‘Furstenberg' Has German Origin L'Chayim's "What's In a Name" column recently received an inquiry about the family name, Furstenberg. This name was probably adopted by an ancestor who lived in the German city of Furst. It was also used later in Poland, Hungary and Sweden. The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia has an article about Pontus Furstenberg, a wealthy Swedish gentleman (1827-1902). The family Furstenberg is also discussed in a brief history of the Jews of Sweden (many were originally from Germany), 18th to early 20th Century: Det Svenska Israel: Fran Aaron Isaac till Marcus Ehrenpreis, by Lazarus Rothchild. There are also non-Jewish families using the name Furstenberg. * * * Many Jewish family names, both Ashkenazic and Sephardic, evolved from a locality or place of origin. We must remember, however, that some prominent names were copied or adapted by others. Some examples of surnames taken from geographical locations follow: Agranati is a Sephardic name which originated in Granada, Spain. Altschul/Altschuler/Altschueler is a very interesting surname. It was adopted by 14th Century Jews who fled Prague from Provence, France. Legend has it that they carried parts of their old synagogue with them and rebuilt it in Prague. Thus the name "Alt Shut." The name was also used by later generations of Jews born in Prague. The historic Alt Shul still stands in the old Jewish Quarter of Prague. The surname Ash/Asch is sometimes thought to be an abbreviation for Alt Shul. In the 16th Century the Jewish People were expelled from Prague and the family and the name spread to Russia, Poland and Lithuania. The Jewish Encyclopedia has three family trees and many biographies. Amsterdam is a name taken from the city in Holland where Sephardic and Ashkenazic Jews found a haven. Auerbach/Auerbacher/Awerbuch/Orbach/Urbach. This name was derived from the town of Auerbach, Germany. The American Jewish Archives and Leo Baeck Institute have much information on this family. Genealogical material can be found in The Unbroken Chain, by Neil Rosenstein. * * * Bacharach/Bachrach/Bacher/Baker. This is the name of a family originating in Bacharach, Germany. Brody/Braude/Braudes/Braudo/Brod/Brodsky/Broder. These are all variations on a name from the Galician town of Brody. In Russian and Polish, Brody is a ford or shallow place in a river. There was also another town named Brod in Germany. The Encyclopaedia Judaica, Jewish Encyclopedia and The Unbroken Chain, all contain material on this family. * * * Dresner is a surname originating in the city of Dresden, Germany. Lubin/Lublin are from the city of Lublin, Poland. Oppenheim/Oppenheimer come from Oppenheim, a town in Germany. * * Pollock/Pollack/Polak is the name of people who came from Poland. Scheinberg/Schein/Scheinman/Scheinfeld/Schenfeld. This may be a name derived from the Yiddish for the Prussian town of Schoenberg. Sulzberg/Sulzberger. These are German towns. Ulman is a town in Germany. WertheimNVertheimer are names coming from German towns. Did you ever wonder where your last name came from? Did it come from an ancestor's profession? Was it derived from the town in which an ancestor lived? Would you like to know the origins of your family name? Each month Betty Provizer Starkman will discuss, according to available information, the probable source of a Jewish family surname. If you would like to know the derivation of your family name, send it to Mrs. Starkman c/o L'Chayim, The Jewish News, 20300 Civic Center Dr., Suite 240, Southfield, 48076. Betty Provizer Starkman is the past president and founder of the genealogical branch of the Jewish Historical Society of Michigan. Rabbi Nelson describes the ritual objects used when reciting Havdalah. Havdalah Ritual Continued from Page L-2 blessing over spices is said in order to cheer the soul, which is saddened at the departure of the Shabbat. Just as the spices' aroma lingers in the air, it is hoped that the memories of Shabbat will infuse future hours. While reciting the blessing over the spices, it is customary for a box of aromatic spices to be passed around to the participants in the cermony. What's the role of family in the Havdalah ceremony? Here the possibilities are endless. During the week children should be encouraged to fashion for themselves the special objects used in the ritual. I still cherish the spice boxes my children created and their handmade candles with double wicks, made in accordance with the blessing: "Be praised, Lord our God, Ruler of the universe, who creates the lights (note the plural, hence more than one wick is required) and fires." Once the objects are assembled, the real opportunity for a special family celebration is at hand. In many families, the children vie for the privilege of holding the wine cup, the spice box and especially the lighted candle. What unfolds is a marvelous moment of spirituality. In less than three minutes, you have enticed the whole family to stand together and enjoy a moment of tranquility that is all-embracing. Why? All of the senses have been appealed to in the ceremony. The candle is seen, the spices are smelled, the wine is tasted, the melodies are heard and the objects are being touched as they are held and, at the conclusion, family members embrace and wish each other "Shavuah Tov!" (Good week!). The significance of reciting Havdalah is that it incredibly strengthens family ties, family unity. How often can we stand together in prayer and bless each other for the coming week and drink a l'chayim to one another? There are many families who have this, perhaps the most sacred moment in their weekly routine. In an age when families need to create strong and positive memories, what better way to do so than by chanting Havdalah together? THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS L 7 -