PURELY COMMENTARY Heschel's Monumental 'Moral Codifications PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor Emeritus w hen God in Search of Man first appeared in 1955, it immediately assumed a first- rank ethical guide for all faiths. Its author, Abraham Joshua Heschel, already the acknowledged multilingual literary genius, was a front-rank philosopher, teacher, interpreter of Jewish tradition and lore. His philosophical works reached out into all spheres of modern thought, and was shared alike by all faiths. Now the reissued 1987 edition of this great work again serves the definitive encyclopedic purpose of guiding readers to an understanding of the highest purposes in life. It inspires into faith and defines it. It explains liberty and tradition. It makes the aspirations for peace more understan- dable. It elevates mankind to prayer and defines the term. Unlimited in scope, it also refutes and rejects the oppressives and the negatives. It has among its definitions one for fundamentalism. The new edition of God in Search of Man: A Philosophy of Judaism, just reissued by the new publisher on the American scene, Jason Aronson, has the added distinction of being introduc- ed with a new foreword by the daughter of the late Dr. Heschel, Susannah Heschel, who is currently working on her doctorate in religious studies at the University of Pennsylvania. Her in- troductory essay is a scholarly tribute to her father. Her comments also are Abraham Joshua Heschel reminiscences in the course of which she asserts: The first third of God in Search of Man is a description of the inner spiritual life and the path a religious person takes to reach God's presence. There are no exercises in meditation, no calls for retreat from the world, no mantras to recite. Rather, my father speaks about human sen- sibilities, qualities within ourselves that we can cultivate in response to the world around us. I remember as a child walk- ing with my father along Broad- way, in dirty, noisy, grimy streets, and then turning the corner to go home, walking down the hill toward Riverside Drive, and seeing before us the Hudson River and, sometimes, a magnificent sunset. My father would describe what we were seeing, the wonder of God's miracles in nature, the beauty of a sunset which reminds us of God's presence in the world. I realized later, when I read his books, how the words of his writings and speech were one and the same. Perceiving God's presence is our task, he writes, and he liv- ed his life with that constant awareness. He writes in God in Search of Man that "the Bible is a seed, God is the sun, but we are the soil. Every generation is expected to bring forth new understanding and new realiza- tion!' The understanding he brought forth through his life and work are immeasurable gifts. What a miracle that his life was spared. How blessed are we who knew him. Rabbi Heschel's immense philosophically encyclopedic work has, as has been indicated, many guidelines for teachers and students alike. Ex- emplary is this comment on liberty of thought and action: Our understanding of man and his liberty has undergone profound change in our time. The problem of man is more grave than we were able to realize a generation ago. What we used to sense in our worst fears turned out to have been a utopia compared with what has happened in our own days. We have discovered that reason may be perverse, that science is no security. Is liberty alone, regardless of what we do with it, regardless of good and evil, of kindness and cruelty, the highest good? Is liberty an empty concept — the ability to do what we please? Is not the meaning of liberty con- tingent upon its compatibility with righteousness? There is no freedom except the freedom bestowed upon us by God; there is no freedom without sanctity. There is a universality to the great work which already has a continuity of influence in the search for faith and devotion. There may be special interest for the non-Jew, as there is for the Jewish reader, in this analysis of fundamentalism: In our encounter with the Bi- ble we may take either a fun- damentalist attitude which regards every word as literally valid, making no distinction bet- ween the eternal and the tem- poral, and allowing no place for personal or historic understan- ding, or for the voice of the con- science. Or we may take a ra- Continued on Page 40 Food As An Asset Defining The Festivals F ood for thought" is a common application to an ordinary communicative expression. It has a special value in Jewish literature for children. Many of the books for the young that are published to define holidays give emphasis to the tradi- tional delicacies associated with festivals: matza for Passover, haman- tash for Purim, kneidlach also for Passover, blintzes for Shavout, latkes for Chanukah. But much more accom- THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS (US PS 275-520) is published every Friday with additional supplements the fourth week of March, the fourth week of August and the second week of November at 20300 Civic Center Drive, Southfield, Michigan. Second class postage paid at Southfield, Michigan and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send changes to: DETROIT JEWISH NEWS, 20300 Civic Center Drive, Suite 240, Southfield, Michigan 48076 $24 per year $26 per year out of state 60' single copy Vol. XCII No. 14 2 November 27, 1987 FRIDAY, NOV. 27, 1987 panies the latter, if Madeline Wikler and Judyth Groner are to be the in- troducers of menus coined for their book Miracle Means — Eight Nights of Food 'n Fun for Chanukah. Chanukah is due here in a matter of days and the new Kar-Ben Copies book for children invites attention. It is a good addition to the available Chanukah books. Yet, it is so different because it deals with foods in addition to providing fun. It has much value in its illustrations, and the explanations of the historic significance of the Feast of Lights is commendable. Since it deals with foods, authors and the illustrator, Chan Radin, do well with guidelines for preparation of the delicacies and cau- tion to be careful at the stove and in training to be good chefs in all ways. The fun is in the kinds of foods pro- posed for the readers. Now the young reader can have a "Dreidel Sandwich," "Candy Dreidels," "Aleph Beth Pretzels," "Hanu-Cookies," "Cheese Coins," "Sufganiyot (Doughnuts)," "Maccabee Hero Sandwich" and many more temptations. The foods are the same, the titles different. That's how the festival is in- troduced. It's a way of teaching and learning while eating. Therefore, the "food also for thought." 'Adam and Eve': Bible Narrative B ible stories are gaining popular- ity in the increasing production of children's books. Macmillan's subsidiary, McElderly, exemplifies it in the Adam and Eve adaptation by War- wick Hutton, who also adds to the book's charms as illustrator. The author of this beautiful book, with photos that dare acknowledgment of realism, utilized the King James ver- sion of the Bible translation. Macmillan publishers understandably express pride in producing this Bible-base book for children. 'Dos Pintele Yid': The A while back, in an earlier column, I took delight in dealing with nostalgic Jews, with emphasis on "Dos Pintele Yid." In his well-annotated Yiddish- English-dictionary, the eminent scholar Uriel Weinreich provides a definition for it as "The quintescence of one's Jewish identity." Jews often search for a reunion with the past. Assimilated Jews have often been seen "stealing into" a house of worship to hear a cantor chant the "Kol Nidre" on Yom Kippur eve. Many incidents are recordable about the nostalgic. Some time before his death, Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter expressed a desire that the "Kaddish" be recited at his funeral. Many experiences can be recorded in the treatment of "nostalgia" about weddings. Many mixed marriages are marked by the "huppah," even when priests as well as rabbis officiate. Rabbi Samual Silver, now a spiritual leader in a Reform congrega- tion, who formerly had a pulpit in Stan- ford, Conn., can relate many incidents in the numerous occasions when he per- formed mixed marriages. He now relates an especially interesting event in his column "Digest of the Yiddish Press" in Gabriel Cohen's National Jewish Post and Opinion. Continued on Page 40