great legacy was called into being at this time of the year in a brilliantly defined essay on the subject of Chanukah by one of the most qualified literary masters of our time, Cynthia Ozick. The New York Times made a notable contribution to historiography and to Jewish holiday literature with an essay by Cynthia Ozick on the sub- ject "Reflections on Chanukah." It was in a special section entitled "The World of New York." So thorough is the Ozick essay that it will be treated as an historical document. It will surely have a permanent place in Jewish literature because its significance as a commen- tary on the Hellenistic period emerges as a thoroughly analytical study of an era in a conflicting time between na- tions: the Maccabean Revolt of 165 BCE. In the centuries that followed, theologians, historians, sociologists have reaffirmed that the Maccabean triumph for religious freedom assured it for mankind. Without the restrictive regulations of the festivals that are treated as "major," Chanukah permits working, conducting business pursuits, putting lights on and off. It is included in the list described as "the minor festivals!' Yet its influence on mankind, its triumph over bigotry, elevates it in- to great heights. It is the monumental spiritual force that gains this definition from Cynthia Ozick: Hanukkah marks the earliest battle for religious freedom in the history of our planet. But more than that; Hanukkah marks the beginning of the very concept of religious freedom. lithe life of a little peo- ple had been extinguished, if a small nation had not been vic- torious over a savagely reduc- tive oppressor, if Judaism had been uprooted — if the light of Torah had been snuffed — what would our allegiances look like today? There would be no legacy of monotheism. The Ten Commandments would be ab- sent from the treasure house of world culture. There would be no Christianity. There would be no Islam. There would be no Bill of Rights. That little bit of oil has lasted and lasted — like the bur- ning bush. It reflects, it stands for the glory of God. Or, if that phrase tends to embarrass us skeptical moderns (in whichever millennium our modernity happens to fall), let us choose words more accessi- ble, more comprehensible — but also more arduously deman- ding, because they are ineluc- tably bound to the immediacy of human responsibility. Say, then, that the little cruise stands for mercy, conscience, freedom, dedication, thanksgiving. Call it civilization. The egalitarian menorah is lighted by women and men and children. The rule is to set it in a window — liberty's annuncia- tion — for passersby to see. (The rule does not apply when there is danger of persecution, as in ancient Babylon, when the sur- rounding fire worshipers pro- hibited the lighting of the Feinberg's Menorahs The menorahs depicted in this article are among the ceremonial Charles E. Feinberg 2 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1987 treasures that were rescued for posterity by the eminent art collec- tor and prominent Detroiter, Charles E. Feinberg. Many museums, art institutes and libraries now possess some of the treasures he rescued, especial- ly those he acquired in the tragic years of European Jewish suffer- ings. He has retained one valuable menorah he reassembled from a 17th Century collection that might have been destroyed otherwise after the war. Feinberg's treasured collections include the Walt Whitman manuscripts that will be retained for posterity as his gift to the Library of Congress. A brass synagogue menorah from Poland, 17th Century, which is 42 inches wide. menorah, or in Inquisitional Spain, or in certain cities of Ger- many and Poland in the 1930s, when a glimmering candel- abrum might bring a rock through the glass.) No work may be done by the light of the menorah — its light is for celebration, not for com- monplace household use — so while the candles burn, play is decreed. Hence the dreydl, that four-sided medieval teetotum carrying the initials of the words A Great Miracle Happen- ed There — there in Jerusalem, long ago. Dreydl spinning is a kind of gambling game, with nuts for stakes; in a more puritan era it represented a dispensation for other frivolities — riddles, acrostics, even card playing. Under the menorah's light, lightness reigns. Well, then: Hanukkah as cheerful lively domestic bustle and cozy Jewish family festival? Unquestionably. And surely here and now, in an American December. But when the latkes in their frying pan, bubbling and spurting and crackling, suddenly sparkle with little bursts of oil, know that those sparks are for the redemption and rededication of the world. They were not all loyalists who triumphed over the Greek forces. The Maccabeans were a handful. All the greater the triumph for those who would not abandon their faith to tyrants and to idol worshipers. There were the Hellenists who, like the traitors within, are the self-haters who are often visible, those who betray their heritage. Cynthia Ozick describes them as well. They serve as a lesson for the generations, as she depicts them: The oppressor was the Hellenized Syrian empire, as fiercely domineering in the year 165 B.C. as Rome was to become later on. Syrian culture, approx- imately Greek, was nevertheless a coarse shadow of the noble old Greece of the philosophers: a rough showplace of drained values, physicality without the inspiration of beauty, spremacy without discourse, the Periclean notion of the civilized polls transmogrified into a brutishly colonizing structure ruled by a megalomaniac. His name was Continued on Page 42