INSIGHT A Matter Of The Heart A serious illness _can frighten one to death and to life HAROLD SCHULWEIS Special to The Jewish News ome attribute the statement tc Santayana, others to Einstein: "We cannot know who first cliscoverec water, but we can be sure it was not the fish:' Why not the fish? Because water iL all about them; they breathe it, taste it, swim in it. For them, water is too obvious to be noticed. Could it be that only when they are caught in the fisherman's net, trembling, gasping for air, the revelation occurs to them? Water is life. Water is our life. We humans are born into life. It is in us, in our being. It pulsates in our veins. We sleep and rise up into life; and often we are late, sometimes too late, to discover it. In our infantile omnipotence, we take our im- mortality as given. To those who, like the fish, take their life support system for granted, the powerful biblical reminder — "therefore, choose life that you shall live" is addressed. When we are removed from the vital source of our energy, when we tremble, gasp for air, flail about wildly to grab at a straw of life, then it is that we catch a glimpse of the miracle of breathing, seeing, touching, hearing, smelling, feeling. In ex- tremis, old sayings, cliched greetings — "zei gesunt," "l'chayim" — sound profound truths. S Surrounded by catheters and monitors and masks and needles, faced with the real possibility of my incapacitation and my death, I am jolted by transforming reve- lations. Fear and trembling are fierce in- structors of the human spirit. "Do you not know that there comes a midnight hour when we must unmask? Do you suppose that life will forever suffer itself to be treated as a joke? Do you suppose that one can slip out a little before the midnight hour?" (Soren Kierkegaard) "Every man is a child and pain is his teacher." (Alfred de Musset). Out of sickness and pain and fear, prayers once mechanically recited, benedictions mindlessly chanted, take on a new pertinence. "Make you a new heart and a new spirit; for why will you die." (Ezekiel 18:31). I hear with new ears, I see with new eyes this prayer I have recited from my childhood: THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 87