THE JEWISH NEWS ■ ININERm• ■■■•■ THIS ISSUE 60(P SERVING DETROIT'S JEWISH COMMUNITY OCTOBER 23, 1987 / 30 TISHREI 5748 Who Will Run The Jewish Agency? Diaspora leaders are pushing for a compromise between laymen and professionals EDWIN BLACK Special to the Jewish News Widespread Diaspora opposition toward the nomination of Akiva Levinsky to succeed Arye Dulzin as chairman of the Jewish Agency is creating a push for an unprecedented sharing of power between North American Jewish lay leaders and pro- fessionals in Jerusalem. If an alternative to the 70-year-old Levinsky, currently treasurer, cannot be found, key dissident Diaspora leaders say they will insist that Mendel Kaplan, the South African in- , dustrialist who has been nominated to succeed Jerrold Hoffberger as (chairman of the Jewish Agency Board of Governors, share "day to day `power" with Levinsky. Kaplan is one . of those who led the campaign to oust Dulzin. (See accompanying article on Kaplan.) The Board of Governors, compris- ed of 74 prominent Jewish leaders and philanthropists, is dominated by North Americans, and in many ways is considered the arm of Diaspora Jewry in the Jewish Agency. The Jewish Agency is a government-like body whose purposes fall primarily in the social and educa- tional realms, overseeing the distribu- tion of hundreds of millions of dollars raised outside of Israel to be distributed in Israel. Historically, there has been tension between the Diaspora `fund-raisers' and the Israeli professionals over how the agency should be run. Sudden Diaspora leverage arises out of the new and to a certain degree untested reciprocal "advise and con- sent" powers now held by both the World Zionist Organization executive and the Jewish Agency Board of Governors. Under its recent reorganization, the Board of Gover- nors must "advise and consent" to the WZO's nominee for chairman. In turn, the WZO must advise and con- sent to the Governors' chairman. A Jewish Agency insider explains, "a trade off is in the making. If the Levinsky people in Jerusalem will ratify Kaplan, then the Governors will ratify Levinsky." A denouement is expected at the regularly schedul- ed Board of Governors meeting Oc- tober 25 in Jerusalem. One of the reasons Kaplan was I CLOSE-UP I The Squiggly, Quirky World Of Cartonist Roz Chast Or, what is a nice Jewish lady from Brooklyn doing in the pages of The New Yorker? Drawing "enkers" and "soods," that's what. chosen was because he spends seven months out of the year in Jerusalem, explains Alan Marcuvitz of Milwaukee, a member of the board of governors. "He will be our point man in Jerusalem." There had been some initial con- cern about having a non-American head the board of governors for the first time — Max Fisher of Detroit and Hoffberger of Baltimore have been the only chairmen to date — and there were those wary of having a South African in the limelight at a time when Israel-South African rela- tions have come under scrutiny. Levinsky's nomination has been under increasing attack by Diaspora leaders for a variety of reasons. "He Continued on Page 18 Campaign Leaders Unruffled By Market New York (JTA) — Jewish agency professionals generally were of two bents Tuesday when asked to evaluate the effect of the rapid decline of the stock market this week on their agencies, which depend on financial gifts. Most said that fund raising would likely be impaired, but they noted that the suddenness of the drop in stock prices and the market's subse- quent volatility made accurate predic- tions impossible. But one pointed specifically to likely short-term cash- flow problems. And they all hastened to add that operations would not be diminished and that there was no panic among their major givers. In Detroit, Jewish Welfare Federa- tion and Allied Jewish Campaign of- ficials downplayed the stock market crash, viewing it as a short-term phenomenon with no major impact on local fund-raising efforts. Continued on Page 22