YEAR IN REVIEW 5747 YEAR INF -7\/IET JOHN DEMJANJUK, a retired U.S. auto worker, went on trial in January in Jerusalem, accused of having been a brutal guard at Treblinka known as Ivan the Terrible. Israelis have shown great interest in the trial, which has not concluded. WZPS/Scoop 89 ;n o _ .WA4PC 111 4,31441- I 1.4417 .4 Kt :A~ L-itk4..444 i4, 1 —dkalai. name: ti-saa/"' dastactar S AcLuMg. 412.04 zu ISRAELI CITIZENS rallied to Pollard's cause, collecting several hundred thousand dollars on behalf of the convicted spy. Religious News Service YEAR OF THE TRI A L Am. AN. AX/ r+ rrr ne__Ancry ,VailtiP onsmandiert a J - 3 - *1. iiiirobsounnntlied A CAMP GUARD PASS, issued to Ivan Demjanjuk, was in- troduced in Demjanjuk's trial as evidence that he was the sadistic Religious News Service Treblinka guard, "Ivan the Terrible."