EDITORIAL Judging Ginsburg "At least he's Jewish." That response, more than any other, is what we've heard this week from members of the Jewish communi- ty to the news of President Reagan's nomination of Judge Douglas Ginsburg to fill the vacant Supreme Court seat. The implication, of course, is that, like it or not, the Administra- tion is going to put a conservative partisan on the highest court and it may as well be a Jewish conservative. But as our Washington Correspondent James Besser points out this week (see Page 20), the situation is a delicate one for Jewish organizations, many of whom went public in their criticism of Reagan's unsuccessful first choice, Judge Robert Bork. The Ad- ministration apparently felt that by choosing the first Jew for the Supreme Court since 1969, it may be able to head off any criticism from Jewish groups. Too little is known of Judge Ginsburg's record now for anyone to make a final verdict. There are few judicial opinions or scholarly writings by which to measure his qualifications, so the role of the Senate Judiciary Committee in studying his views is crucial. We believe that Judge Ginsburg should be reviewed and judged on his merits, not as a Jew, but as a prospective member of the Supreme Court. And that Jewish organizations should neither sup- port him because of his religion, nor mute their criticism of him for that reason. It is "one of Japan's best kept secrets," according to economics expert William Stern, writing in the New York Times. In a recent Op-Ed piece entitled "Japan's Free-Trade Charade," Stern says that "most Japanese trading companies adhere to the Arab boycott, which states that any company that trades with Israel cannot sell to an Arab company." Though the U.S. and most European countries have passed laws making it illegal to comply with the boycott, the Japanese government has no such law and unofficially discourages firms from trading with Israel. "In so doing;' notes Stern, "it subverts the system of free trade that benefits all nations and puts other coun- tries that refuse to abet the Arab boycott, like the United States, at a competitive disadvantage." The issue here is both practical and moral. Japan should officially condemn the Arab boycott and actively encourage companies to trade with Israel before lobbying Washington for free trade legislation. Japan's Ugly Secret Japan has launched a major lobbying effort in the U.S. against protectionist legislation, portraying herself as a champion of free trade. But the fact is that both the government of Japan and its ma- jor commercial firms and trading houses will not do business open- ly with Israel. Among the major Japanese firms that openly discriminate against Israel are Toshiba, Nissan, Toyota, Mazda, Mit- sui, Mochida, C. Itoh, Nippon Steel, Hitachi and Sumitomo. LETTERS Soviet Vote Was Disturbing The recent vote in the UN General Assembly by the Soviet Union to bar Israel's admission casts a long shadow on the Kremlin's credibility. The Gorbachev regime, which speaks of "openness," has demonstrated by this hypocritical gesture that its foreign policy remains motivated by the same cynical power politics that characterized the pre- "glasnost" era. This disturbing action corn- pounds a long and sorry record of Soviet anti-Jewish and anti-Zionist activity at the United Nations. It reminds us that it was the Soviet Union that lobbied for the notorious General Assembly resolution attack- ing Zionism, one of the most infamous declarations ever adopted by the international community. Soviet spokesmen keep in- sisting that their country is easing the restrictions of life at home in the Soviet Union. The world has yet to see such systematic change regarding the rights of Soviet Jews. This latest Soviet vote in the UN underscores the extent to which the new "openness" in international affairs also ap- pears to be a snare and a delusion. By illuminating the darker side of Soviet reality, Moscow's anti-Israel vote at the UN undermines the trust that alone can guarantee a successful summit meeting. Morris R Abram Chairman, Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations Special Shabbat In Jerusalem Perhaps another angle might add perspective to a sad affair. When I last visited the Holy City, I met with a well-known Detroiter who had made aliyak Although always Orthodox in his per- sonal life, he has many friends in the broader com- munity of Detroit Jewry. He is the epitome of old- worldliness, courtly, perhaps to extreme. Yet as we walked to shul on the Sabbath for minchah (afternoon prayer), he cursed out loud .. . "Why?" I asked. "The city bus that just passed is star- ting its schedule before Shab- bat is out." And I suddenly had insight into what can happen to the psyche of a person after 15 years of living in that holy at- mosphere. I, a Detroiter, did not even notice the bus on its rounds. For my friend, it disturbed his essence, his life patterns were being eroded, desecrated .. . Jerusalem is unique. It is the only city in the world where Sabbath sanctity is palpable . . . Quietude and peacefulness reign as people stroll, relaxed and enjoying. And this atmosphere is not only for the Orthodox. All who live in Jerusalem imbibe its wonderful aura. How wondrous is this precious city of peace. Perhaps we should all strive to preserve its uniqueness. Udie Goldberg Oak Park ourselves that representation would not be on any other communication from General Mills. We sincerely apologize for any irritation or concern this packaging oversight might have caused. William M. Shaffer General Mills Apologizes As part of a current promo- tion, Count Chocula cereal employed a new electronic processing technique which has produced an unfortunate communication issue ("Star of David" Oct. 16) .. . While our intent was mere- ly to use Dracula's likeness in a fresh and entertaining way, the fact is the star-like medallion was present. We learned of the oversight after four million packages had been distributed. We im- mediately changed the package design for the re- maining four million packages, edited our TV com- mercials and assured Manager, Public Relations General Mills, Inc. Empty-Headed Decision The Allied Jewish Cam- paign and Jewish Welfare Federation have given millions of dollars to the Jewish Center, and for what? They now stand by silently while one of the most clever pro-PLO spokesmen has been invited to speak at the 1987 Jewish Book Fair to spread the Arab viewpoint among the Jews themselves. Former Senator James Abourezek has been given an opportunity to convince Jews Continued on Page 10