PURELY COMMENTARY The Forgotten Emil Berliner: Remembered In Germany PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor Emeritus S omething very puzzling and distressing is occurring in the achievements of inventors and their inventions. The name of one of the very great of the last century, that of Emil Berliner, seems to be totally forgotten. There is special interest in his being recalled and acclaimed in West Germany. There is a lesson in that fact as well. The occasion for bringing back to fame the name of Emil Berliner is the hundredth anniversary of his having received a patent for his gramophone using a flat disc. The importance of the observance has been recalled, along with the display of the original invention in Berliner's birthplace, Hanover, Ger- many. The news of it appears in an ar- ticle in Die Welt, published in Bonn, Germany. The author is Rolf Manfred Hasse. The article which appeared in German is reprinted in an English translation in the German Tribune of Hamburg under the title "Emil Berliner, Pioneer of the Gramophone Record!' The German Tribune explanatory editorial note introducing the Hasse ar- ticle from Die Welt states: It is a century since Emil Berliner was in 1877 given a pa- tent for his gramophone using a flat disc as a sound source. The reproduction quality was better than Edison's phonograph which, using a drum, had been patented ten years before. Berliner's invention became the basis for the modern gramophone record. The inven- tor was born in Hanover in 1851 and went to America in 1870. He died there in 1929. Rolf Manfred Littell: Inspired Ecumenist M artyrology predominated in Jewish experience from time immemorial. Simon Wiesen- thal chronicled it in a day-by-day record in Every Day Remembrance Day (Henry Holt Co.). Yet, even in the tragic eras of Holocaust, Crusades, Inquisition, there was always a voice that cried out against the cruelties. There was also a decent spark, among non-Jews, that re- jected the venom and the mass murders. Those who defied the bigots often themselves became martyrs. They were the pioneers who in our day are the libertarian ecumenists. When new bigots arose, the spokespeople for justice and humanism gave momentum to new causes for decency. In our time it had the slogan "God Will" and the Round Table became a challenge under the direction of the National Conference of Chris- tians and Jews. More immediately the new term — ecumenism — became a guideline for honorable human deal- ings without which anything resembl- ing respect of worshipers of all faiths would be modified. Ecumenism itself would be weak without inspired leadership. The pre- sent time for action has brought forth the guides and enthusiasts so sorely needed for the sacred aim. To some, the generations will owe a deep debt for their devotion and enthusiasm. Franklin H. Littell occupies the posi- tion of leadership that assures continui- ty for ecumenism and the good will that goes with it. Therefore, the justified ac- claim for Faith and Freedom, a festschrift — a festival volume — that lends glory to title and contents of the assembled tributes to the scholar, teacher and leader in whose name it was compiled. Faith and Freedom (Pergamon Press) is a title, in the book's tribute to Dr. Littell, that immediately takes in- to consideration the honoree's devotion 2 FRIDAY, NOV. 20, 1987 Hasse looks at the amazing career of Emil Berliner for the Bonn-based daily, Die Welt. It is necessary to record an impor- tant fact about German attention, in the media and in official quarters, to achievements by Jews born in Germany. Such positive concerns offset the deplorable re-emergence of neo-Nazi prejudices. Another fact requiring attention in the Emil Berliner case is the perfection of his invention which was in great measure competitive with Thomas Edison's. The prejudice against Jews in the Edison career, when he had a rela- tionship with Henry Ford's anti-Semitic activities, was believed to have con- tributed to the manner in which Berliner was often ignored in the con- sideration of the history of inventions. Now it is a German interest that again provides due attention to Berliner's contributions to modern progress. The Hasse story about Berliner pays honor to the eminent scientist and inventor and adds credibility to the West German aim to exercise fairness in the treatment of Jews who stemmed from Germany. Encyclopedia Judaica has a brief yet very important resume of Emil Berliner's life and accomplishments. It states: BERLINER, EMILE (1851-1929), inventor. Born and educated in Wolfenbuettel, Ger- many, Berliner emigrated to the Emil Berliner U.S.A. in 1870. He worked in New York and Washington D.C., as a clerk, salesman, and assis- tant in a chemical laboratory. He studied electricity and in 1876 began experimenting with Bell's newly invented telephone, which he succeeded in refining with his invention of the loose- contract telephone transmitter or microphone and the use of an induction coil. The Bell Telephone Company immediate- ly purchased the rights to his in- vention, which for the first time made the telephone practical for Continued on Page 46 Noteworthy Yiddish Triumph I Franklin Littell to highest religious principles and his dedicated battle for the freedoms for all peoples. Issued on the occasion of Dr. Littells 70th birthday, the publisher of Pergamon Press, Robert Maxwell, declares that the volume is an expres- sion of the conscience of the Christian and Jewish communities. Dr. Richard Libowitz, the editor of this volume, explains in an introduction how his teacher, Franklin Littell, welcomed him to the Religion Depart- ment of Temple University. He em- phasizes especially that Dr. Littell was a devoted disciple of Reinhold Niebuhr and "has drunk deeply from the wells of intellectual and moral integrity and sought to impart his love for liberty — both religious and political — as well as the implications of that love to his own students on three continents." It is in this spirit, imbibed from Lit- tell, that the contributors to this festschrift have passed on the high idealism of a noble ecumenist to the readers and to the adherents to "faith and freedom." Continued on Page 46 t is still in the memory of many of much more than the half cen- tury mark in age — who can recall the years when it was dangerous to de- fend Yiddish in Israel. The langauge was maligned and those who dared speak it were abused. It was dangerous to plan a concert strictly in Yiddish. The pioneering halutzim conversed in Russian but Yiddish was forbidden. It was all out of the commitment to Hebrew as one of the stepping stones to statehood. Hebrew was sanctified while Yiddish was defiled. What had been Mame Loshen — Mother lbng -ue — was relegated to defilement. A revolution has taken place. Now Yiddish is a popular subject in a wide- ly acclaimed Yiddish department at Bar-Ilan University in Ramat Gan. The language studies in Yiddish have a large enrollment at the Hebrew University. Dr. Gershon Winer, who holds a Bar Ilan deanship, supervising the Yiddish programs, has just announced that in the current new school year, 39 Israeli high schools now include Yiddish in their curricula. This, Dr. Winer asserts becomes possible as a result of the leacher Training Cathedral at Bar-Ilan made possible by the Yiddish Teachers' Training Chair established by Detroiters Sarah and Morris Friedman. The revolutionary steps which again elevate Yiddish to recognition and respect as the Mame Loshen is a result of many transformations. There was a time when David Ben-Gurion reviled Yiddish. His associates were disrespectful to it. The revolution has taken place and the many positive results of it was described in a recent issue of the National Jewish Post, edited by Gabriel Cohen, in an article translated from the Yiddish by Rabbi Samuel Silver's weekly column devoted to translations of appealing articles from Yiddish periodicals, Rabbi Silver writes under the headline "40-Year Bat- tle" in his most recent column: Yiddish has achieved a modicum of recognition in Israel, having even at- tained a place in some of the school systems. But it required a 40-year uphill battle. Some of the details of that long struggle are disclosed for the first time by M. Tzanin, the language's chief protagonist, who now puts out a small daily paper, Letzte Neies (Latest News) and is one of the Forward's leg men in Israel. Tzanin told his story in a letter to the editor of a Jewish periodical, Oifn Shvel (On the Threshold) put out by the League for Yiddish. When Israel became independent, Tzanin tried to start a paper, but his effort was frown- ed on by Israeli officials. After unravel- ing much red tape, he got the okay to put out a newspaper three times a Continued on Page 46