[PURELY tOMMENTARY Michigan Tradition Upholding Separation Principle PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor Emeritus A major issue certain to be in- cluded in the debatable disputes involving candidates in the for- thcoming Presidential election will be the Separation of Church and State. It will be most interesting to learn who and how many will pledge allegiance to this basic American ideal. Who will be the courageous to uphold and hail the Separation commit- ment as originally authored by James Madison and his associates? Presently, fright is aroused in many hearts whenever the subject of introduc- ing religion in schools or similar religious threats are challenged in the courts. Those who defend the American ideal are branded "irreligious radicals" and even harsher names. Now there is an advocacy of religious partisanship that assails "Separation" as almost unpatriotic. It is an especially serious matter with challenging emphasis when Separation is threatened by a policy that has become major in the specific codes advocated. Therefore the necessity to retain the facts about Separation in the public mind and to encourage militancy of thought and action in its defense. It is not generally known that in the legislative and state records are incor- porated precedents that keep Michigan among the states that have acted pro- tectively in behalf of the Separation policies. Dr. Norman Drachler, a former superintendent of Detroit Public Schools and prior to that superinten- dent of the Temple Beth El school, made it the topic of his doctoral theme. Atten- tion to it was drawn when the late Con- gressman Louis Rabait introduced a bill to include "Under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance. He had the sponsoring support of U.S. Senator Homer Ferguson and his Congressional associate Charles Oakman for his measure, which had unanimous approval. It was before the adoption of the Rabaut measure that I called its atten- tion to the thesis by Dr. Drachler. Rep. Rabaut made much use of the arguments advanced by Drachler in his commenting reply. (From his Detroit Board of Educa- tion superintendentship, Dr. Norman Drachler went to Washington to be associated with the Ford Foundation's educational project, "Remaining in Ur- ban Education:' He then continued his service with the Ford Foundation at Stanford University in California in the university's Education Leadership In- stitute. He recently retired and resides with Mrs. Drachler in Los Altos, Calif.) In his comments on continuing tasks to avert religious instrusions in- to the government and educational spheres of this nation, Rep. Rabaut gave emphasis to the view that we are a religiously influenced people. Quoting Supreme Court Justice William Douglas who stated in an important 2 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1987 Dr. Norman Drachler decision that "we are a religious peo- ple," Rabaut declared that his "Under God" proposal does not involve the issue of state-church relations. Rep. Rabaut, who was known as "the Singing Congressman from Royal Oak, Mich.," took into account the view- points of Michigan scholars, academi- cians as well as legislators and religious dignitaries, in matters affecting the in- jection of religiosity in state affairs. The two solid pages in the April 1, 1954, issue of the Congressional Record cover the basic facts in the Rabaut pro- posal and its analysis. They represent an inerasable chapter in Separation discussions by this state's pioneering legislators in preparation for all ensu- ing debates on the Separation ideal that will endlessly confront the American people. The complete article from the April 1, 1954, Congressional Record is therefore must reading in preparation for the challenges that will confront voters in the coming months. An ex- cerpted Rabaut text on the debatable subject follows: Dr. Drachler relates that a delegate to the State constitu- tional convention proposed an invitation to clergymen, "alter- nately one from each denomina- tion;' to open convention ses- sions. But an opponent of the proposal insisted that the mere presence of clergymen would exert sectarian influence upon the delegates. The resolution calling for prayers at the con- vention was defeated. But of far greater importance was the pro- posal to include in the constitu- tion recognition of a Supreme Being and a belief in a future state of rewards and punishments. The resolution was rejected. Dr. Drachler, in his thorough review and study quotes the following striking "denunciation of the move to give the State a theistic nature by a delegate, Willard": "Sir, I protest against the adoption of such an article into Rep. Louis Rabaut our constitution. I protest against it because it is anti- Republican, anti-Democratic, anti-Liberal, anti-do-as-you- would-be-done-by, anti-the-will- of-the-people. I do verily believe that nine-tenths of the people of Michigan do not wish to pro- scribe a fellow being on account of his religious or irreligious belief; and I do know that a very large majority of my con- stitutents do not wish it. . . "I go the whole hog for hav- ing every free white male citizen of the age of 21 years, who shall have resided in the State a cer- tain stipulated length of time, a voter, and every voter eligible to any office the people may think proper to bestow upon him, whether he believes in 1 God, 20 Gods, or no God.. . "Suppose a man's head is so thick and brainless (if you choose to call it so) that no evidence can be beaten into it which is sufficiently strong to convince him of the existence of an uncaused first cause — of an unorganized, yet intelligent, im- material Being, who existed from all eternity, in nothing, on nothing, and who did nothing until about 6,000 years ago, at which time He created not only this vast globe and all that it in- habits, but also myriads of worlds and living creatures. Suppose, I say, a man's head is so thick and brainless that he cannot comprehend nor believe in such an existence, and has the moral courage and honesty to acknowledge it when inter- rogated, shall he be debarred from testifying in courts of justice, and from holding an of- fice of profit and trust, which his equally thickheaded and skep- tical neighbors may wish to bestow upon him? Forbid it justice. Forbid it ye freeborn sons of Michigan. "Palsied be the tongue of him who shall advocate such doctrine, and perish the hand that shall put a vote in the ballot box in favor of him who shall do so. Mistake me not. I would equally imprecate him who should attempt to deprive the most credulous fanatic that ever disgraced human nature, of the least of his inalienable rights and privileges. No, sir, let us have no proscriptive laws, either in favor or against religion, unless we mean to make liars and hypocrites of our posterity. Let religion stand or fall without the proscriptive intolerance of law. If it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; but if it be of man it will surely come to naught .. . In the name of mental liberty — in the name of unborn millions of our posterity — in, the name of all that is near and dear to us, the liberty of conscience, I pro- test against the resolution:' At the convention of 1850, we learn from Dr. Drachler, ministers of religion were in- vited to open daily sessions with prayers, but the delegates per- sonally paid for these services. William 0. Douglas At the convention of 1867, an attempt was made to have the Convention Preamble embody recognition of the Almighty and acknowledge "the Lord Jesus Christ, who is author of Chris- tianity and has revealed god to man." The objection was raised that this was sectarian. Delegate Nind called it a concept con- trary to other faiths and that "this would not be the case with the Hebrews, the Unitarians, not saying anything about the atheists whom some gentlemen may consider as outlaws:' While the terms Almighty God and Sovereign Ruler were accepted, the words "Christian government" and "Lord Jesus Christ" were omitted from the state document. Commenting on the chang- Continued on Page 32B