Federated Endowment Fund When we speak of an endowment fund, too often the pictures that come to mind are numbers. We're im- pressed, for example, that this year Detroit's Jewish community has achieved $30 million of a $100 million Federated Endowment Fund goal. But numbers don't tell the real story. In human terms, this is what endowments are doing for our community: • A memorial fund honoring the name of a philan- thropic couple will enable children and elderly persons without means to participate in programs at the Jewish Community Center. Everyone gains from an endowment fund. The above examples illustrate how the community is benefiting. But the donor wins, too—because he or she can per- petuate the family name, reap financial incentives and— most important—feel certain that the commitment of a lifetime and the good things our community does will continue into the future. I arri very proud of the achievements made this year by our Federated Endowment Fund. They are true to the goals of our organized community—and assure its strength from generation to generation. George M. Zeltzer • The funds of several Detroiters are helping the Jew- ish Family Service relieve the burden of those who care for chronically ifl relatives at home. • A woman who was assisted by Resettlement Service many years ago bequeathed her entire estate for the benefit of new immigrants. I could relate many other stories like these. They illus- trate the breadth of our unique program that brings to- gether charitable individuals, the agencies that render service and the financial expertise of the Jewish Welfare Federation and its United Jewish Charities. There are several options for involvement. One of them, the Allied Jewish Campaign Permanent Endowment Fund, added $1 million to our 1987 fund-raising effort on behalf of Jews in Detroit, Israel.and around the world. JEFF (Jewish Experiences For Families)— a program to enhance Jewish life. made possible through endowment funding. FEDERATED ENDOWMENT FUND Assets as of June 30, 1986 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 Endowment Director Joe lmberman with Chairman George Zeltzer